Spring Boat Outfitting Seminar by RRYC Highlights Engine, Electrical Systems
"Preparation for spring boat outfitting of engine and electrical systems" will
highlight a seminar scheduled for Saturday, March 4, 9:00 am to 3:00 at the
Rappahannock River Yacht Club sponsor of the event at their Irvington
The seminar is open to the public and free of charge.
Participants may attend either the morning session, or the afternoon session, or
both. Lunch is available for $5.00 with advance notice, or participants are
welcome to bring a brown bag lunch. Advance reservations are requested: call
804-438-6650, leaving name, telephone number and whether you wish to
reserve lunch for $5.00 or will bring your own brown bag. The …
Vice-President for Region 4, Tom Roberts has announced that the
CBYRA Region High Point Awards (2005) Presentation Dinner will be
held at Fishing Bay Yacht Club on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th. Plans
are for the soiree to begin around 5-5:30 pm with a social gathering, followed
by dinner and the actual awards presentation at 7:00 pm. Watch for
detailed info regarding menu and cost in coming issues. Attendees will be
able to register on line at the FBYC website once menu and pricing specifics are
firm. Remember, this is a great opportunity to see friends receive awards
for last year's accomplishments.
KEY WEST RACE WEEK Tuesday Toppled Cash Flow
and Wairere Hopes. High winds - more than
30 knots according to unofficial reports - and choppy seas,
contributed to a short event for two North Carolina boats at 2006 KWRW.
After getting off to a great start on Day One with a 1st and a 6th in the PHRF 3
(15 boats) fleet, Lloyd Griffin's Hadley 40, Cash
Flow, lost her mast in Race 3 on Day 2 of the event. In the same race
on the same day Peter Hunter's Thompson 30,
Wairere (PHRF 2 (8 boats) fleet lost her stick. Neither
boat was able to make repairs to continue racing later in the
week. Meanwhile, a …
Full details are available at at this link . You will notice you are asked to pay $1 to register to sell stuff, $1 to register to sell boats, and $7.50 per head for Dick's dinner.
The purpose of the $1 fees is so we can capture who is selling what, it wil give you a chance to describe your stuff and the the web site will attempt to display your listings, and thereby the buyers will be salivating!!
While we sit here in the gray, gloom of January,
experiencing the Monday morning blahs, some of our number, the currently Lucky
Ones, are heading for the starting line at Key West Race Week. Think about
it, pour another cup of coffee, and resolve to go in 2007
MIRAGE Takes 2nd in Class in 2006 Fort
Lauderdale to Key West Race ! Southern Bay skipper
Christian Schaumloffel and his crew on his Hobie 33,
Mirage, finished 2nd (of 7) in their PHRF class and 5th overall in the
fleet of 36 in this well known dash along the Florida Atlantic coast .
Mirage traveled by trailer to Lauderdale to race and, following the
successful finish in Key West …
Press gangs were used through the mid-1800's to provide crew for Her Majesty's Navy. Most of the crew who were pressed into service had prior sailing experience on trading ships. Given the ongoing need for crew at FBYC a latter day version of a press gang will be operating in Richmond over the next three days. All members are welcome to visit the Richmond Boat show and they may get lucky and see the gang in action.
The Richmond Boat Show opens at the Convention Center on Friday at 1 pm and runs through Sunday. Norton Yacht Sales are allowing the club to set up a table at one of their displays and this will be manned throughout …
Well known sailor and author (22 books), John
Rousmaniere, will be in Richmond on February 10, at the Sun Trust
Auditorium (downtown). His presentation on "Great Yachts, Great
Sailors, and Great Races" is sponsored by Fishing Bay Yacht Club. For info
contact Cam Hoggan at (804) 285-6443. Cost is $20 and open to
Southern Bay Racing News You Can
Use Racing Rules Seminar - January
28, 2006, Saturday, 0900 - 1500, at Hampton Yacht Club. Fee of
$20 defers cost of materials, refreshments, and LUNCH. Seminar
presented by John McCarthy. For info or to register, contact
John or Lin McCarthy at (757) 850-4225. Pre-registration is
strongly advised. To guarantee yourself a prime seat, register and …
To Fiddler's Green: Alice
Eberwine passed on Saturday. Alice was beloved mate of 61 years
to Bumps Eberwine and mother to David Eberwine. The father-son team has
long dominated the southern Bay PHRF A racing scene in their J36, Sea
Star. Alice will be remembered as a person to whom sweet and
lovely always applied. She was honored with special reverence by
those who knew her best - her family.
Southern Bay Racing News You Can
Use Racing
Rules Seminar - January 28, 2006, Saturday, 0900 - 1500,
at Hampton Yacht Club. Fee of $20 defers cost of materials,
refreshments, and LUNCH. Seminar presented by John
McCarthy. Early registration is strongly advised.
To guarantee …
Merry Christmas to all at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. The scene to the left is visible from Jackson Creek - and I assume was put togther by Dixon Cole for the Jackson Creek Christmas event - and for the enjoyment of all our neighbors.
Please click Read More for a more personal Christmas greeting from your web site person's family!
The FBYC Cruising Division is planning its calender for the 2006 season. We now call this to everyone's attention because there may be some among you who are not listed in the cruising@fbyc.net directory, are therefore not receiving the division's planning announcements, but would like to do so. If you are in this gruop, please contact Mary Spencer so that you may be added to the division's email directory. Below is a preliminary calender of events for everyone's review and input to George at burkeg@paraccess.com.
2006 Cruising Division Schedule (draft#1)
April 1 Cruising Division cocktails and hors doeuvres at FBYC clubhouse to review plans for the season and help Chip …
Mark your January calendar: Get ready to
Sizzle in '06 !
Southern Bay Racing News You Can
Use Racing Rules Seminar - January
28, 2006, Saturday, 0900 - 1500, at Hampton Yacht Club. Fee of
$20 defers cost of materials, refreshments, and
lunch. Seminar presented by John McCarthy. For info or
to register now, contact John or Lin McCarthy at (757)
850-4225. Early registration is strongly advised since seating
is limited.
NEW YEAR'S MADNESS RACE - Sunday, January 1,
2006. Co-sponsored by OPCYC and HYC. If you enter NLT 5 PM
Saturday, December 24, Christmas Eve, you will save $10 on the entry
fee. Start the day with a hot breakfast at HYC (opens at 0900 …
At the FBYC Board Meeting tonight, we were all surprised when Sharon Bauer arrived at the conclusion of the meeting, in very close sychronization with Rear Commodore Ric Bauer's announcement near the end of the meeting, under OLD BUSINESS that David Hazlehurst will be 75 years old tomorrow!!!!
We shared a beautiful cake and wished David many Happy more!
2006 PHRF Southern Bay Fleet Splits Remain
Unchanged for 2006: It's official - the PHRF Class
splits for the southern Bay (Region 4) remain the same as last
year. PHRF A - up to 115; PHRF B - 116 to
166; PHRF C - 167 and higher. PHRF Non-spinnaker
will be sailed allowing two headsails downwind unless the sailing
instruction specifically states differently.
Don't wait to renew or apply for your 2006 valid rating
certificate. If you have made changes to the boat, sails, etc.
, get your paperwork started right away, since the handicappers review all
changes before issuing the 2006 …
Scuttlebutt provides intereting reading with the final resuts of the Lightning Worlds sailed in Chile in yesterdays issue. Bob Wardwell finished a very respectable 10th. The winner, Tito Gonzalez, a perpetual winner in several classes sails out of Miami. One of his crew, Christian Herman, was first in the Apprentice Division at the Laser Masters Worlds sailed in Algarrobo, Chile in October '97, and is a good friend of Senor Juan Romero, our Opti coach in '05, and our two coaches for the coming season. One of the techniques South American countries use to develop world class sailors like Robert Scheidt and Torben Grael from Brazil, is to select promising sailors and put them on the water five or more …
The Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge has outgrown their
Zahniser's Yachting Center headquarters location. The regatta
has been headquartered at Z's for the last 13 year's, but space has become an
issue, thanks in great part to you, the racers, who continue to return year
after year and to bring newbies with you. So, the headquarters location
for 2006 will be just up the creek at the Holiday Inn Select in
Solomons. Screwpile Chairman, LG Raley, made the
change announcement "with sadness and joy at the same time,"
expressing appreciation for the long standing, successful partnership between
SPLC and Zahniser's and looking forward to the future in the …
FBYC Three Week Italian Cruise/Tour April 29-May 20, 2006
The FBYC Cruising Division is going to Italy for a tour and cruise in 2006 that you wont want to miss! Wayland Rennie has developed a land tour that will include the regions of Tuscany and Umbria, as well as four days in Rome. The one week cruise on 40 plus yachts will depart from Naples and tour the Bay of Naples with anchorages at such scenic spots as Capri, Amalfi, Ischia, Sorrento, and Procida. You may evaluate some of the cruise destinations by going to www.capriweb.com. There are multiple photos and itineraries to provide ample information on the wonderful historical areas that we will visit.
This item is from today's Scuttlebutt and is a good example of what can happen if you encourage your kids to sail. Our daughter after time out to provide us with two grand daughters sails a white boat with pink stripes and a spinnaker you'll never forget. Think about it, sailing is for life and what better way to keep your family together than on the water.
Nashotah, Wis. -- Sally Barkow was a kid when she first flashed the
competitive spirit that would help make her a world champion sailor. Her
older brother, Carl, could not skipper a sailboat for a regatta on tiny
Pine Lake where the family lived 30 miles west of Milwaukee …
Two hundred eighty-seven years ago to the day,
November 21, 1718, Lieutenant Robert Maynard of the British
Navy stuck Blackbeard the Pirate's head on a pole and
stuck the pole at the entrance to Hampton River as a deterrent to
other pirates. Except for the frequent appearance of numerous
sailboat racers, the deterrent to "troublemakers" seems to have
worked. (For the uninitiated, Blackbeard, aka Edward Teach, did not
play well with others. Eddie loved to terrorize his victims by
putting lighted candles in his wild, black beard and swinging his saber at
them, so you know he ran with scissors too. )
FROSTBITE #4 - Light to no wind =
abandoned race = additional NFL-watching! No matter:
FROSTBITE #5 will go …
This past Sat. & Sun, Nov. 5-6, two FBYC Flying Scots traveled to LNYC (Lake Norman Yacht Club) in Mooresville, North Carolina. Noel Clinards, Doubloon and John Hubbards, Fathom Knot II, traveled in convoy 6 hrs. to compete at LNYC 8th Annual Fall 48 & Carolina District Flying Scot Championships. Forty-five Scots competed over two beautiful days in winds from 2 to 18 knots.
Larry Vitez, Flying Scot Fleet Captain, and LNYC were excellent hosts. They provided accommodations on the clubs 25 acre site for many of the sailors and provided a good meal and revelry Saturday night. Larry and other Scot sailors gave us the royal treatment as several of …
On Sunday, October 30, three Flying Scots from FBYC and three Scots from RRYC (Rappahannock River Yacht Club) traveled to LOWSC (Lake of The Woods Sailing Club) just west of Fredericksburg, to compete for LOWSC's Fall Invitational Team Racing. FBYC was represented by Noel Clinard &M ike Schmidt, Len & Barbara Guenther, John Hubbard & Debbie Cycotte. All together 9 Scots (3 teams of 3) were involved in a series of races to determine the best team. It was great fun, and involved strategies foreign to typical regatta racing, like doubling back on the race course to block and slow opponents while team mates advanced. Fortunately, no spinnakers were used or things could have gotten hairy quickly! FBYC won …