Katherine Hubbard on

Flying Scots
FSNACsFBYC has been chosen to host the 2007 Flying Scot North American Championship the last week of June, 2007. It is the 50th anniversary of production (1957-2007) and the first time the NACs have been so centrally located. Noel Clinard has agreed to be the Event Chair and John McCarthy the PRO. We will need lots of volunteers in the coming months to prepare for this spectacular event, so think about getting involved! FBYC FS fleet 103 has been growing; presently we have 29 Flying Scots and expect 30 by next year!

As FS Fleet Captain I’ve set a goal having 23 of our boats on the line. (If you own a Flying Scot, I’ll be calling because …

Art on Fishing Bay

Izumi Miller on

Arts of FB

Art on Fishing Bay: A Must See Show -June 8, 2006,5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club, Deltaville, VA. "...more variety at reasonable prices ...", says show organizer Bob Kates. Donations and proceeds from beverage sales will benefit the Virginia Chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as part of this summer’s Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta. For more information, please call 804-776-6950 or email Bob Kates at fma@ooln.com.

Art On Fishing Bay: a ‘Must See’ Show

Jewelry by Bev Hardin

The 8th annual Art On Fishing Bay show, to be held on June 9 at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville, will offer more variety at reasonable prices …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
SBRW ENTRIES DUE THIS WEEK!    As of this morning there are skippers and crews of more than 60 boats ready to Smack Down on the Southern Bay!  Entries for SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK for the BLACK SEAL CUP are due this FRIDAY, MAY 26th.  Don't miss this event.  All PHRF Classes and One Design classes  as well as a Cruising Class racers are welcome.  (Note:  The Cruising Class will race with single headsail only - there is no restriction on Cruising Class entry except that boats must comply with PHRF Category 4P Safety and Accommodations Standards.  Cruising Class boats will be assigned provisional ratings using the OPCYC cruising rating system.)   Racing and …

Volvo Race

David Hazlehurst on

Offshore Racing
The death of a young Dutch sailor who was swept oveboard in the north Atlantic yesterday was reported in the news services early Thursday and later in Scuttlebutt. A link to todays BBC news item to today's BBC news item on this tragedy follows. Those members who went to Baltimore in 1998 to meet Roy Heiner and his crew who finished first in the first Miami to Baltimore leg may have met this sailor who would have been 24 years old at the time. Eight years later he was the oldest member of the AB AMRO Two crew. RIP

** Crew member killed in Volvo race ** A crew member on Volvo Ocean Race yacht ABN Amro Two dies after being …

Gunkholers’ Cruise POSTPONED until July 29/30 – August 5

Nica Waters on

Cruising News
ATTENTION ALL CRUISERS (of all kinds!) DUE TO UNANTICIPATED CONFLICTS, THE “GUNKHOLERS’ CRUISE” SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 30- JULY 7 HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FOR THE WEEK BETWEEN THE CRUISE REGATTA AND THE FAMILY CRUISE. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN YOUR SCHEDULE! For more information, read on . . .“Cruising the Gunkholer’s Way” Cruise July 29 (or 30) – August 5 Calling all gunkholers! (experienced, wanna-be, or just curious . . .) Come join us for a cruise that emphasizes family interests, short sails, last-minute decisions, and interesting shore jaunts. After amusing triumphs and great racing adventures at the Cruise Regatta, we’ll attend the awards ceremony and dinner party to share our tales with everyone. If so motivated, we’ll stroll across the road, cast off …

FBYC on Official Virginia Tourism website.

Strother Scott on

Club News
As reported at the Board Meeting by Izumi Miller, Fishing Bay Yacht Club does indeed have a web page on The Virginia Department of Tourism website. Our page is at this location.. The page says
Region: Chesapeake Bay
Locality: Middlesex County

1000 Fishing Bay Road
Deltaville, VA 23043

FBYC provides sailing activities for offshore and one-design fleets, cruising sailors, Junior learn-to-sail, and Junior racing in the lower Chesapeake Bay in Deltaville, VA.

Junior FBYC Members will enjoy Extended Race Team training with world-renown coaches all summer, as well as a full-time sailing counsellor at FBYC. Cruising Class travels to destinations near and far, families and experts alike.

Log into our website for more information and events schedule.

