Hair of the Dog!

Eric Powers on

Offshore Racing
Assuming Ophelia skips town this coming weekend we'll all have a chance to redeem ourselves for last year's scrape with her bully brother Ivan during the 2004 Wolf Trap Race. This will also be our last chance this season to pinch points for the Offshore Long Distance Series, which by then will include five events. With a few notable exceptions, this 24+ nautical mile race is usually accompanied by pleasant late summer breezes and sparkling seas. May the Big Bad Wolf stay trapped beneath the shoals this time around. Anyone wanting to taste the hair of the dog and/or engage the upcoming Fall Series should make a point to register on line and make sure your PHRF …

Smashing Pumpkins!

Eric Powers on

Junior Activities
Five Fishing Bay Juniors tacked their way through the pumpkin patch this Sunday in search of fairer winds at Corsica River Yacht Club. Light and fickle winds teased the 45+ boat Optimist fleet with surprise shifts and puffs throughout the four race series. Parents and sailors alike were rewarded for their patience with a big tent cookout after the race. Top honors went to two Fishing Bay sailors with Alex Jacob in 1st and Kyle Swenson in 3rd for overalls in the red/blue/white fleets. Austin Powers and Kendall Swenson lined up for 1st and 4th respectively in the white fleet and Erin Jacob climbed well up into the pack of green fleeters.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
JAMES JACOB WINS CHESAPEAKE BAY LASER MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIPS:  Two southern Bay homies finished in the top 5 at the 2005 Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championships hosted by Fishing Bay on Saturday.  James Jacob from Fishing Bay YC took the top honors among the fleet of 18 competitors.  Henry Amthor from Hampton YC was tied for 2nd in points, but after the tie breaker rules were applied, finished 4th.  For detailed results see
CCV FALL SERIES Begins this coming Sunday!  Race #1 (Sunday, September 18); Race #2 (Sunday, September 25);  Races #3 and #4 (Sunday, October 9)  All races are counted toward the CCV High Point Championship awards; all races …

VIMS Lecture Series-After Hours Seminar

Izumi Miller on

Social Events
VIMS After Hours Lecture Series presents: Coastal Virginia: Hub for Bird Migration Thursday, September 29 2005, 7-8:30 pm Virginia Institute of Marine Science Watermen's Hall, Gloucester Point CampusVIMS After Hours Lecture Series presents: Coastal Virginia: Hub for Bird Migration Thursday, September 29 2005, 7-8:30 pm Virginia Institute of Marine Science Watermen's Hall, Gloucester Point Campus Coastal Virginia is the hub for the most significant concentration of migrating birds in eastern North America. Each year millions of birds traveling the Atlantic Flyway stop to rest and refuel within the waters, marshes, and uplands of Virginia's Eastern Shore. Join us as Michael Wilson from the Center for Conservation Biology, College of William & Mary, describes the ecological …

Southern Yacht Club in New Orleans burns down

Strother Scott on

Club News
An extra edition of Scuttlebutt today reported on the tragedy at the Southern Yacht Club in New Orleans. We join all friends of sailing by putting them in our thoughts and prayers

The recent landing of Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf Coast of the United States is appearing to be a significant tragedy, with the ripple effect likely to extend throughout North America. To those directly touched by this catastrophe, we here at Scuttlebutt wish you strength and determination as you seek to recover. - The Curmudgeon

For a good aerial picture of where the club is Go to Google Map. The 17th street levee break on Lake Pontchartrain was just SW of the club and its harbor.

At Read More …

Son sails, father serves

David Hazlehurst on

Junior Activities
Daniel Bagbey and Cori Radtke raced August 23-24 in the Midget Regatta at Bellport Yacht Club on Long Island. This was a major adventure for these two young sailors who had put in as much time in practice as any of the FBYC racing team. Daniel and Cori were accompanied by Arel English, the club 420 coach, whose was thanked for his efforts in an e-mail from Daniel's father, Robert Bagbey, who is presently serving with his USN reserve unit in Baghdad. We wish Robert a safe return home next February.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Flying Scot, Front Runner, Laser, and Mobjack Fall Series at FBYC:  23 small boats took advantage of yesterday's racing conditions in the FBYC Fall Series competition.  Winners of the classes were:  Flying Scot - John Hubbard (with 4 bullets); Front Runner - Bill Spencer; Laser - Mark Saunders; Mobjack - Jerry Deservine
LABOR DAY WEEKEND SOUTHERN BAY RACING OPPORTUNITIES:  One day, two days, or all weekend long, racers will be racing!!
Saturday (Sept 3) Event in Hampton Roads:   Norfolk Yacht & Country Club is hosting the Annual Labor Day Regatta for "big boats" and folding into the race the competition for the Dink Vail Perpetual Trophy.  This is a CBYRA sanctioned event.  Racing takes place …

66th Annual Regatta Survey to shut down on Wednesday

Strother Scott on

Club News
For the last week or so we have had a link to Take Survey Here on the top of the web page. So far we have had 46 responses, which is excellent. We encourage anyone who has not yet responded to take the survey soon before we close it down on Wednesday August 30.

It is easy to take and the information gained should be helpful to us as we try to run events that people enjoy. Thanks very much.

The survey results will be professionally analyzed and recommendations for improvement will be made to FBYC's regatta committee and to the Long-Range Planning committee. In addition, a summary of the survey results will be sent to all participants.


Noel Clinard on

Junior Activities
IMG_3038.jpg FBYC’s Juniors excelled at the 2005 Optimist National Championship held July 25-29 at the Norfolk Yacht & Country Club. Three of four who sailed in the Championship Fleets (Red, Blue and White) qualified for the Optimist National Team Trials to be held in New York the first week of May 2006, by finishing above 230 out of 317 boats, some well above that mark.

Those who qualified for the Team Trials were Madeleine Alderman, age 12, who finished 64 for the week Overall; Kyle Swenson, age 12, finishing 117, and Alex Jacob, age 11, finishing 120.

Austin Powers, age 10, just missed the team trial cut by only four places with an overall place of 234 in the 317 …


Noel Clinard on

Junior Activities
P1010027.JPG Over a dozen FBYC Juniors braved the heat index over 100 degrees on Sunday, August 21, 2005, to attend the 2nd Annual Dog Days Regatta, an event planned to "make sailing more fun." Under supervision of a costumed Canine PRO, dog masked Juniors sailed several unique races held in light air, including "Fetch" in which Juniors retrieved thrown retriever trainer toys, "Milkbone Mark" in which they removed a Dog Milkbone taped to the "Barkward Mark" and crossed the finish line with the treat in their teeth, "Pick Up Dog Toys" in which each contestant sailed to a thrown dog toy; "Catch" in which they sailed in pairs throwing the Frisbee, and other events. In view of heat and light air …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Racing Rules Quiz:   Is it necessary for the Race Committee to notify the boats of a shortened  course as they round the mark beginning what will be the final leg?   (Answer is at end of this issue.)
2005 Mobjack National Champions are Trey Smith and crew Jordan Wintringham, both of Virginia Beach.  This is the 4th National Championship title for Trey and the third with Jordan as crew; their string of finishes was 3-4-1 [6] 4-1-4.  The pair beat the 2nd place finishers, Joe  and Tracy Kubinec, by 3 points and defending champions, Jim Rice and Pete Wallio by 8 points.  Fifteen Mobjack teams raced in the 46th National Championship Regatta. The event was hosted by Ware River …

Twenty-four Hour Cruise To Cobb's Creek a Success!

John Koedel on

Cruising News

24 Hour Cruise A Success by John Koedel, III

We had a pretty good turnout for the 24 Hour Cruise on July 23/24. The following boats joined the raft in Cobb’s Creek:

Boat – Owner (Adults / Kids) Ishky Baha – Koedel, III (3/2) Wings – Koedel, Jr. (2/0) Northstar – Moody (2/3) Miss Kate – Sakowski (3/3) Soulemate – Soule (2/2) Infusion – Maurer (2/5) Crush – Cost (2/2)

We left FBYC around 2:30pm, sailed our way up the Piankatank and arrived around 5 PM for cocktails and shared appetizers. We ate our meals and made the cockpit rounds. The kids had fun in the dinghies while exploring and engaging in water battles.

Just before sunset, we broke …

Optimists at Annual Beat the Heat in Multiple Fleets

Lud Kimbrough on

Optimist racers at the Annual One-Design Regatta included a Green Fleet for first-year racers, two advanced fleets (Blue and White determined by age), and overall scoring. Nine intrepid Junior Sailors put their skills to test in the challenging conditions of the Annual OD, with results as follows: Green Fleet participants included Kent Heckel, Grahme Alderman, Erin Jacob, and Christian Cost. Blue Fleet awards: 1-Alex Jacob, 2-Madeleine Alderman, 3-Kyle Swenson White Fleet awards: 1-Kendall Swenson, 2-Natalie Wirt, 3-Nicholas Howe Overall awards: 1-Alex Jacob, 2-Madeleine Alderman, 3-Kyle Swenson

80 Boat Fleet Competes in 66th Annual One-Design Regatta

Lud Kimbrough on

One Design Racing
Fishing Bay Yacht Club¹s 66th Annual Regatta was sailed August 13-14 by 80 boats in 8 fleets at the regatta, competing in the beautiful but challenging and shifty conditions. The competition was fierce and the race committee did an excellent job getting off five to eight races during the weekend. On Saturday, what started out as a tease of nice wind during registration quickly died out as the sailors made their way to the course for the first warning signal. After a 2 hour postponement the wind slowly built and by day’s end it was blowing hard. Before returning to dock, 4 races were completed in a range of conditions in the late afternoon. In the second two races …

Get Your Points For Smith Point

Eric Powers on

Offshore Racing
Make sure you get your points in the Long Distance Series in this weekend's Smith Point Race. This is the fourth race in the five race series that will end with the Wolf Trap race in September. Start time is at 1400 on Saturday with the time limit set for the same time Sunday. This is a great chance to trade the daytime heat for the cool light of a full Chesapeake moon. A Brunch will be served at the main clubhouse afterwards at 1100.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
64 One Design-ers were at the 66th Fishing Bay YC Annual Regatta this past weekend.  Here's how things shook out among the classes: Class Winners:  FLYING SCOT (17 boats) - Frank and Debbie Gibson;  FRONT RUNNER (8 boats) - Bill Spencer/Kenney Cobb;  HOD (8 boats) - Latane and Pat Montague;  MOBJACKS (7 boats) - Jim Rice and Pete Wallio;  420 (7 boats) - Alex O'Toole;  ALBACORE (9 boats) - Jude Brown;  LASER (15 boats) - Brad Squires.  There were 9 Optimists on the scene too and Alex Jacob took first among the Optis.
Saturday (Sept 3) thru Sunday (Sept 4) Event at Fishing Bay (Deltaville):  Fishing Bay Yacht Club is hosting the 10th …

All the news that's fit to print

David Hazlehurst on

One Design Racing
A long time club member once told me that most Middlesex County residents believe Christchurch School is the center of the sailing universe. Not any more, times are changing. Fishing Bay YC got not one but two mentions in the 11 August issue of the Southside Sentinel.

The first, about the club's program to introduce county youth to the joys of sailing, the second to announce the 66th Annual One Design Regatta that finished yesterday. Readers will be able to find more information on subsequent web postings and later in the Log. For those not addicted or afflicted with latter day communication tools the Log or the Southside Sentinel will have to suffice.

The rest of you stay tuned …

Annual Regatta Registration Desk opens at 8AM, LUAU is at 6PM

Strother Scott on

One Design Racing
Hawaii_ad-w.jpg We have turned off the on-line registration for the 66th Annual Regatta this weekend because the people managing the event need to print out the registration information as they are headed to the River this morning to get things ready. The Registration desk opens at 8AM on Saturday morning and Deborah Usry will be there ready to hand registered participants their packets and to receive entries from those who are, well, late.

Last night at the monthly FBYC Trustees meeting, the Social Committee Chair reported that the preparations for the LUAU are proceeding well. The party will be slightly different from the usual FBYC dinner, and it sounds very exciting. Put on your best Hawaiian Outfits and get ready!

Cruise Regatta Challenges Light Air Skills

George Burke on

Cruising News
After enjoying several consecutive years of 15-20 knot breezes for the annual Cruise Regatta, this year's fleet stared the 13.8 nautical mile course in the face thru an absolute calm; initially, the staggered start resulted in more staggering than starting, and with boats drifting together, fenders became more important than sails or skills. Winds remained light thru most of the afternoon, causing cancellation of the race prior to its completion, and allowing the cruisers to get an early start on evening cocktails and appetizers. The cruising Division thanks Brooks Zerkel and Mike Dale, race chairmen, for their excellent management of this race. MR ROBERTS' presence at the starting line was a welcomed milestone for this event, giving the …

Fishing Bay Sailors Bum-Rush Northern Event

Marie Crump on

ILCA Logo - Small
August 9th The Long Pond Open on Cape Cod was sailed in a fleet of matched one-design laser dinghies. The competitors represented three nations and two continents with ages ranging from very young to very old.  

FBYC was well represented in all categories by laser cult leader, Alain "Buddy Boy" Vincey and his long time Cato, Will Crump, Danish match racer Marie "Sail your own dinghy" Crump and the past College of Charleston Sailing Team Captain, Blake "collar up" Kimbrough.

Outsider Thomas Klok found it difficult to compete with allegations of FBYC team racing and said "my experience has been to never compete with a team lead by the french - this event just proves me right!"    

In a round robin …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters