Registration and class information for the US Sailing Advanced Race Management Seminar, Mar. 6 and 7, at Hampton Yacht Club is available in the attached file. The seminar is part of US Sailing's Race Officer Training and Certification Program and is designed for people who have some race committee experience, but newcomers are, also, welcome. Registration, $65, is requested by this Friday, Feb. 20. Class size is limited to 25.
St Pete NOOD:
Mirage, Fast Lane, and Radio Flyer Do St
Petersburg. At the National Offshore One Design (NOOD)
Regatta this past weekend, three southern Bay boats did well in their
respective classes. Christian Schaumloffel brought his
Hobie 33 back from a shaky start to 2nd place in the 7 boat fleet;
Mirage posted a string of 6-6-1-1-2 (16). In the 10 boat J/29
fleet, Jay McArdle, Fast Lane, finished 3rd
overall, 7-2-3-7-3 (22). Among the 6 Tripp 26s at the NOOD,
Dennis Hannick brought Radio Flyer in 3rd with
4-3-3-2 (12). Other southern Bay teams at St. Pete included J/29s
Killshot, Wardwell - 5th; Patriot, Whittemore - 6th;
and, Rockette, Monsees …
As noted earlier - FBYC friend Linda Liles has become famous as regards her relationship with the Beatles on their visit to the US 40 years ago this week. On Tuesday, she appeared briefly in a segment on ABC World News Tonite where she disclosed Ringo had proposed to her - she, then age 8 (not 9 as quoted) declined. We will provide the video when available.
Yesterday the London Observer ran an article entitled I kissed a Beatle and it is copied in full under Read More. Photos also attached from the NY Daily News from February 11.David (l.) and Albert Maysles were tapped to record the Fab Fours arrival at Kennedy Airport.
This coming Friday, February 13, marks the opening day of the
St. Petersburg NOOD Regatta which runs through February 15. Cross your
fingers for southern Bay sailors Christian Schaumloffel,
Mirage, in the Hobie 33 class, and Dennis Hannick,
Radio Flyer, in the Tripp 26's.
and FBYC sailor Skip Hope, Thin Ice in the J-24 class.
Several southern Bay racers interested in the race management
side of the house attended the annual CBYRA Race Management
Seminar at Annapolis YC this past weekend. Louis Vitton
Challengers Cup [for the America's Cup] and NOOD Regattas' guru
Peter Reggio was the keynote speaker and stayed the entire
day, chatting informally with attendees. Our own John
McCarthy presented one of the concurrent …
SILVER! More than 75racers and racer
groupies (friends, families, and interested parties) congratulated,
cheered, and toasted the recipients of the CBYRA High Point Awards
presented Saturday night at host Hampton Yacht Club. Receiving awards for
the 2003 racing year were: NORTH DIVISION PHRF SPINNAKER: 1.
Mike Karn, Insatiable; 2. Allan
Heyward, La Maga; 3. Leroi Lissenden,
Vernon and Dave Eberwine, Sea Star; 2.
Bob Mosby, Cyrano; 3. Phil
Briggs, Feather. SOUTH DIVISION PHRF B: 1.
Rusty Burshell, Cool Change; 2. Ben
Weeks, Cheryl Lea; 3. Bill Chandler,
Rhumb Line. …
A reminder from Australia, where it's summer right now. And where,as I found out while visiting Sydney in 1999, you can watch the Super Bowl live on a Monday morning. Read on.
As all you northern hemisphere sailors sit out the winter or brave the
frostbiting series and dream of the warm, tropical weather in places like
Queensland, Australia, spare a thought for this poor laser sailor and maybe
you won't feel so bad....
January 26, 2004 Lightning smashes into Laser dinghy, sailor in hospital.
Gosford sailor Chris Meech is recovering in Gosford Hospital after his Laser
dinghy was literally blown apart by a bolt of lightning while he was sailing
on Brisbane Waters …
If you take a look at today's Washington Post - Weekend Edition,
you will see a long article about the Beatles first concert 40 years ago in DC.
Part 1
Part 2.
Toward the end of the article in
Part 3
are references to a new documentary film made by Maysles Films . The documentary includes footage of the Beatles train trip from NYC to DC. On that train a little 8 year old girl, who was returning from NYC to Richmond with her family, was allowed to visit with all 4 Beatles in their private railroad car. She was photographed in the original documentary, she is pictured on the bottom right hand corner of The Beatles First US Trip …
Terry Quinn passed away last weekend. Terry was my friend and I will miss him very much. I met Terry though the Richmond Triumph Club and I was immediately attracted to his zest for life. Terry was the type of guy who was always upbeat and always greeted friends with a boisterous hello young fellow!!
Terry was an institutional equity trader at Davenport Company, an occupation that was especially fitting for him as he was always trying to get in the middle of things and find out where the true market was. He bought and sold several cars while I knew him and had a knack for finding car parts (which are frequently hard to find for our ancient little …
AWARDS! This Saturday, January 31, CBYRA
Region 4 Dinner and High Point Awards Presentation - Hosted by
Hampton Yacht Club - Social Hour begins at 5:30pm, a buffet
dinner follows, and the awards will be presented immediately after dinner.
Awards to Region 4 racers for PHRF Classes, the Mobjack Class, the Hampton One
Design Class, Lasers, and Juniors will be presented. The event is open to
everyone; to make arrangements to attend call HYC directly at (757)
722-0711. For additional information contact Lin McCarthy at (757)
PHANTOM: Frank Silver, from Kill Devil Hills, North
Carolina, in his B-25 with local guru Ken Saylor, won …
In the February issue of Chesapeake Bay Magazine there is an article about sailing from Smith Point up the Pinkatank River. An insert headed "Powhatan's Domain" describes the river as being 21 miles long from it's headwaters in Dragon Run swamp. The article goes on to report that the river's name is derived from Native American language and roughly translated it means "wiggly bugger protected by many crab pots". More seriously, the article reports, the river was named by Chief Powhatan in the late 1500's. "Tank" comes from the Indian meaning water and "Pianka" means winding or crooked. And crab pots didn't show until several hundred years later. If you want to read more you …
BAY RACERS: One of the important parts of being race
ready involves having your paperwork up to snuff. Here's a
checklist of things best done now, not the morning of the day before the
USSA: US Sailing - These are the grand Pooh-Bahs of
racing. This organization, among other things, represents our nation in
the world of sailboat racing. Their services and programs are best
seen at their web site For membership
info you may call 1-800-US SAIL.
Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association - Among other services,
provides oversight for sanctioned racing on the Chesapeake Bay - also, sponsors
ever …
FBYC Winter Program Friday, January 30, 2004 7:30 PM
Mary Mumford School 211 Westmoreland Avenue, Richmond
Extended Cruising with Limited Time & Resources
Please join us for an interesting presentation by Bob & Joan Handschumacher, sailing friends of Maggie and Wayland Rennie. The Handschumachers will share some recollections and visual documentation of a trip from Trinidad, up South American jungle rivers and down to the Amazon. Their presentation will also include their cruising in largely unexplored areas of the western Caribbean. They will intersperse some technical details that will be helpful to others who are dreaming of exotic cruises. Bob and Joan have almost 30 years and 40,000 miles of cruising experience including three Atlantic crossings, the Mediterranean …
Any yacht club member that would like to exhibit their work at Art on Fishing Bay Wednesday, June 30, 2004, please contact Bob Kates by January 15, 2004. The show benefits the Leukemia Society. There's room for twenty exhibitors and 12 spots are already filled. So, if you're interested please call me at 804-776-6950 or E-mail
Art by Jane Hall "Flying Scots at FBYC"
I think we should start a new series of postings oriented around great sailing pictures found on the internet. Scuttlebutt found this one yesterday. Quoting them:
Take a moment right now to check out the skiff sailing video on the link
shown below. It's awesome. Perhaps more importantly, it was broadcast on
prime time TV in New Zealand. Scuttlebutt found about the URL from Jim
Walsh with the comment, "Oh to have every country show this much interest
in sailing."
Sailing Skiffs. Works well with Windows Media Player and a high speed connection.
DINNER AND AWARDS PRESENTATION: Saturday, January 31 - Hampton Yacht
Club. 5:30 - 6:30 pm social hour with complimentary beer and
light snacks (and cash bar); 6:30 pm buffet dinner (menu includes salad,
assorted vegetables and potatoes, slow roasted London broil, baked Grouper
filet, southern fried chicken and assorted desserts. Presentation of
awards follows dinner. Cost is $20 per person. To make
dinner arrangements call HYC at (757) 722-0711. For
additional info contact Lin McCarthy at (757) 850-4225. CBYRA High Point
Awards for PHRF (all classes) Region 4, Mobjack Class bay-wide, and Hampton
One Design bay-wide will be presented. Everyone is welcome -
racers, non-racers, crew, family, friends …
Augie Diaz, age 49, was recognized for his achievements as a skipper in
three different one-design classes Laser, Snipe and Star. Many of the
panelists noted that Diaz has been nominated many times before; however this
was his best year ever, competing in what are perhaps three of the most
competitive fleets in the world.
A string of regional regatta successes
culminated in his win of the Snipe World Championship title and one panelist
noted "his versatility in one-designs, not just one class, continues to be
impressive." Diaz is the first U.S. sailor to win the Snipe World
Championship since 1981. His list of achievements also includes victories at …
pilgrimage is about to begin. The actual racing begins at KWRW on January
19th. Here are some southern Bay (and beyond to the
south) boats, skippers and crewbies who have announced intentions to dig
out their sandals and commence the trek: (1)Titillation, J/29,
sailing out of Fishing Bay, skipper Paul Andersen with Elizabeth Staas,
Mary Carter, Carolyn Grant, Sue Kessler, Michelle Garn, Morgan Marchant, and Sue
Reilly; (2) Night Music, J/29, also from Fishing Bay, skipper
Sam Marshall with Hal Starke, Dan Clark, Marshall Orr, Tom Norris, Bill
Fendley, Rachel Barnard, Kathleen Slattery, and Anna Smith; (3)
Phantom, B-25 from the Outer Banks, skipper Frank Silver …
Free Hobie 16A friend of mine in Gloucester has a Hobie 16 he would like to send to a good home. The rig, sails, tramp, and all parts are in great shape. One hull got destroyed by a falling pine in Isabel. The second hull suffered a little damage but is probably repairable. He'd like someone who would appreciate this "gift" to come and take the whole shooting match away. Call me for the contact and location. Wes Jones.
FBYC Cruisers,
We are looking forward to a great year cruising the bay with you. However, I need your help and input in creating the weekend and extended trips that you would enjoy. Many of you have a very special trip that you have made in the past; please consider sharing it with the rest of us this year by leading us as the chairman of that trip. Perhaps you would like to do a two day weekend trip, or a full week to that neat, special place.
Or, maybe there is an area that you have thought about going, and would enjoy taking the rest of us with you!