Sail on Schooner Virginia May 20 or 21

Lud Kimbrough on

Now is your chance to sail on Schooner Virginia. We will be in Yorktown VA May 20 & 21st for a weekend visit. While we are there we will be offering Day Sails, which will give you the opportunity to experience Schooner Virginia under sail. Space is limited to 40 guests on each sail, so call and make your reservations today. Check out www.SchoonerVirginia.org. Details are as follows: Adults $35.00 Children 4-12 $25.00 3 & under free May 20th 10:30 - 1:00pm 2:30 - 5:00pm May 21st 10:30 - 1:00pm 2:30 - 5:00pm Please call the office to make your reservations 757-627-7400. Accepts cash, check & credit card. Additional details will be …

Man overboard drills

David Hazlehurst on

Offshore Racing
Copied directly from Scuttlebutt. Please read, mark, learn and inwardly digest. The life that is saved could be yours.

A man overboard is dreaded; a man overboard with the chute is a nightmare. The "Quick Stop" is a proven procedure for recovering crew overboard. Learning how to do it (or reviewing it) could save a life of family or crew. So UK-Halsey has posted streaming video on how to do the Quick Stop MOB with the spinnaker up. You can view this on-line; see what to do and who should do what. Then, go practice. It‚s just the first of several safety lessons we're posting to our website, but it's certainly …

Progress Dinner Cruise - Postphoned Until Aug.19-20

Victor G. DeNunzio on

Cruising News

If you missed them going up the Bay, missed them in Baltimore, you've got one last chance before 2010

David Hazlehurst on

Offshore Racing
Copied from Scuttlebutt issued 4 May 2001. Large crowds in Baltimore to see the V-70's which went on to Annapolis for Sundays start. If you time it right you may be able to walk over the Bay Bridge and see the V-70's on their way to their next lay over, New York City. There's also a weather forecast for Sunday.


On Thursday Baltimore said goodbye to the Volvo Ocean Race 2005-06 as the fleet headed off on a Parade of Sail to Annapolis. The teams arrived from Rio de Janeiro on the 17th April and have spent over two weeks in Baltimore‚s Inner Harbour. Whilst there, they have attracted a record numbers …

RRYC Offshore Spring Regatta May 20

Lud Kimbrough on

Offshore Racing
RACE WITH RRYC at their Spring Regatta, May 20 Classes: PHRF Spinnaker, PHRF Non-spinnaker, Cruising Awards: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Awards in each class Entry Form (CBYRA), Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions: http://www.rryc.org Racing Fleet Captain Jerry Latell: 804-776-6151 WATCH THE RACES: 10:00 am - Two around-the-bouy races between Towles Point and the White Stone bridge. Sponsor: Rappahannock River Yacht Club, Irvington, VA, 804-438-6650


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
NOOD REGATTA:  While the winds pounded the southern end of the Bay, the Annapolis area enjoyed light to moderate air and so did the Annapolis version of the National Offshore One Design (NOOD) Regatta.  Of the three southern Bay boats racing at the NOOD,  the one with the best finish overall was J22 Linoleum (team led by  Richard Winters); they finished 15th among 34 boats.  In the J24 fleet, Dave Taylor's Midmorning Buzz finished 14th out of 21, and  Martin Casey's Bow Movement was 7th out of 10. 
FBYC Spring Series 3 - Saturday, May 6th.  For information contact Brooks Zerkel at (804) 272-7846. FBYC Spring Series 4 will run Saturday, May 13th.  …

Attention Juniors!

Eric Powers on

Junior Activities
Just a reminder that early registration for this season's Junior Programs is drawing to a close on April 25th so for those wanting to get in on the best summer sailing program on the Bay, please log on to www.fbyc.net and sign up for your choice of programs for both beginning and advanced, competitive and non-competitive sailors.

Registration will remain open till mid-May but with a modest increase in price. In case you havn't heard, we've signed three reknown junior coaches for Junior Week (June 19th-23th) and two of these will remain on until mid-August to teach the Race Team Extended Programs six days a week at FBYC and at junior regattas around the Bay …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
FBYC Opening Day and Spring Series 1:  Up on the "Rivah", at the mouth of the Rappahannock, that is, Fishing Bay Yacht Club will run their Opening Day regatta on Saturday, April 22 and the first race of their Spring Series on Sunday, April 23.  For Info contact:  Brooks Zerkel.
CCV SPRING SERIES OPENS SUNDAY:  CCV Spring Series Races #1 and #2 are set for this coming Sunday, April 23.  They also mark  the beginning of the 15 races, season long, CCV  High Point Championship Series.   The Warning flag for race #1 is scheduled for 1000.  Both races will be in Hampton Roads Harbor.  There are starts for all PHRF classes.  …

OK, so you missed them going up the Bay

David Hazlehurst on

Offshore Racing
The Volvos are coming! Southern Bay racer Christian Schaumloffel (Mirage, Hobie 33) has devised a way to estimate their arrival time (at the Virginia Capes and further up the Bay) and has Volvo and NOAA sites he recommends using for your calculations - you can check out the info with Christian by calling him at (757) 496-3590. Christian estimates that the first two boats will have passed through The Capes close to the wee hours this morning, with others hot on their heels later today and early Tuesday morning. If there is any breeze, you better have a really hot sport fisher to keep up with these babies!

Today's posting on SBRNYCU prompts some thoughts. The babies as Lyn McCarthy …

Protest Refresher Class at Retreat April 26 6:30 to 9PM

Elizabeth Staas on

Dave Pyron, US Sailing Judge and Umpire will provide us with a ‘refresher’ on Protests and the Protest Process. Dave will provide us a discussion on the "how to’s" of handling protests at a regatta - who needs to do what and how you get through the process.

Recommended attendees for this event are: Race Chairs, Racing Skippers, New Racers and Crew.

Seating is limited…please register online for this event to ensure your place. Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM at Retreat Hospital Boardroom (ground floor)

David Pyron is a US Sailing Judge and Umpire and is currently finishing requirements for certification as an International Umpire. He began judging in 1997 and since then has …

Jump starting the off-shore season

David Hazlehurst on

Offshore Racing
Eight skippers helped get the off-shore racing program off to an early start this past weekend. The forecast for Saturday afternoon was not encouraging so seven boats went out at 10 am with a mix of regular crew and 14 crew training candidates. With more boats available than crew Schiehallion volunteered to distribute her skipper and crew between the other 7 boats. Rain started to settle in after a little over 90 minutes and all the boats returned for lunch at 12.30 courtesy of the Dennison's, Jere and Clark.

Three boats went out again after lunch for a wet and windier ride. Sunday's forecast was for improving conditions after noon, with the temperature moving out of the …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
JAVARAMA:  Tom Roberts, CBYRA vice pres for Region 4, provided hands on assistance to  12+  scorers from area clubs on the ins and outs of JAVASCORE.  Participants had a chance to actually try the program on their own or borrowed computers and follow Tom's insightful instruction. 
SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK Preliminary Sailing Instruction is posted at the official website - www.blacksealcup.com   Joining the Early Bird entries are  John Bergman, Bay Dreamer (Niagara 31); Dave Eberwine, Sea Star (J/36);  Graham Field, Independence (Islander 36); Christian Schaumloffel, Mirage (Hobie 33); John and Ben Ritger, Blew J (J/30); Mike Nestor, Glory Days (Cal 39); Justin Morris, The Hunter (Hunter 26.5);  …

A Splendid Day

George Burke on

Junior Activities
On Saturday April 1st, eager FBYC gardeners arrived with rakes and clippers in hand to clean, clear, carry, clip and cultivate, all for the sake of beautifying our grounds for Opening Day. Chip Hall's call for participation was a success, mustering almost fifty volunteers, all ready to do their part toward the minimum goal of two days of annual service to the club. Warmth and pleasant breezes cooperated to create a splendid day. By sunset, weary gardeners were rewarded with wine, appetizers and a hearty meal at the Welcome Cruisers party. The Cruising Division program included a brief discussion of strategies to improve the Division's relevance to small boat cruisers and families with children as well as ringside …

Crew Training Notice

David Hazlehurst on

Offshore Racing
On-the water Crew Training starts this coming Saturday and a list of registrants can be seen on the home page of the FBYC web site. We are expecting at least 6 boats to be out on Saurday with over 25 candidates aboard. Not all participants have registered on line so the turnout will almost certainly be higher than the number you see listed as registered.

A notice that was sent out to all candidates follows in the main body of this posting. For anyone who wants to see the list of registrants on the new Crew Finder list directions are shown in the notice. It's early days for this new list and much of the information was taken directly …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters