2006 Racing Schedule Dates Already
Set: The dates listed here are as close as it gets to being
set in stone for the coming year. The responsible clubs have confirmed
their intention to hold the event on the date shown. It's OK to put them
on your 2006 racing calendar - use a #1 pencil !
Jan 16-18 Key West Race Week
hosted by HYC
(Black Seal Cup) (racing on Fri - Sun)
Jun 9-11 Harborfest (Norfolk's downtown
waterfront festival)
City of Portsmouth and PBC …
On October 29, I served as the Race Committee for the Closing Day Regatta at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. The Closing Day Regatta is a staggered start race. This means that the slowest boats start first and are given a head start equal to their rating difference on the larger and faster boats. Calculating the starting advantage relative to the handicap requires knowing the length of the course. I had distributed to each boat an excel spreadsheet that gave starting times for any course length from 7 to 18 miles. The conditions were 15 - 20 knot Northwesterly winds, a clear blue sky, and temperatures in the 50s, so I decided on a 16 mile course with a nice windward starting …
Our Leukemia Cup Regatta again is one of the Top Six Regattas in the Nation. We are getting close to being the top fundraiser. This year's top Fundraiser was San Diego Yacht Club with $236,000. That is only $30,000 less than what we raised, hard to believe we are in the same league with one of the most well known yacht clubs in the world.
You should be proud of your contributions, FBYC has truly made a name for itself within the Leukemia Regattas around the country.
I was honored to be asked to speak at the conference as to the success of our regatta. They were all curious as to how a small yacht club in …
An article in a recent Scuttlebutt described how clubs on the Gulf Coast were recovering from Katrina; it takes a lot to keep committed sailors off the water!
While South Florida was scrambling to prepare for Hurricane Wilma, and then
to recover from the hit, the hard working sailors of the Gulf Coast were
getting themselves back on the water in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. In
some cases, they've been sailing for weeks, and in all cases, they are
sailing in spite of huge challenges.
Mobile Yacht Club Commodore James Green reports that, six weeks on, the
owners of boats that were scattered into the trees and up-bayou by Katrina
now face costs of …
Photographer Jon Deutsch is a laser sailor out of Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Whenever there wasn't Laser sailing going on, he always found himself at the club helping out with race committee at whatever regatta happened to be going on. He toted a camera with him and tried to snap a few pictures to show the folks who didn't come how much fun they were missing. That's how he got into photography. He's recently photographed events such as the US Laser Masters, Optimist Nationals, Flying Scot ACC's and the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters. Jon, welcome to photoGray
Fawcett Boat Supplies 2005 International 505 East Coast Championship--Alden Bugly's photoGray
I am now entering my third year as Race Chair for the Staggered Start Race. The prior two years I had laid out many alternative courses, and made a spreadheet to correspond to the lengths of those courses. I find I have now lost the notebook with the corurses, and hence we will have a slightly revised system this year.
At the Skippers meeting to occur at the Flagpole at 9:30am on Saturday Ocober 29, 2005, I will hand out printed copies of
this Spreadsheet. Please note it has 2 pages - one sheet is to be used if we start on time, the other if the start is to be delayed. Unlike last year, the spreadsheet forces me to …
Sunday, October 30th. - Sleepy heads get an extra hour of ZZZZZZZs
before heading out for Frost Bite racing on Sunday.
FBYC Fall Series Standings as of
Sunday: At the top of the posted, preliminary series standings
are: PHRF A - Wavelength, Rob Whittet;
PHRF B/C - Shenanigan, Miles Booth; PHRF
Non-Spin - Checko, Barfield/Smith;
MORC - Mojo, Mark Wensell.
Rhumb Punch, John and Linda Edwards, won the
FBYC Annual J/29 Invitational. Case Whittemore's
Patriot took 2nd and Paul Andersen's
Titillation finished 3rd. The Edwards are from Solomons, MD,
and both Patriot and Titillation are southern Bay homies from
Fishing Bay. The fleet of 6 got in …
There is a FLICKR Daily Zeitgeist "java widget?" on the top left corner of the home page, displaying in motion recent photographs uploaded the FBYC's Flickr photo site. It is much easier for us to put pictures there than on the event pages, although we will continue to use both places.
For those of you who notice, the pictures have recently changed, indicating new pictures. Jere Dennison and 10 other FBYC members were guests of Brent Halsey on the Schooner Virginia on a 2 1/2 day trip from Deltaville to Richmond immediately following the Stingray Point Regatta.
Jere has written an article for this month's Log that describes the trip - along with great pictures, which Vic will …
They raced 17 miles in 15-25 knots from the
Northwest in the Fishing Bay Yacht Club Fall Series Medium Distance
Race on Saturday. And, the tough sail handling continued
after the boats got back to the piers on Jackson Creek. Stiff NW
breezes, being what they are, made folding and stowing spinnakers a
challenge even on land. FLEET WINNERS: PHRF
A: Leroi Lissenden, Voodoo Chile.
PHRF B: Mike Dale, Juggernaut. PHRF
C: Brad Miller, Schehellion. PHRF
Non-Spin: Barfield, Smith,
Checko. Meanwhile the J/24 fleet did 4 short
windward-leeward races and Mark Wensell's Mojo
took top honors. PRO: Tom Roberts.
Imagine! Sets Records and Wins 2005
GCBSR. Mike Bagley's Imagine!, a …
Beginning Tuesday night (Oct. 18) Route 33 will be closed to traffic at the Lord Delaware Bridge over the Mattaponi River between West Point and King and Queen County from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. nightly through Sunday morning (Oct. 23).
Motorists travelling between Deltaville and Richmond these evenings should use one of the following alternate routes:
Route 17 to Route 360
Route 33 to Route 14 through King and Queen County to Route 360
Route 17 south to the Coleman Bridge then to I-64
When using these alternate routes, travel time may be increased by 60 to 90 minutes, depending on your destination. Detour signs will be posted along each alternate route.
Urbanna Oyster Festival Cruise, November 4-6, 2005
Depart Jackson Creek around 1330. Arrive Urbanna Creek in time for the Fireman's Parade at around 1800. Dinner on your own at the festival where food is in abundance: from oyster stew to turkey legs and 'bloomin onions. Saturday is more of the same plus the local parade at 1400. Saturday evening we can organize cocktails and a cookout on the lawn at Bob Montague's "Little Sandwich" overlooking the harbor.
In Urbanna Creek you can drop the hook or rent a slip. The town has constructed a new dingy dock and marina facility on the right just inside the creek (where the Windows Restaurant was located). For more information or a …
The Indian Summer Regatta is a 2 day One Design Event, which welcomes Juniors, and is sponsored by and held at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club.
This year it was held October 8-9, 2005. The twenty-three boats, which participated, saw a spectacular race on a wet, misty, cool weekend.
This regatta is sanctioned for CBYRA High Point Awards in the Junior division for certain classes.
The race results are as follows:
In Flying Scott with 2 boats, 1st place went to David Lee and 2nd place went to Rick Bauer. In Front Runner with 4 boats, they placed as follows:
1st place Chris Rouzie; 2nd place Lee Farinholt; 3rd place Matt Braun; and 4th place Chris Schmidt …
J/29s will gather for the Annual J/29
Invitational at Fishing Bay Yacht Club this coming weekend (Friday -
Sunday). For info contact Case Whittemore at (804)
Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 6 - 8 PM, Hampton Library (main Branch), 4207
Victoria Blvd. This is where members of PHRF in the
southern Bay have a chance at input on fleet splits for 2006, policy
changes, etc. and let delegates know opinions and comments. This is
not where individual ratings are discussed; that is strictly for the
handicappers. The Region IV input goes forward to the 2005 Annual Meeting
of PHRF Delegates from all over the Bay (Annapolis, November 19 …
WILLIAMS, POE BIRD, a Raven 24. Lee is the first
skipper to win the Turkey Shoot three times. Lee, along with his crew,
will compete in the National Hospice Alliance Championship Regatta in Annapolis
this coming Spring. Two glorious autumn days of racing on the southern
Chesapeake Bay. Eighty - five classy classic boats and wooden boats and
unusual boats filled the Rappahannock River between the Corrotoman and Carter's
Creek. And, the 2005 regatta raised more than $30,000 for northern neck
hospice services on both sides of the River.
Turkey Shoot Sightings: Rob Powell,
formerly manager of the Norfolk Boat Works, was there. All is …
The Second Annual Flying Scot Atlantic Coast Championship was held this past weekend at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Thirty-five boats came from New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina to compete in the five race series.
Near perfect conditions - both on the water and off - made for a very memorable weekend. Saturday's three races were held in conditions that made for some exciting racing with winds up to 20 knots. Sunday's two races saw about 10 knots for a calmer pace.
In the twenty-three boat Championship Division, David and Allyson Neff from the Selby Bay Sailing Center in Maryland, continued their winning ways to take top honors for their second ACC title, Capitol District Championship, and the …
Flying Scot Atlantic Coast Championship
Regatta: 35 skippers and crew were at Fishing BayYacht
Club this past weekend to race Flying Scots for 2 days. There was good
wind, especially on Saturday, (up to 20 knots). There were a few "kisses"
in the heavy air, but when all was said and done three southern Bay Flying Scot
teams finished in the top 10 of the 23 boat Championship Division:
5th - John Hubbard/Michael Miller/Ellis Hubbard
(FBYC); 8th - Blake and Lud Kimbrough (FBYC); and, 9th -
Jerry and Andrea Latell (RRYC). Frank Birdsall
and Jane Ryan (RRYC) won the 12 boat Challenger Division followed
by 2nd place Phil Webb and Owen Davidson (FBYC), and 3rd place
Jay Buhl …
After the Annual Regatta, Lud Kimbrough distributed a survey to the participants.
59 people completed the survey, and of them, 52 participated in the Regatta. 28 had attended the 2004 Regatta, and 22 had not been with us the previous year. 32 of the respondents registered on-line; and 17 registered for the event at the door at the event. 42 of the respondents attended the Luau, and 10 did not.
Overall, we were thrilled with the responses, and the full survey responses are being shared with our flag officers and event managers. There were sections in the survey for comments, and we received numerous constructive comments and suggestions. They will be recorded and shared and will be taken into consideration …
The following eight crews have qualified for the 38th Annual
U. S. Match Racing Championship for the Prince of Wales Bowl
which is being held at the
Newport Harbor Yacht Club
in California on September 20-24, 2005:
Brian Angel - King Harbor Yacht Club
Christopher Van Tol - Bayview Yacht Club
David Rosow - Pequot Yacht Club
Geoff Ewenson - Eastern Yacht Club
John Loe - Southern Yacht Club
Karl Zielger - Seawanhaka Corinthian YC
Marie Klok Crump - Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Scott Dickson - Long Beach Yacht Club
After one day of racing, each boat had won a race and lost a race so they all have one point. - according to
Results Day 1
Chris Rouzie (Front Runner), John
Hubbard (Flying Scot), Dan Herlihy (Laser) and
Jerry Deservine (Mobjack), were all fleet winners yesterday at
Fishing Bay YC Fall Series Day 2.
Remember the US SAILING Match Racing Championship
Quarterfinals sailed off Hampton Flats back in May? HYC hosted
the event and J/24 Fleet 71 provided the boats. The winner, Marie
Klok Crump, sailing with her husband Will Crump
(Fishing Bay YC) and her brother Thomas Klok, has won her way
to the National Finals. That team will be competing this Wednesday
through Saturday for the US Match Racing Championship for the Prince of Wales
Trophy. Karl Ziegler is the defending champion and has won his way
back to …
Mother Nature was smiling down on Deltaville Virginia this weekend with beautiful conditions while Laser Masters sailors competed in the 24th Annual Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship. Eighteen sailors got in 9 races in two days to sail for the championship in 10-15 knot breezes and sunny skies throughout the weekend.
James Jacob (FBYC) finished with 3 firsts to win the event by 3 points over the next closest finishers. Chris Legg (SSA), Mike Schmidt (MRSA) and Henry Amthor (HYC) all tied for 2nd place which was decided in favor of Chris Legg on the tiebreaker. The fact that the top four spots were decided by only 3 points is a testament to the closeness of the …