30th Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship Results

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

Mike Schmidt crossing the lineLaser Masters sailors from around the bay and beyond descended on Fishing Bay Yacht Club for the 30th Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship for two days of racing in a variety of conditions.  Master Mike Schmidt from Magothy River Sailing Association emerged as the overall champion after 7 races beating Apprentice Master Keith Davids from Mission Bay Yacht Club by just a point.

On Saturday, mother nature delivered winds in the 18-22 knot range with gusts approaching 30 out of the west. While most of the sailors completed the first race, by the later races in the day attrition started to take place in the challenging conditions of the Piankatank River. Most of the fleet opted to sail …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

CCV  FALL SERIES CHAMPS:  SEA STAR (PHRF A);  COOL CHANGE (PHRF B);  QUICKY (PHRF C); and VIRGINIA H (PHRF Non-Spin).  Yesterday in moderate, shifty, winds CCV racing for the season wrapped up with the final two races of the five-race Fall Series.  Thirty-Two (32) boats raced in pleasant conditions in Hampton Roads.  SERIES STANDINGS:  PHRF A (11 boats) - 1. Dave Eberwine, Sea Star (1-1-2-1-1);  2.Christian Schaumloffel, Mirage (4-2-1-2-4);  3.Phil Briggs, Feather (3-4-4-3-3).   PHRF B (13 boats) NOTE: Protest pends - 1.Rusty Burshell, Cool Change (1-2-1-2-3);  2.Dave Taylor, Wham Bam (4-1-6-4-1);  3.Ben Weeks, Rumble (3-6-5-1-2) in a tie breaker over  4. Bob Archer, Bad Habit …

30th Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship: Saturday

Jon Deutsch on

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Chesapeake Bay Laser MastersMother nature delivered again with 20+ knots of wind for 3 long races on the first day of the 30th Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship.  Magothy River Sailing Association sailor Mike Schmidt leads the regatta after the first day with a 4-2-1 on the day.  David Schoene from Severn Sailing Association is currently in 2nd and Keith Davids from Mission Bay Yacht Club is in 3rd.

With the winds we had today and memories of gusts into the 30’s on day 1 last year, most of the fleet opted to the sail the radial rig under the rig swap rule that allowed radials to sail head-to-head against the standard rigs.  The radials did remarkably …

FBYC completes $10,000 campaign for the NSHOF

George Burke on

Club News

IMG_8538aFishing Bay Yacht Club is Founding Member of the National Sailing Center & Hall of Fame, which requires a $10,000 donation to their capital campaign. We have reached the goal of our FBYC Campaign and last night at the Board meeting Strother Scott, Fundraising Volunteer, presented the Flag Officers the 79 checks totaling $10,220 that had been collected over the summer.

The 79 donors listed on http://www.fbyc.net/Access/Members/NSHoF/Names_html (a members only link) only include one name per donation and obviously many came from couples. FBYC would like to single out several donations where more explanation is needed than just the donor name. Carol Lytton's donation was made in memory of her …

Welcome to the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship Regatta

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

For everyone who will be joining us for the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship this weekend I would like to welcome you to Fishing Bay Yacht Club.  This being the 30th we've got a great regatta planned including a great dinner Saturday night and we'll be unveiling a completely rebuilt perpetual trophy for the regatta.  You'll be joined by 40 fellow competitors making their way from NJ, FL, TX, NC, VA, MD, and DC.

Weather-wise we are looking at perfect Masters sailing conditions - mostly sunny with winds out of the west at 13-17 on Saturday and 10-14 on Sunday.

A few notes for those who are new to FBYC or reminders for those who have …

Annual Meeting/Awards Party

Mary Spencer on


Annual Meeting and Awards Party

Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Country Club of Virginia -  James River Club House
709 South Gaskins Road

You are invited to enjoy this great event with friends and family. Share sailing stories of 2011 and make plans for 2012! A slide show of all 2011 sailing events will be shown continuously on the Club’s big screen.
6:00-6:30 Annual Meeting in the Ladies Card Room
6:30-7:00 Social gathering and cocktails
7:00-8:00 Dinner with one complementary glass of wine
8:00-9:00 Awards and desert
Adults $50.00
Children 12 and under $15.00 (Children’s Menu)
Cash Bar Only

****Reservations required by November 5, 2011****

To assure adequate …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

It's Columbus Day - sail if you can!

PUT THIS GOBBLER IN THE BOOKS!   The 2011 TURKEY SHOOT HOSPICE REGATTA  wrapped up yesterday after two and one-half days of partying, live bluegrass music, racing, and general blow-out fun on the Myer Creek - Corrotoman - Rappahannock Rivers water axis.  Saturday Mother Nature gave the racers a beautiful Fall day on the Rapp with bright sunshine and moderate breezes.  Of the 84 entries (all classic designs at least 25 years old), 79 raced and all who started finished.    On Sunday, hopeful of a repeat of Saturday conditions, racers started the traditional pursuit race in light breezes that got them up the track, but then evaporated.  Twelve (12) of the …

October 15th Wilton Creek Finale

George Burke on

Cruising News

Few sights are more pleasing to the eye than a tranquil anchorage on Wilton Creek in late October.  Join the Cruising Division for its annual Wilton Creek Cruise and Dinner by registering at the FBYC website and paying online. Wine servings will begin @ 6 pm on 10/15 in the Coves at Wilton Creek Clubhouse, followed by appetizers, entrees, and desserts, all prepared and served with the usual culinary elegance to which FBYC cruisers are accustomed.  “Auto Cruisers” are welcomed, as are any offshore or one design racers who decide to become “cruisers for a night” to learn in detail what they’ve been missing. To insure an accurate head count and enough food for all, the registration deadline is noon …

Trilogy in a nice broach

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing

Thanks to John Hubbard for very good pictures of Trilogy this past Sunday.


I understand that their boom broke DSC_0133

and their spinnaker pole track on the mast broke DSC_0134


but that they did finish the race


and received an applause.  Hopefully no other damage or injuries.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

A week from today, October 10th, is COLUMBUS DAY - a holiday in recognition of our patron saint of distance racing!

CCV FALL SERIES, RACE #3 -  The wind numbers stayed in the high teens most of the day, but the temperature numbers went the other way - 54 degrees at starting time.  As racers peeled off their wet foulies at the post-race party,  there was talk of petitioning for double credit as an early "frostbite" race. Twenty-seven (27) racers blasted through the steady westerly to cover the 16 mile (PHRF A and PHRF B) and the 11 mile (PHRF C and PHRF Non-Spin) courses in Hampton Roads harbor.  This is the middle distance race of the 5 race CCV Fall …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

HAMPTON ROADS SUNFISH CHALLENGE AND DISTANCE DINGHY RACE.  "The name of this event is the Sunfish CHALLENGE  . . . . it's supposed to be a challenge!"  [or words to that effect] said Jonathan Romero as he emphatically stated that a little bit of late summer rain was not going to postpone this almost 8 mile dinghy race from Willoughby Bay to the ODU Sailing Center at the mouth of the Lafayette River.     John Wandling, who raced in the Sunfish class against his son Joe Wandling and others, summed up the day:   ". . .race conditions over the 7 mile course were light rain, and a light to moderate NE wind made most of it a reach against a half-knot …

Indian Summer/Sail Against SIDS

Mary Spencer on

One Design Racing


Indian Summer - Sail Against SIDS Regatta

(Make-up Race for Fall Series #1)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Online Reservations Requested by September 29, 2011

  The Indian Summer/Sail Against SIDS Regatta is hosted by FBYC. All FBYC Members are encouraged to participate. Proceeds will benefit the research and prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is the leading cause of death in infants between the ages of 1 and 12 months. There is currently no known cause or cure.
NOTE:The registration fee has been waived for this race; however, you are encouraged to make an online donation to the Hayes Hitzeman Foundation or to the Maxwell Raymond Braun Foundation to benefit SIDS research. Everyone is invited to …

Laser Fall Regatta Recap

Jon Deutsch on

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Lasers startingWhat looked to be a bit of a questionable day turned into a nice one for Laser sailing at Fishing Bay Yacht Club.  While the wind was blowing 20-25 out of the North at the Stingray buoy - Fishing Bay saw comfortable winds in the low teens gusting into the upper teens.

5 sailors came out and all decided to take Radials out.  That ultimately was a good choice as it meant we were much closer in speed and it was more of a boat race than a survival race.  Some of the finishes on the ~1 mile course were separately by mere boat lengths testifying to the competitiveness of the racing.

Lud Kimbrough was PRO with Eliza …

Membership Regatta Standings

Noel Clinard on

Club News

As Membership Chair I organized a membership recruitment “regatta” or “campaign” for 2011, the monthly results of which have been displayed in the Log.  Each time a member sponsored an applicant, their names were to be placed in a hat for a drawing at year end, with no limit upon entries.  Prizes for sponsors drawn from the hat will be gift certificates to West Marine in the amounts of $500, $300, and $200.  Under the NOR, any single sponsor can win more than one prize, or all of them.

As the year comes to an end, and we round the last marks into the months of October and November, the race is hotly contested.  The leaders …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

Try sailing - it's NOT easy! - Bill Schanen, SAILING Magazine
We say , "We will never forget."   And, we have not forgotten.   Today is September 12, 2011.

Hampton Annual Middle Ground Light Race
circles the light one more time! 
Thirty-two (32) race boats raced around Hampton Roads harbor and  Middle Ground Light Saturday in one of the annual events sponsored by Hampton Yacht Club for keel boats.   The racers had a beautiful and challenging day - light to moderate air and ripping current - to negotiate the harbor course.  Everyone finished by mid afternoon with plenty of time to partake of the Hampton Bay Days Festival and watch the great Saturday night fireworks show.  RESULTS:  PHRF A (5 boats …

Wolf Trap Long Distance Race - Dinner Plans

Cheryl Naetzker on

Offshore Racing

Hey there Wolf Trap’ers…..  Am hearing news that Saturday’s weather is shaping up and hopefully you'll have a nice run down, around, and back from the Lighthouse.  

Post-race, there will be Munchies and a Peel-n-Eat Steamed Shrimp dinner with Slaw, Cornbread, Cookies, Soft Drinks and, of course, Cold Beer !!  Snacks\Dinner will be progressive to accommodate the Fleet(s) as they finish.  

So, Sail fast, Have Fun and See you back at the Main Clubhouse to chow down… 

Cheers !!!


Cruising Update

Joe Schott on

Cruising News

Hopefully everyone has had a pleasant Labor Day Weekend and finally have power and said goodbye to Irene.

This coming weekend is the annual Tides Inn cruise and currently there are four boats signed up.  Cruise chair, Tony Sakowski has 8 slips reserved and will need to release the unused balance soon.  If you are able to make this cruise, please sign up ASAP so Tony can finalize the dinner and slip reservations.

The Fall Cruise is shaping up as there are currently 8 boats signed up.  There are several others who expressed an interest in this cruise and hopefully they can join the group.  Please sign up ASAP so reservations can be made.

The itinerary …

Stingray Awards to George Burke, GOIN' and HYC

Strother Scott on


DSC_0671FBYC's own Rear Commodore George Burke was awarded the Sportsmanship Trophy by John McCarthy, Chief Judge at the event.  George sailed REVEILLE in the races, and then came ashore and worked really hard to make sure the land activities worked well - and indeed they did. Thank you George.


DSC_0675Dennis Hannick and the crew of GOIN' won their fleet and the Brenton S. Halsey Jr. Memorial Trophy as the top boat at Stingray.  The crew of GOIN' is pictured with three of Brent's children.

DSC_0669Finally, Hampton Yacht Club held the Potts Southern Bay Challenge Cup. This year Hampton Yacht Club, represented in the competition by Leroi Lissenden's VOODOO 2 and Bob Mosby's CYRANO, successfully …


Lin Mccarthy on

Offshore Racing

Dennis Hannick and the crew of GOIN' won their fleet and the Halsey Memorial Trophy for the outstanding boat in the regatta at the 17th Annual Stingray Point Regatta  If there have ever been two more perfect days for racing in the Rappahannock River area, nobody remembers it.  Stingray Point Regatta racers raced their brains out in five races over two days with breezes from 10 to the high teens each day.  Even the newly added Friday mid-distance race, which did not count in the regatta scoring, was filled with moderate breezes.  The sailors raced, ate, drank, partied, and generally had a grand Labor Day Weekend that included sailboat racing.  The beginning of the …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters