Website software upgrades to continue

Strother Scott on

Club News

Having successfully tested the next Zope upgrade, we plan to install it on the web site over the next few days.  We do expect that it will cause some breakage which we will fix as they arise. 

Please let Strother know if you run across any errors.

When this last upgade is installed, we will have our web software entirely up to date.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

TARTAN TEN  Class reactivating Fleet 10 on the Chesapeake.  The T-10s hope to have a fleet in place to race in the Annapolis NOODs in early Spring.  Plans are to have an organizational meeting in December or January  to encourage members' discussion, election of a Fleet Captain and Fleet Measurer, and finalize a schedule for 2012.  Miles Booth has contact info and can point interested folks in the right direction.  Miles' email address is   This is a great opportunity for Tartan 10 owners.
FROSTBITE #3  is in the books - good racing, plenty of wind.  The breeze climbed to 20+ when the clouds rolled in and boats and crews had a good romp …

2011 Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner

Jon Deutsch on

Club News

Highlight video from our Annual Meeting & Awards dinner:

New flag officers:


The following awards were given at the Annual Awards Ceremony on Saturday, November 12. A complete set of pictures can be found here.

Matthew Fontaine Maury Bowl – FBYC’s Highest Award: awarded for outstanding contributions to FBYC – Not Awarded


Piankatank Trophy - awarded to the skipper who most exemplifies the principle that "all is not lost until the boat sinks" – Wayland R. Rennie


Commodore's Bowl - awarded on an alternating year basis to the outstanding skipper in Offshore and One-Design events for the year based on performance and participation - D. Bradford Miller  


Annual Race Committee Trophy - awarded to the FBYC member who has made the greatest …

Awards Party Registration Extended

Mary Spencer on


Annual Meeting and Awards Party

Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Country Club of Virginia
James River Club House
709 South Gaskins Road

Jon Moody has extended the registration period until 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10th. If you have not made your reservations, please do so now.


Register and pay online with a credit card at or contact Jon by email at

Name: ___________________________________________

# ___ Members $______, #____ Children $_____ Total $_____


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDED YESTERDAY - SUNDAY MORNING.  If you are at work an hour early, they probably will not pay overtime!


SEA STAR,   COOL CHANGE,   ROUNDABOUT,  and  VIRGINIA  H   are 2011 CCV High Point Champions.   The party's over. . .  for 2011 and Saturday night at the Cruising Club of Virginia's annual  year end bash High Point trophies were handed out.  This year CCV based their awards on  7 days of racing scattered over the entire season.  HIGH POINT AWARD RECIPIENTSPHRF A - 1st: Dave Eberwine, Sea Star2nd: Phil Briggs, Feather.    PHRF B …

Laser Frostbite Regatta Results

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

The final sailing event of the 2011 season at Fishing Bay Yacht Club was the Laser Frostbite regatta on Sunday.  7 Lasers came out for some short-course racing in North East winds in Fishing Bay.  Under mostly clear skies with water temperatures in the 50's and air temperatures in the 60's our PRO Mike Karn got us 7 races.

Ron Thompson was the most consistent with only one race out of the top 3 to win the day.  Michael Moore, also with all but one top 3 finishes edged out Jon Deutsch for 3rd.

Thanks to the Hampton Roads sailors who came up and joined us and thanks to Mike Karn and Lisa Suhay for …

Annual Meeting On-line Registration issues

Jon Moody on

Social Events

We have been having trouble with online registration - and finally - sort of - have it working again. 

  • Some people have been able to register for CCV and pay this afternoon. 
  • Others have registered - selected dinners to buy - but they don't show up on the Payment Page- and they get an error when they pay - because they are paying for nothing. 
  • Please register if you plan on coming.  If necessary - just don't add the dinners to buy - but please put a note in the Comment Box that you will be paying for X number of dinners at the door.
  • If all else fails - simply email Jon Moody that you want a reservation.

Web site issues continue

Strother Scott on

Club News

We are upgrading our site software but in the meantime many of the website features are not working - like

  • On Line Registration
  • Event Pages

We are aware of the issues and hopefully will get the important parts working soon.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

FBYC Fall One Design Series final standings: Front Runners (9 boats) - 1) Matt Braun, 2) Mark Stephens, 3) Chris Rouzie, 4) Lee Fairinholt. Flying Scot (15 boats) - 1) Len Guenther, 2) Noel Clinard, 3) Rob Whittemore, 4) John Hubbard.

RRYC Flying Scot Invitational: 1. Jerry & Andrea Latell (RRYC); 2. Tom Gallagher & Pete Cookson (GRSA); 3.Hal Starke & Ron Mihills

DAYLIGHT SAVE TIME ENDS THIS  COMING SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6th at 0200 (2AM) - Fall back and snooze one more hour!

The Caribbean 1500 departs Hampton on Monday, Nov 7th -  ergo , there are possible crewbies around for Sunday's Frostbite racingIn previous years, Carib1500 sailors have been delighted for a break from their  "preparing-to-go" mode and …

Conclusion of 2011 Offshore Season

David Clark on

Offshore Racing

Yesterday finished up the Offshore racing season.  Unfortunately, because of the weather the Staggered Start Race was canceled.  However, the Oyster Roast went ahead and everyone had a good time. 

The awards were presented for the Long Distance and Fall Series. 

Long Distance Series PHRF A - Afterthough, PHRF B - Shenanigan, PHRF C - Schiehallion, Non- Spinnaker, Red Sky.  Congratulations to the winning skippers and crew.

Fall Series PHRF A - Double Eagle, PHRF B - Elancer, PHRF C, Horizon.  Again, congratulations to the winning skippers and crew.

Although our season was a bit curtailed by either too much wind or not enough wind, the racing was close and at times very exiting. 

Thank you for the …

Closing Day Regatta

Jon Deutsch on

Offshore Racing

Fellow Skippers,

As you are no doubt aware the weather forecast for tomorrow's Closing Day Regatta is not looking good.

The decision to run the race or not will be taken tomorrow morning at the club. If the race is canceled we will be going ahead with the presentation of the Long Distance and Fall Series trophies. This will happen at 12 noon in the Clubhouse followed by the Oyster Roast. So please come and take part in the award presentation and of course the Oyster Roast, remember to bring a share dish and your oyster knife.

The rain and wind will not stop us from eating, drinking and having a good time!

See you tomorrow.


Offshore Division …

Reminder of the Oyster Roast Saturday the 29th

David Clark on

Social Events

Just a reminder about the Oyster Roast this Saturday which will begin after the Offshore Closing Day Regatta. Bring a share dish and your oyster knife.

See you there! 

America's Cup History in Fishing Bay: Black Knight

Jon Deutsch on


During the weekend of the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship a peice of America's Cup history was in Fishing Bay.  Black Knight, the boat used as the Signal boat by the New York Yacht Club in the 1983 America's Cup made a stop at the Chesapeake Marine Railway for some minor repairs on her way further south.


More pictures can be seen here.


Annual Awards Updated with menu

Jon Moody on

Social Events

Rosetta StoneAnnual Meeting and Awards Party

Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Country Club of Virginia
James River Club House
709 South Gaskins Road

You are invited to enjoy this great event with friends and family. Share sailing stories of 2011 and make plans for 2012! A slide show of all 2011 sailing events will be shown continuously on the Club’s big screen.    

Piano Music and Band will be provided Bruce Sullivan and Rosetta Stone.  For more information about the music see:

This is a band that all ages will enjoy, so come on out and celebrate another wonderful season at FBYC!

6:00-6:30 Annual Meeting in the Ladies Card Room …


John Beery on

Flying Scots

Congratulations to the Guenthers (Len and Barb) who had simply an awesome year sailing Wind Dancer.  Not only did they handily win both our Spring and Fall Series, but traveled extensively around the Flying Scot circuit, either winning those events or placed very high in the standings.  During the off season, you will need to purchase some jerseys with big RED targets on the back! 

Congrats also go to Noel Clinard who finished 2nd in the Fall Series.  Noel - you definitely keep getting better.  Good show!

Rob Whittemore, who took 3rd for the series (and 2nd yesterday), was an extremely tough competitor throughout the year, winning many races, but alas, had to miss a couple of Spring …

Fall Clean Up November 19th

Mary Spencer on

Clubhouse News
FBYC Fall Clean-Up Is Scheduled For
Saturday, November 19th

Mark your calendars! On Saturday, November 19, at 9:00 am, we will have our annual FALL CLEAN-UP of the Club Grounds. We will gather in the Main Clubhouse around 8:30 am for coffee and task assignments. Usual tasks include leaf raking, mulching and pruning. Bring your favorite yard tool or use ours. All ages welcome! Complimentary lunch will be served around Noon. To sign up, email me direct at or call my cell 804-241-6080 or register online here.

See you on the 19th.
Ken Odell, Grounds Chairman.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

'ROUND THE LIGHTS was. . . challenging.    At first the right way seemed to be the left way, but it turned out that the left way was the wrong way.  And, that isn't all.  At the start the wind was supposed to be from the North and go East, but it really was from the East and went North.  About the only thing that was "as predicted" was that chop resulted from a big ebb into the face of an East breeze. . . but wait, the breeze wasn't supposed to be East, so  . . . .   See, there is more than meets the eye to sailing and doing well in the 'Round the Lights Race.   Actually, those who …

New rebuilt Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Trophy

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

Laser Masters sailors have a completely rebuilt trophy to sail for at the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship.   The trophy features the ceramic plate with a painted picture of Lasers on Fishing Bay.  The plate was part of the original trophy presented by Alain Vincey in the early years of the regatta. The new trophy is built like a serving tray with high sides to protect the plate from being broken. 

Jon Deutsch and his father Stan built the trophy in a little over a week at the beginning of October and the trophy was unveiled at the regatta in mid-October.  Read more about the building of the trophy and view more pictures on Jon's …

FBYC Scot 2011 Fall Series Finale

Len Guenther on

Flying Scots

Sunday is it, the end of the 2011 One Design Season. What do you say we go out with a bang? Mother Nature is poised to hold up her end of the bargain.

We have had 13 skippers on the line so far this Fall. I bet we can double that total if all our Scot sailors looked at Sunday's weather forecast and then contemplated the long, dark winter looming out there on the calendar.

See you on the water (and then at the watering hole)

Closing Day Oyster Roast Saturday, October 29, 2011

David Clark on

Social Events

This year has gone very fast, we are nearing Closing Day.  Our traditional Oyster Roast is being held after the Staggered Start Race on Saturday, October 29th.  We will have oysters and for those that don’t eat oysters, we’ll have hot dogs.  Please bring your oyster knife and a share

The trophies for Fall Series and Closing Day will be awarded. There is no fixed time for this to start; we will begin when the crews return from the race course. 

See you there ready to eat oysters.

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters