You can virtually become a great racer. We are starting programs at Fishing Bay and Hampton Yacht Club has offered folks at Fishing Bay the opportunity to join their e-racing program that will run on Wednesday evenings in May. This past month they hosted the Corona Series and it was a great success with over 80 people participating. So if you want to start sailing on-line sign up.
Once you have done that you will need to do a few preliminary things which Joe can detail. You will need to sign up at no cost on Virtual Regatta Inshore and run through …
FBYC's popular Crew Training Seminar has tacked over to the right side of the course to catch the online wind shift. And this year, it's FREE!
Each Tuesday evening in May, our seasoned and winning instructors will share their both their love for sailing and for winning with interested sailors from, well, everywhere and anywhere. (This is one Zoom webinar that you'll want to "dress up" for--if only from the waist up!)
We encourage ALL members to share this link with friends or others--novices or experienced sailors, who are interested in getting together and learning from the pros. You can go to and click on the link provided. OR simply click here to register: …
Bring your best hats, seersucker and signature cocktail to the first virtual derby party on May 9th at 9:00 PM
Be prepared to learn how to make new cocktails presented by your YAM committee members. Be sure to have your computer camera ready, we will also be voting on the best outfits of the evening.
This past week, the FBYC Flag participated in the virtual Yacht Club Leadership Forum presented by US Sailing. The Forum offered an open exchange regarding the challenges facing yacht clubs around the country due to the CoVid-19 outbreak.
The Forum featured presentations by the commodores from several yacht clubs, including Jonathan Bartlett of Annapolis Yacht Club, as well as the President and the CEO of US Sailing. This highly informative program provided great insight into actions taken by other clubs as they work to address the CoVid-19 challenges. All clubs are facing problems similar to those that are being confronted at FBYC. The actions taken by substantially all of the clubs include strict adherence to the guidelines and recommendations of …
Walking down the Fishing Bay dock and marveling how beautiful Stove Point and Gwynn's Island are?
Crossing the line for the first 2020 offshore race and hearing the horn blow?
Listening to Doug Anderson, our FBYC chaplain, bless the fleet?
We all do.
But here's a solution to help lessen our collective loss. This Saturday, April 18 at 5 PM we invite all FBYC members to join together ONLINE at for our first (and hopefully, only) Virtual Opening Day. Just go to the website and click on the link in the Opening Day photo.
A boatload of members have worked to prepare a video that will bring …
Let's get excited for JUNIOR WEEK! This year we are holding a T-Shirt design contest for the 2020 Junior Week T-Shirt. Have your design worn by over 130 sailors during this Summer's Junior Week.
Artist must be under the age of 18 years old
Design must be submitted by 5pm, Friday, May 8th, 2020!
Must include contact information of artist's parent and the name of the artist in the email
Include the following text on the design: Junior Week, June 22nd-26th 2020
No more than 3 entries per artist
No bribes to the Commodore
Have fun!!
Submit your designs to by May 8th!The T-shirt design winner will be chosen by the …
Not knowing the future, we will continue to take registrations for our summer Junior programs and certainly hope that we can provide them as planned. We will know more in the weeks to come and will communicate any changes as we learn of them.
Our goal is to continue to focus on providing the very best summer experience for our young sailors while maintaining a safe and healthy environment for them and their families and for the local community. In the event we are forced to cancel any summer programs, we will be providing a full and complete refund. Our goal is to make this decision by June 1st should we have to.
We've all spent more time zooming, walking our neighborhoods and cleaning out garages than we ever, ever wanted. So here are some "look-toward-the-future" activities to inform, teach and inspire.
Now's the perfect time to get your required Virginia boating license, if you haven't already. You DON"T need to pay for one of the numerous courses offered out there! Best option is the free course at BOAT US:
I'm please to report, we've improved the Club - inside and out this Winter!. We've also had to complete many tough repairs because it has taken quite a beating. Here's a few of the maintenance broad strokes:
The Fishing Bay Ramp had the grade improved and added a breakwater helping restore the beach.
Fannie's House flooring was replaced throughout.
The entance marquee on Fishing Bay Road has a new raised flowerbed.
Jackson Creek Middle Dock fasteners were replaced in the lower end and finger piers.
Many of the legacy trees were cleaned up, limbed, and groomed.
The Junior Field has begun receiving environmentally responsible burr and week treatment.
April 1, 2020 Dear Fishing Bay Yacht Club Members- The Club leadership continues to hope all of our members and their families are well and safe as we navigate the stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are updating our FBYC protocols and planning much sooner than we anticipated. As many of you are aware, the Governor of Virginia updated his Executive Order (#55) on March 30, 2020 to extend the Stay at Home requirements until June 10, 2020. The order has key elements specifically referencing what is and isn’t an essential need. We have updated our notices regarding activities scheduled to be held at FBYC as well as access to Club buildings and the campus in general.
Come one, come all...This Wednesday at 6-7pm the YAMs are hosting our first ever virtual club happy hour! Our theme will be a blend of nautical trivia and some other funny twists to engage everyone along the way.
All you need to participate are the following:
1) Be sure to have your computer camera ready (we want to see each other!)
2) Sport your favorite and/or funniest sailing gear...think offshore sailing jacket, sunglasses, zinc on the nose, whatever you find fun to get into the sailing spirit
3) Beverage of your choice...ideally your favorite go-to post-racing/cruising drink
Special prizes and/or recognition to be awarded to the smartest teams and best dressed based on creativity …
Anxious about your boat in the water or on the hard?
Rest assured that FBYC General Manager Brian Ankrom is on site most every day keeping an eye on "things." Brian walks the docks each day, checking lines and boats. So if you're tempted to go down to look things over...DON'T.
If your in-water-boat has a bilge alarm and notifies you remotely, Brian asks that you contact him first before rushing down to FBYC. Middlesex county has asked all non-residents to limit their travels to the county due to the age of residents and limited medical resources. If you've ever called 911 from the club for something minor or major, you'll appreciate the need to keep these first …
The Club leadership wants you to know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers as we all navigate the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Without exception we are all experiencing very turbulent times. Your safety and that of your family is of our utmost concern and we are making some changes in our planning for activities and use of the Club’s facilities.
Effective immediately, to ensure we promote social distancing and the safety of all of our members and guests, all FBYC sponsored events are postponed thru April 30, 2020. This schedule update applies to all fleets and social events on the FBYC grounds. The Flag …
We're all on the hard and staying home to protect others; yet we do have to sometimes venture out for necessities. Some suggestions for less-congested shopping include avoiding mornings so that the elderly can shop more safely and visiting smaller, local grocery stores with fewer folks. You may not find toilet paper there but won't face huge lines.
We can also learn from our own Nica Waters whose "Fit2Sail" website has great ideas for provisioning on land as well as at sea. Nica has made "Stocking up Sanely: preparing for quarantine" available for everyone. You can check out her recommendations here:
In keeping with federal and state guidelines that are intended to "flatten the curve" of the Coronavirus spread, FBYC will postpone the Spring Clean Up originally scheduled for Saturday the 21st. A new date will be selected when we are on the other side of this serious event. For those willing and able, Grounds Chair Steve Montgomery will maintain a list of projects one or two people can tackle on their own time. This will improve the Club's appearance and reduce the future workload. Please contact Steve at or 757-561-7289 if you would like to volunteer a few hours
We wanted to inform you of the matters we addressed at last evening’s Board meeting regarding the impact of the COVID-19 healthcare issues. Our continued goal is to promote the safety and well-being of our members, guests and the community in Deltaville and surrounding areas as best we can.
Based on actions recommended by the healthcare community as well as the announcement from the Virginia Governor declaring a state of emergency, we recommend that you limit your social interactions. While you may not personally be in a high risk group, you may still unknowingly pass along viral infections to a family member, friend or colleague who is in a high risk group.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club's Board of Directors has made the prudent decision to POSTPONE the Bermuda Hi Party, originally scheduled for this Saturday, March 14. Any future events, especially those held indoors, will be evaluated as we collectively manage the health crisis impacting our nation and the world.
We ask those who have already paid the small charge for this party to allow the club to use those funds to cover costs already incurred.
We are continually reminded how fortunate we are to belong to FBYC. Please take all necessary precautions to keep yourself healthy and consider how to support others as we move ahead.
At this point, we are still holding our Annual Spring Clean-Up on Saturday, March 21 …