Water system news

David Hinckle on

Clubhouse News
As many of you know, we have been working very diligently to maintain our present well and potable water system. We are now faced with the fact that the current system is unable to supply us with the amount of potable water that it has in the past. The well is still producing, just not enough to meet our demand in times of high usage such as Junior Week, Leukemia Cup, AOD and Stingray Regatta.

We have applied to the State for a permit to drill a new well. This process will take several months to gain approval. During this time it is incumbent upon all members to be as frugal with their water usage as possible. Simply put, please …

2009 FBYC Race Teams

John Buhl on

Junior Activities
Not all of our Junior members participate in the Clubs Racing Programs, however, I would to educate everyone on how our Race Team will represent FBYC on the Chesapeake Bay and around the country this summer.


We are looking forward to a GREAT 2009 Racing Program!


Peter has been the Executive Director of the US Sailing Center in Martin County Jensen Beach Florida. While in Jensen Beach, he was Head Optimist Coach from 2006, also served as High School Coach for Martin County High and Lincoln Academy. During 2008 he was  a member of the Coaching Staff for the US National and National Development Teams, and coached IODA North Americans.  Peter’s …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
EASTER is this coming Sunday, April 12.  The bunny is out hunting  the  jellybeans right now!
Southern Bay Race Week  EARLY BIRD ENTRY  deadline is only 11 days away, April 17, 2009.   All Early Bird skippers will receive 6 free regatta beverage tickets in their welcome bag and each will have a chance in the drawing for the set (8) of embroidered SBRW polo shirts.  Only Early Bird skippers will be entered in the drawing.   Now is the time to enter - you will absolutely have a great time.  SBRW = 3 days of racing and 4 nights of parties!   For entry information and/or forms, please contact Lin McCarthy (757) 850-4225 or check the website, www.blacksealcup …

Flying Scots at Mid-Winters

John Wake on

Flying Scots

The last week in March, four boats from FBYC (plus Ron Thompson from Yorktown and Hans Noordanus from Manassas - frequent visitors at FBYC) made their way south for a week of racing Flying Scots. First stop was the Sarasota Sailing Squadron and the Tune-Up Regatta which is held the weekend before the Mid-Winters. Traditionally, this event has been held at Davis Island Yacht Club and though Sarasota is only 30 miles farther south, the change in venue is dramatic...think Caribbean - white sand, clear turquoise water. The Race Committee ran a six race one, throw series over two days for thirty Flying Scots.

The Fleet was evenly divided between Florida boats and Snowbirds (this is stop 5 of the Florida …

Flying Scot Mid Winter Champs - Results

Strother Scott on

Flying Scots
Just looking at the Results At http://www.fssa.com/ht/race/race-results-mw-09.htm - the FBYC crowd did very well at the March 23-27, 2009 Flying Scot Mid Winter Championships.

Travis Weisleder and John Wake got a 4th, with only one point separating them from the FSNACs champion and US Sailing's Sailor of the Year - Jeff and Amy Linton, who came in 3rd.

Hans Noordanus, a frequent participant at FBYC got a 5th, Mike Miller & Amy Miller got an 11th, Len Guenther & Heidi Guenther got a 15th, and Ric Bauer & Sharon Bauer got a 25th, all out of a Championship Fleet of 31 boats.

The results show they had seven races, not too bad considering the …

Front Runner Mid Winter Ritual in Davis Island, FL

Matt Braun on

FBF2009-1.jpg March 11-15, Davis Island Yacht club hosted the 2009 Fireball and Friends as a Mid Winter ritual that FBYC’s Front Runner Class has attended for 11 consecutive years. Again with much anticipation and rehabilitated trailers Front Runners from Solomon Island, Atlanta and Fishing Bay Yacht Club gathered at the end of the road on Davis Island, FL to “get out of the stinking cold”. The event was held against the skyline of Tampa in Hillsborough Bay with daytime highs in the upper 70’s and wind conditions from 0-12 kts over 4 days. The Front Runners kicked off the event with a Thursday evening Portsmouth Race against the locals, with NoGoTippy winning in a fleet of 10 boats in …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Good Golly, Miss Molly!   Ya burned your socks, didn't you!  SPRING IS HERE - OFFICIALLY!
And, now that the smoke has cleared from all the Sock Burning ceremonies, we can really begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It's a signal.  Get to your baby and get her shined up and ready to go!  April 1, The Racing Sailor's National Holiday, is only 8 days away
Sixty (60) southern Bay racers crammed the room for  MURPHY RULES - 2 on Saturday at Hampton Yacht Club.  It was perfect rules seminar weather - too cold to work on the boat, put use fine for sitting on the balcony overlooking …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Congratulations to MITCH BRINDLEY - US SAILING Sailor of the Week.  Mitch, head sailing coach at national power Old Dominion University, is in his 14th year at the Norfolk school.  His accomplishments fill more than a page (see www.ussailing.org) on the US SAILING website and he is known world wide for those accomplishments.   Those of us on the southern Chesapeake also know Mitch as one who is always willing to give a helping hand to the sailing community.  We are so fortunate to have him here with us.
It's a "rum bunch"  that supports our racing!  Make that  Mount Gay Rum - they are a key sponsor for the 14th year at SCREWPILE …

FBYC Race Committee Training Session

Rick Klein on

Club News

0900 to 1630 on Saturday, March 14, 2009 at The Gym at The New Community School

(See directions below)

4211 Hermitage Road, Richmond, VA 23227

 Race Committee Training is not just for the Race Chair (PRO) but all members of the RC.  So if you are interested or if you've already volunteered to help on a Race Committee (PRO or crew), please come to this informative, user -friendly session.  No experience is needed, just interest.

Some of the topics to be discussed:-

·  Learn about the new rules that effect the RC   

·  Each RC position and responsibilities

·   How to do each RC job – Signal boat, Mark boat, etc.

·   Working as a team for Organization, Start, Finish, and …

Upcoming YPYC Seminar -- Saturday, Mar 7, 9:00 a.m.

Strother Scott on

Club News

From:  Ellen Dugan, Publicity Chairman, Yankee Point Yacht Club (YPYC)

Subject:  Upcoming Seminar
              Saturday, March 7, 9:00 a.m., YPYC Clubhouse

Hello to everyone again.  This is to invite you and members of your clubs to our upcoming seminar this Saturday which is designed to further knowledge about navigation, chart reading and first aid.  There is no charge.  If you think your members could benefit from this one or would simply enjoy solving navigation problems in the safety of experienced instructors, please pass the following information on to them.  Again, thank you for your help and cooperation.
Seminar Notice:
If your navigation chart often disagrees with where you think you are, and you’re not sure of exactly how you …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
It is MARCH!  Finally - we are making progress beyond the murky darkness of  winter.  We are only 17 days away from the First Day of Spring, Friday, March 20!   So, what IS that white stuff doing here??!!
CBYRA Region 4 High Point Award Winners (2008) received their trophies this past week at a gathering hosted at Hampton Yacht Club.  Past vice-president (and current Region 4 scorer) Tom Roberts and current vice-president John McCarthy presented the awards. For Region 4-SOUTH: PHRF A: 1. Cash Flow, Lloyd Griffin; 2.Feather, Phil Briggs; 3.Sea Star, David Eberwine.  PHRF B: 1.Bad Habit, Bob Archer; 2.Gremlyn, Greg Cutter; 3.Callinectes, Ben Cuker.  PHRF C: 1.It's …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Saturday, FEBRUARY 14, 2009,  is  St Valentine's Day!     

11th Annual Southern Chesapeake Bay Leukemia Cup (July 11-12) begins its campaign on FEBRUARY 20th.  The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Fishing Bay Yacht Club will host well known racing personality TUCKER THOMPSON at Dominion Resources Auditorium in Innsbrook Office Park, 5000 Dominion Blvd, Glen Allen, Virginia. Admission: $20 advanced tickets, $25 at the door, and $15 students. There will be a cash bar and light Hors D'eouvres. The public is invited to attend and all proceeds after expenses will benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Advance registration is available on line at www.fbyc.net. For additional information, contact Event Chair Den Roberts at denroberts481@verizon …

Safety at Sea

George Burke on

Cruising News
Dan Rugg, Sailing Master of the US Naval Academy, sends the following information about a US Sailing sanctioned upcoming event in Annapolis: "Our 30th Annual Safety at Sea seminar will occur over the w/e of 28 – 29 March here at the Naval Academy. As part of the program, we conduct live on-the-water MOB demonstrations utilizing the Navy 44s and Midshipmen. If there is any interest, you may direct FBYC members to www.mtam.org and look for the link to Safety at Sea to see an overview of the program and sign up form."

This event is open to the public. MTAM, the Marine Trades Assoc. of Maryland, sponsors this event. Dan Rugg, among other responsibilities at the Academy …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
PUNXSUTAWNY PHIL ...  well, depending on where he sails on the southern Chesapeake Bay today,  he may see his shadow (6 more weeks of winter weather) or he may not (early spring).  It's another advantage of our area - we can take our pick .  Early polls indicate most racers (99.9%) took the early spring option!  HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!
SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK fleet is building:  The first Maryland boat is in - Norman Dawley's custom 48, PURSUIT, is entered.  Norm sails out of Southern Maryland Sailing Association and makes his home in Lusby, Maryland.  And,  Brad Miller's Beneteau First, SCHIEHALLION, is the first PHRF C fleet boat to enter.  Brad is returning to SBRW, sails out …


Strother Scott on

Cruising News

NEWS From BoatU.S.
Boat Owners Association of The United States
880 S. Pickett St., Alexandria, VA 22304
BoatU.S. News Room at http://www.BoatUS.com/news/releases.asp

Press Contact: Scott Croft, 703-461-2864, SCroft@BoatUS.com


BoatU.S. Rents Newest 406 MHz Beacons for Offshore Passages

ALEXANDRIA, Va., January 27, 2009 - For boaters cruising offshore, having a way to summon help in an emergency is critical. For years cruisers and racers making offshore passages relied upon EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons) utilizing the 121 MHz radio frequency. However, with better technology available in the newer 406 MHz EPIRBs, the U.S. Coast Guard will cease …


Strother Scott on

SBR News You Can Use
DOWN THE BAY RACE BUZZZZZZZZZZZ:  Early information on the re-instituted DOWN THE BAY RACE FOR THE VIRGINIA CRUISING CUP (May 22 start date) is buzzing around.  This will be the 60th rendition of this old, old event where racers will compete non-stop from just below the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to Hampton Roads.   The course will cover the 120 mile distance from Annapolis to Hampton on the Chesapeake Bay. Classes include IRC, PHRF A,B,C, Non-Spinnaker (double headsail), and any one-design classes with 5 or more boats entered.  The first warning signal will be at 1030, Friday, May 22, 2009.  The website is building at www.hamptonyc.com/downthebay    Hampton Yacht Club and Storm Trysail -Chesapeake Station are administering this …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
CBYRA Region 4 official scorer, Tom Roberts has been burning the midnight oil.  Here are the CBYRA Region 4 High Point  "top dogs" in both the North and South Divisions.  Region 4, South Division: PHRF A (10 qualifiers):  1.Cash Flow, Lloyd Griffin; 2.Feather, Phil Briggs; 3.Sea Star, Dave Eberwine.  PHRF B (10 qualifiers): 1.Bad Habit, Bob Archer; 2.Gremlyn, Greg Cutter; 3.Callinectes, Ben Cuker.  PHRF C (10 qualifiers): 1.It's White, Batchelor, Winters, Piccillo; 2.Spray, Bumps Eberwine; 3.Roundabout, Alan Bomar.  PHRF Non-Spin (9 qualifiers): 1.Virginia H, Andy Armstrong; 2.Midnight Mistress, Jake Brodersen; 3.Impulse, Tom Peddy.   Region 4, North Division: PHRF A …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
This is the time of year when event planners get down to the nitty-gritty while skippers and crew get down and get gritty prepping boat bottoms!
Here's some early, gritty info for racers planning for 2009 SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK
                 3 days of great racing and 4 nights of great parties!
  • Check-in and Welcome Party,  Thursday evening, May 28, at Regatta Headquarters, Hampton Yacht Club Hampton, Virginia;   
  • Racing Friday, May 29 through Sunday, May 31- multiple races each day;
  • Racing for PHRF Classes A, B, C, Non-Spin 1 (single headsail), Non-Spin 2 (double headsail), One-Design classes, and a special Cruising Class;
  • 2 racing venues - Ocean View and Buckroe circles;
  • City of Hampton's Blackbeard Festival happening simultaneously …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters