The 2015 Laser Atlantic Coast Championship tested competitors both mentally and physically with long courses over shifty winds and current. Eric Reitinger (Brant Beach YC) had consistent finishes near the top nabbed him the Standard Championship while Fishing Bay Yacht Club's Alexander Hanna put up all top 3 finishes to win the Radial division.
Radial Champion Alexander Hanna
Saturday's racing saw the sailors racing out in the Chesapeake Bay where the currents of the Rappahannock River and the Piankatank river all converge. Winds started in the low double digits and the first race had most of the fleet racing for nearly an hour and a half. By the time the standards started the second race- the wind eased …
We have modified the entry form to require a first step to select the Registration type. So when you register, you will see a choice per the image below.
Social Registration only, or
Have boat participating.
Once you select your type, the usual input forms for name contact info, and boat if applicable, instantly appear further down the same entry form.
We found that people who were registering for Social only were running into issues with our online entry form. We hope this small change will make it easier for all. If you select Social Registration only, you will not be presented with a requirements to enter boat information.
For a limited time only! The Open House Adult Dinner registration package is now $22 for members and $30 for non-members! This is an incredible deal! With this package you get racing, raft up, appetizers, pig pickin', BBQ pork and chicken, sides, and dessert! Plus you get music all night! Get your tickets NOW before it's too late!
Attention all members! Saturday, May 23rd is our 2nd Annual Open House Regatta and Memorial Day Celebration. And we need you to make this a success!
This year we have modified the format slightly with a shorter FUN race and a longer FUN raft-up. Racing starts at 11 AM, the raft up starts at 12 PM with shuttles running between the club and the sunflower. All in Fishing Bay! We encourage everyone to join the race and the raft up - bring your friends even if they do not sail! The race starts at 11 AM, the raft-up at 12 PM, and the happy hour at 5 ashore. There will be 2 pigs on the smoker, fun activities, and Jackass …
Welcome to the Laser Atlantic Coast Championship at Fishing Bay Yacht Club this weekend! We've got 47 confirmed boats and are expecting a few more, nice weather, great food and good competition. And we want to thank our great team of volunteers who have assembled to make this happen. As you make your way to Deltaville, here are a few things you should know:
We have an EARLY start scheduled on Saturday - please note the 0915 skippers meeting and 1030 first warning. We want to make the most of the day and may even choose to sail on the outside course to get the best conditions - so please arrive early and be ready to sail shortly …
The 3rd day of the Offshore Spring Series was a memorable one due to pea soup thick fog. Usually 1-1.25nm courses don't have so much of a navigational element to them.
These boats were rounding the pin as seen from the committee boat:
The first race was not actually all that foggy. It came and went, but for most of the race the visibility was 1/2 mile or so which was enough to make out some boats on various parts of the course and string a path together.
After the start of the 2nd race - the fog rolled in and the visibility was 200' at best at times. Some boats never found the …
Please join Barbara Luce and Lew Thatcher on May 16/17 for a cruise to Rappahannock River Yacht Club with dinner at the nearby Tides Inn. This was erroneously advertised on the website as "Captain's Choice."
Overnight slips at RRYC are free for FBYC cruisers. Club Manager Kent White has arranged several slips for us. Also, Carter Creek has good anchor holding ground in front of the club.
Dinner at the nearby Tides Inn is an easy 20-minute walk or very short dingy ride. We will provide van shuttles for anyone not wanting to go on foot or by dingy. Also, slips are free at the Tides Inn for diners, but cost $2.25 per foot to remain there …
FBYC was well represented in 2 fleets last weekend at the Annapolis NOOD. Dan & Gannon Troutman on Pied Piper and Latane Montague on Full Monty both sailed in the J/70 Fleet while Bob & Lisa Fleck on Horizon and Paul & Julie Anne Wash sailed S2 7.0 fleet.
While there were plenty of boats - there wasn't a lot of wind. Friday turned out to be the best day for both fleets. The J/70s had some solid breeze Friday and got in 3 races - it seemed the locals in the 57-boat fleet were some of the ones leading the fleet.
Battle in the S2 7.9s Helly Hansen NOOD in Annapolis, Maryland …
It was light and fluky day on Sunday for the Flying Scot, Front Runner and San Juan 21 sailors racing in the 2nd Spring Series. After postponing on the water for an hour and a half 3 races were finally run in the early afternoon. Each race conincided with a 180 wind shif resulting the course needing to be flip flopped before each one.
In the Flying Scot Fleet it was Jay Buhl/Mike Karn navigating the light air the best and winning 2 of the 3 races to take the fleet. Winning one of the races was Len Guenther in his brand new boat - the boat remains undefeated as he retired for further prep. Phil …
FBYC hosted their first ever J/70 Spring regatta on Saturday. While some of the J/70s were out on the travel circuit 6 - boats gathered at FBYC for what would be 5 races in light to moderate winds. PRO Glen Doncaster set up 3/4 mile windward leewards in the mouth of the Piankatank River under mostly sunny skies.
Matt Braun and crew on E.L.E. came out of the blocks fresh from competing at Charleston Race Week to win the first two races with good speed and boat work. David Hinckle on Air Speed would win the 3rd and 5th races with E.L.E. also winning the 4th race putting them 1st overall …
Start your Memorial Weekend festivities with your fellow club members in a fun-filled day of racing, camaraderie, music, and summer-inspired food. The Open House Regatta and Party is the one event for every part of the club. We've got offshore, one design, junior, cruising and social - all coming together for an easy race, a raft-up and a dinner/band. Our members are encouraged to invite all of their friends on their boats and to the club for the festivities.
The day starts with a staggered start race for all boats around a set of government marks finishing in the early afternoon just off the FBYC pier. Then all of …
The JOs will be held on June 27 & 28, immediately following Junior Week; and are a perfect cap to Junior Week!
Follow this link for all the details and to register:
The Junior Olympics are sponsored by the US Olympic Committee and US Sailing, and are intended to develop the talents of future Olympians. We will host all junior classes at this regatta, including the 420, Laser Radial and Full, and Opti Red, White and Blue. All of our 2015 Race Teams will compete, and will be joined by teams from New Jersey, New York and North Carolina …
This Sunday the One Design fleets open their 2015 season. The offshore boats have had their fun and now it's time for the Flying Scots and Front Runners to get some racing in. Planning on coming? Sign up online!
Dan & Gannon Troutman continued their performance from Key West and wond up 4th overall on the 83 boat fleet. They finished 2nd in the Dynasty division and Gannon won a new set of Opti Sails from Quantum Sails in a raffle.
Members of the 2014 Opti & Laser Race Teams at Corsica River Yacht Club, MD.
On March 14th the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association awarded the 2014 Junior High Point Awards. FBYC race team members dominated in all classes and fleets! Benton Amthor and Boyd Bragg finished 1st and 2nd in the Opti Overall and Alexander Hanna finished 1st in the Laser Overall! And continuing a long tradition at FBYC, our girls rocked: Reese Bragg finished 1st, Baylor Goldthwaite 3rd and Madeline Amthor 4th in the Opti Girls’ Division; with Claire Lennarz 2nd and Nina Willms 4th in the Laser Radial Girls’ Division! All of our kids did outstanding, placing in every division and dominating throughout the standings!
We are so excited about this weekend! Looking forward to seeing everyone and getting on the water. We have a great day planned followed by a great evening of dinner and entertainment.