Gabriel Moran to coach the FBYC Laser Race Team

David Lennarz on

Junior Activities

Screen%20Shot%202012-01-28%20at%2010.43.31%20PM.pngFBYC is pleased to announce that it has hired Gabriel Moran to coach the FBYC Laser Race Team in 2012. Gabriel hails from Salinas Yacht Club in Ecuador, where his sailing began at the age of 9. Coached by past FBYC coaches Alejandro Cloos of Argentina and Juan Carlos Romero of Ecuador, Gabriel quickly excelled at the sport. He was named National Champion in Optis in Ecuador and placed 4th at the South Americans. Moving into Lasers and Sunfish several years later, Gabriel placed 4th at the Sunfish South Americans and finished in the youth Laser Gold Fleet at the Laser Worlds in Fortaleza, Brazil. His sailing continued in Lasers under the guidance of Julio Alsogaray (top 5 in the …


George Burke on

Offshore Racing

The following 2 courses, both easily accessible to FBYC PROs, race committee volunteers, and any members interested in learning practical race management, will be held in March:

**March 10,
  - USSAILING (Basic) One-Day Race Management
(Irvington)- OPEN TO
; great information for all folks who want to join the race committee
team. Also, meets seminar requirement for Club Race Officer certification or
renewal and will offer test (optional to participants) that is required for CRO
certification. Cost: $50 for US Sailing member ($95 for non-USSA members)  All
materials and refreshments throughout the day and lunch are included.  John
McCarthy is primary instructor.  Click on this site.  …

FBYC Again Invited to Premiere NYYC Event

Noel Clinard on


2010icqualifingseries12The New York Yacht Club has invited FBYC to compete in the 2012 U.S. Qualifying Series (“USQS”) for the 2013 Invitational Cup (“IC”). This is the second time we have been invited to this premiere event. In 2010, the Club Team of Travis Weisleder, Rob Whittemore, Lud Kimbrough and Ben Buhl brought us honor by finishing in the top ten finalist round of the USQS. It is an extraordinary recognition of FBYC for us to be re-invited to the most prestigious event in amateur Corinthian yachting.

The USQS will continue the format in which U.S. teams compete in two fleets of one-design keelboats, as they vie to be one of only three domestic yacht clubs to compete in …

Nanuq Finishes Ft. Lauderdale to Key West Race

Jon Deutsch on

Club News

Glenn & EmilyNanuq and crew sailed their way to a 2nd place finish in PRHF B and 6th overall in the Ft. Lauderdale to Key West race.  Crewmember Stephanie Sweeny also won a handle of rum for the Social Media award for making the most posts about the progress of the racing on the SORC Sailing Facebook page.

The race started Wednesday afternoon with 5' seas in 20knots with a course leading the fleet upwind.  By the next morning the wind had disappeared almost entirely and Nanuq found they were able to make better progress under spinnaker with the pole on the deck.

Thursday morning

24 hours into the race and still becalmed many of the competitors started worrying the wind wouldn't …

Nanuq starting the Ft. Lauderdale to Key West Race

Jon Deutsch on

Club News

Nanuq, Glen Doncaster’s Sabre 42, is set to take place in the Ft. Lauderdale to Key West Race that starts today and will end in Key West in 2 1/2 – 3 days.  Nanuq is competing in the 9-boat PRHF fleet and is looking to repeat last year’s podium finish. The crew mostly from FBYC are finishing their final preparations for a 1pm EST start.  Track their progress here or visit the regatta website:  Updates from the crews and the race organizers will be posted on the SORC Facebook Page.

Nanuq - Ft Lauderdale, Key West Race

Crew are: Glen Doncaster,Narda Roja, Emily Doncaster, Kelly O’Toole, Alex O’Toole, Janet Moyers, Amy McGlynn, Stephanie Sweeney, John Behen, Matt Newborn, Andrew …

Required Virginia Boating Safety Course

Andy Soyars on

Cruising News

On March 10th, the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary will be conducting the "Safety-at-Sea" course at our clubhouse for the benefit of our members and their families.   The Commonwealth of Virginia has now begun requiring passage of this course for operators of all vessels powered by motors of 10 horsepower or larger.   Beginning July 31st, all such operators 30 years of age or younger will be required to present a card/license showing successful completion when stopped.

Participation in this year's course will be limited to 50 attendees. Last year was a complete sellout so be sure to sign up on the website at your earliest convenience.

Coffee and Danish plus a light lunch will be served …

Flying Scots Reach Major Milestone

John Beery on

Flying Scots

History-Making Flying Scot #6000 On Display in Chicago

Deep Creek, MD - The 6000th Flying Scot has been built and will be on display at Chicago's Strictly Sail boat show January 26-29 at the Navy Pier. After the show it will be delivered to its new owner, Dan Koules, who requested the number and ordered the boat more than two years ago. Koules sails out of Sheridan Shores Yacht Club in Wilmette, Illinois, where Flying Scots are the most active fleet in club racing.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

JobsonMemoirCover1.jpgJanuary 10, 2012 -   TOMORROW   Gary Jobson - Sailing: Speed and Passion - (NOTE - Tickets will be available to the door).  OPEN TO ALL - hosted by FISHING BAY YACHT CLUB at the Hilton Garden Inn (Richmond) - Cocktails at 5:30pm, program at 6:30pm.  Cost includes light hors d'ouvres, coffee, tea, soft drinks (there will be a cash bar) - $20 per person, FBYC members $15.  Gary, in his own special, comfortable style,  will cover  the America's Cup, preview the 2012 Olympics, and talk ocean racing.  

Southern Bay Racers will soon be racing in Florida.  Fort Lauderdale to Key West Race - start is THIS  WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11.  There are three (3) southern Bay boats racing …

FBYC Sailors Top in 2011 CORUM Cup High Points

David Lennarz on

Junior Activities

CORUM Cup High Point results for 2011 have just recently been released.  FBYC had fantastic results in both Opti and Laser Radial classes. 

All ten FBYC Opti Race Team sailors finished in the top half (out of 129), with three in the top 10.

Our Laser Race Team sailors finished in the top 5 out of 62 sailors total.

I extend a special congratulations to Opti Race Team member Jed Londry, who finished 1st in the Opti class, and to Jeremy Herrin, who finished 1st in the Laser Radial class.

To view full results, visit:

I would like to also extend a great big "Thanks!" to FBYC's Danelle Powers for serving as …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

CBYRA Region 4 (Southern Chesapeake Bay) Scorer, Tom Roberts,  has completed the scoring for the region NORTH and SOUTH Divisions for the High Point Awards.  These are preliminary results and show only the top contenders  in each fleet (CBYRA members).  Eventually, all will be posted at the CBYRA website. Congratulations! 
REG 4 - SOUTH DIVISION (from Hampton Roads/North Carolina to north of the York River) PHRF A:  1.David Eberwine (HYC), Sea Star; 2.Phil Briggs (HYC), Feather;  3.Bob Mosby (HYC), Cyrano: 4.Leroi Lissenden (HYC), Voodoo2    PHRF B:  1.Bob Archer (HYC), Bad Habit; 2.Dennis Hannick (DYC), Goin'; 3.Greg Cutter (HYC), Gremlin PHRF C: 1.Justin Morris (HYC), The …

Carina starts Sydney Hobart Race on Dec 26

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing

Carina starts the Sydney Hobart Race of Dec 26.  There is a good article about Carina at 

A Real American family adventure

Not much more than a year ago, 26 year old Walker Potts and his cousin Rives’ ocean racing experience was focussed on Newport, Rhode Island and especially the annual Newport-Bermuda ocean race. 

By the time they get back to Newport in June next year, they will have seen much of the world and racked up an exponentially expanded racing and ocean passage CV that wasn’t even on the radar a year ago,

The Transatlantic Race. The Rolex Fastnet Race. Now the Rolex Sydney Hobart.  And the thousands of …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK 2012 (Welcome and check-in, Thursday, May 31 with racing June 1, 2,& 3) has again partnered with the downtown Hampton Crowne Plaza Marina Hotel to accommodate racers  at a special basic per night rate of $110, which includes parking.  Make your ressies now - go to  and use the special booking code SBR to book on line or call 1-888-233-9527 and say you are coming to Southern Bay Race Week 2012.  The Crowne Plaza is on the waterfront and within an easy walk of regatta headquarters at Hampton Yacht Club. 

MARINE EVENT APPLICATIONS - The Coast Guard has set up a user friendly electronic system for submitting Marine Event Applications …

Winter Program - Unlocking the Racecourse

Diane Simon on

Social Events


Join Us For This Exclusive Look At Buoy Racing

Ullman-Sails-Seminars-David-Ullman.jpg Ullman Sails presents a new seminar that gives you an inside look into how sailing’s top competitors tackle the racecourse. With insight from some of our most decorated sailors, “Unlocking the Racecourse” will walk you through each stage of a typical race day and cover key strategies used by the pros to sail and win consistently. Our panel of experts will cover all types of racing and positions, whether you sail a dinghy, sportboats, handicap or one design.

When: February 15, 2012
Cocktails 5:30-6:30 pm Program 6:30 pm
Where: Doubletree by Hilton Hotel - Richmond Airport Map link
From the West: Take I-64 East to Exit …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

KUDOS are in order for your CBYRA.   The 2011 Board of Directors reported at the annual meeting Saturday that the organization's previously overwhelming debt (many thousands of dollars) has been paid off.   Under the leadership of CBYRA President Karin Mazi, the organization reported a final figure in the black for the first time in a number of years.  And, it was done without dues increases - "We made difficult cuts," Mazi said, "and we had a very successful CBYRA (Annapolis) Race Week."

JINGLE YOUR HOLIDAY SPIRIT BELLS!    Mike Veraldi, J24, Quicky, is the main man behind a drive to collect toys for the FOR KIDS organization, serving families all year and with this special effort in the holiday …

Gary Jobson Presents Sailing: Speed and Passion

Diane Simon on

Social Events

JobsonMemoirCover1.jpg When:  January 10, 2012
Cocktails 5:30-6:30 pm

Program 6:30 pm

Where: Hilton Garden Inn – Downtown Richmond
501 East Broad St. - the former Miller & Rhodes building

Cost:  $15 Members       $20 Non Members
(Includes light hors d’ouvres, coffee, tea soft drinks, cash bar)

Optional Book:  "Gary Jobson An American Sailing Story" $26.95
Program and book would make a great Christmas gift for the sailor on your list!

Gary will be autographing books at the event.

Presented by:  FBYCWinter Programs.  Event Website

Register online at:

Jobson_7215.jpg Program:  Gary Jobson Presents- Sailing: Speed and Passion

  • America’s Cup 1851-2013
  • Preview 2012 Olympics
  • Ocean Racing …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

To Fiddler's Green.  This past week Lester L. Hudgins, Jr., succumbed to cancer.  Lester was a southern Bay legend who will be fondly remembered especially for his time racing his C&C, Defiance, on the Bay and beyond.  Lester turned a lot of folks on to competitive sailing and there will be many a toast raised in his honor and his memory.

 OP SAIL coming in June 2012.   OpSail 2012 Virginia™  organizers have announced the first participating ships, including fourteen tall ships and naval vessels from eleven different countries, and more ships are expected to announce in coming weeks.  OpSail 2012 Virginia™ events will span the Commonwealth.  Affiliate ports include the cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake …

2012 Draft Schedule

Jon Deutsch on

Club News

The 2012 sailing events committee, led by vice commodore George Burke, has been meeting over the couple of weeks to set the schedule for 2012. There may still be a view changes, but as this is finalized it will be loaded permanently on the website.

2012 Fishing Bay Yacht Club Sailing Events Schedule
Day Date Offshore One Design Junior Cruising Social (FBYC Main House)
Sat Apr-7

Sun Apr-8 Easter Easter Easter Easter  
Sat Apr-14 Opening Day
Opening Day Opening Day Opening Day Dinner
Sun Apr-15 Spring Series #1        
Sat Apr-21 Spring Series #2

Sun Apr-22   One Design Opening Day (FS/FR)      
Sat Apr-28 Spring Series #3

Sun Apr-29   …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

Your PHRF at work.   As a follow-up on the PHRF Annual General Meeting, from Mike Dale, President of PHRF of the Chesapeake comes a brief update on the southern Bay area, CBYRA  Region 4.    First , for 2012  fleet splits for Region 4, both North and South Divisions, will remain the same as in 2011.   Keep the fleet splits in your pocket when you go to talk to the boat broker.    Second,  if you provide spinnaker information on your rating application, both ratings (spin and non-spin) will be assigned automatically.  It is on you to provide required rig/sail dimension information.  Handicappers know a lot, they say, but they cannot provide numbers only you have.   Third …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters