We don't need to sail 700 miles offshore to get a glimpse of Bermuda. Just sing-up to attend FBYC's Bermuda High Party on Saturday, March 30 at Paul and Mary Almany's Glen Allen, VA home. Wear your Bermuda shorts, bring some socks to burn and prepare to share your hopes and dreams for this sailing season.
There's still time to sign-up on-line at FBYC.net (RSVP deadline is March 23). We guarantee good food and great conversation. Join us!
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Mar 30 - Bermuda High Party (Social) Tue, Apr 2 - Crew Training - 1st Session (Training) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sun, Apr 7 - Spring Clean-Up Day (Volunteering) Tue, Apr 9 - Crew Training - 2nd Session (Training) Fri, Apr 12 - Welcome Cruisers Party (Cruising) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 27 - Spring Series 1 (Offshore) Sat, May 4 - Spring Series 2 (Offshore) Sat, May 11 - One Design Spring Series 1 and Laser Spring Regatta (One-Design) Sun, May 12 - Mother's Day (Holiday) Sat, May 18 - One Design Spring Series 2 (One-Design) Sun, May 19 - Spring Series 3 (Offshore) Sat, May 25 - Family Regatta and Laser Training (One-Design) Sun, May 26 - Open House Regatta & Party …
It’s Time for Spring Cleaning! It’s been a long winter, but spring is in the air and that means its time to get the Club looking ship-shape for the upcoming sailing season! Come join your fellow members for the annual Spring Clean-Up on Sunday April 7th, from 9 AM – Noon. No experience or tools necessary, just a willingness to pitch-in as we spruce up the club.
Coffee and doughnuts will be provided to get volunteers kick-started for the morning’s work, and then we will all have lunch (also provided) together at noon following the clean-up.
Share the news! Invite your friends to attend! There's loads to learn and new sailors to meet at FBYC's crew training seminar this year. Classes are Tuesdays, April 2, 9 and 16 and will be held in Richmond. The on-water sessions will be April 28 and May 5. Learn all the details and enroll at the FBYC.net Event page.
What do those two things means? It's time to banish winter and welcome spring at FBYC's Bermuda High Party March 30. We'll gather at Paul and Mary Almany's Glen Allen, VA home at 1800. There'll be plenty of stories to share and plans to make, not to mention wonderful food and drink.
Be sure to register on-line by March 23. And bring some socks to burn--clean and cotton ones please.
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Mar 30 - Bermuda High Party (Social) Tue, Apr 2 - Crew Training - 1st Session (Training) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sun, Apr 7 - Spring Clean-Up Day (Volunteering) Tue, Apr 9 - Crew Training - 2nd Session (Training) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 27 - Spring Series 1 (Offshore) Sat, May 4 - Spring Series 2 (Offshore) Sat, May 11 - One Design Spring Series 1 and Laser Spring Regatta (One-Design) Sun, May 12 - Mother's Day (Holiday) Sat, May 18 - One Design Spring Series 2 (One-Design) Sun, May 19 - Spring Series 3 (Offshore) Sat, May 25 - Family Regatta and Laser Training (One-Design) Sun, May 26 - Open House Regatta & Party (Offshore) Mon, May 27 - Memorial …
Towering waves, exhilarating speeds and tales of triumph and tragedy thrilled the largest crowd ever for an FBYC winter program. Charlie Enright, Volvo Ocean racer (and Morning Light movie star!) regaled everyone last week, including some prospective FBYC new members and junior racers. Charlie was poignant, at times hilarious and always inspiring. It was a great way to start planning for our upcoming sailing season and certainly inspired many to, at least dream of, foiling monohulls in the southern ocean. (Well maybe a nice “round the buoys race” instead.)
Next on the list of fun activities? The Bermuda High Party on March 30. Be sure to sign up now on-line and bring a pair of socks to burn, preferably clean …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Mar 30 - Bermuda High Party (Social) Tue, Apr 2 - Crew Training - 1st Session (Training) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Tue, Apr 9 - Crew Training - 2nd Session (Training) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - Registration is open for Crew Training, the Bermuda High Party and Opening Day. You can see all events on the Club Event Page by clicking here. - The Clubhouse Loft and stairwells will be locked and unavailable through early March for floor refinishing. The downstairs Foyer is open. - We will be restoring water to the Jackson Creek Docks and Bathhouse this week. Please be mindful of preseason preparations, repairs, and maintenance around the Club. Some areas and amenities …
How do you cap off the Opening Day Regatta at FBYC?
Well, along with the Blessing of the Fleet, some great music and fantastic food to start at 1600 on April 13. We have exciting new offerings and “intriguing” opportunities you’ll be hearing more about soon.
But first you need to sign-up on-line. As special incentive to sign-up early, everyone registering by April 1, will receive a free FBYC logo GoVino pilsner, wine glass or soft water bottle. You are encouraged to keep, refill these reusable glasses many times and help us cut down on trash production. It is all a part of FBYC’s effort to move towards a sustainable model to protect the environment we all dearly …
Spring is just around the corner and that means it’s time to dust off your sails and find your foul-weather gear… because another sailing season is blowin’ in! What better way to celebrate the new season than inviting some new faces to the party.
The 2019 Crew Training course is open and ready to have some fun. Holly Fuller and Lauren DeSimone are the co-facilitators, along with a host of skippers and crew who are so graciously willing to share their wisdom and time helping new crew learn the ropes.
If you know anyone who is interested, please send them to the Crew Training webpage.
Help us promote the course by sharing a post from FBYC on Facebook.
The Young Adult Members are hosting their first event of the year on Saturday, March 23rd. This will be our club's first ever bowling night at River City Roll (RCR) in Richmond! From 6:00 to 8:00 PM we will have three lanes reserved. This event is open to members and their guests. Spacing is limited so register now and join us for some fun, great food and drinks delivered right to your lane! Please register here: Register NOW for Bowling Night in Richmond!
RCR is located at 939 Myers Street Richmond, VA 23230. “Take your lucky bowling shirt to the cleaners. LET’S ROLL!". We will bowl from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the reserved …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Wed, Feb 27 - Presenting Charlie Enright, Volvo Ocean Racer (Social) Sat, Mar 30 - Bermuda High Party (Social) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - TONIGHT ONLY! FBYC Winter Programs bring you a chance to meet Volvo Ocean Racer, Charlie Enright in the Magnolia Room of the Richmond Omni. Doors open at 6:30 PM with cash bar and light hors d'oeuvres. Program begins at 7:00. Space may still be available. Contact Mary or Paul Almany if you'd like to attend but haven't registered yet. - Thanks to Ruthanna and Ron Jenkins for running the over-capacity Race Management Seminar last Saturday. There are only a few more off-season …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Feb 23 - One Day Club Race Management Seminar (Training) Wed, Feb 27 - Presenting Charlie Enright, Volvo Ocean Racer (Social) Sat, Mar 30 - Bermuda High Party (Social) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - The Race Management Seminar will be held on Saturday and will be conducted in the Clubhouse 1st Floor Foyer. On Wednesday evening, you can meet Charlie Enright at the Winter program in the Omni. You can see all events on the Club Event Page by clicking here. - The Clubhouse Loft and stairwells will be locked and unavailable through early March for floor refinishing. The downstairs Foyer is open. - Please be careful and watch …
The Young Adult Members Committee is pleased to announce its action-packed schedule for 2019. This year's highlights include a pre-season bowling night March 23rd in Richmond; an enhanced "Last Friday of the Month" movie night series, which was clearly a family-favorite for kicking the weekend; a fully loaded Memorial Day weekend; several unique cruise-in-company excursions; three different themed cookouts; and, of course, our penultimate annual corn hole tournament over Labor Day weekend. As a reminder, YAM events are open to all members, guests and accompanied prospective members...so come one, come all...this will be our best year of all! Click here to see full schedule!
We would like to recognize the generous donors who supported the new East Dock project by identifying all who contributed on a plaque that will be unveiled in the main Club House on Opening Day on April 13, 2019. Please review the list below and notify me of any corrections as soon as possible (no later than February 28th) at dlennarz@gmail.com.
Thank you,
David Lennarz
In Grateful Recognition of the Donors to the Fishing Bay Yacht Club East Dock Fund - 2017-2018
Come join us as Charlie Enright shares his amazing journey--from "movie star" in Disney's Morning Light to skipper in the Volvo Ocean Race - the longest and toughest professional sporting event in the world. This program has something for everyone, including racers, juniors, cruisers, parents, grandparents, and fans of sailing.
As a part of a special effort to attract new members, you can invite prospective members for free! We have allocated ten tickets that you can offer to friends you would like to join the club. Simply email Karen Soule (karen.soule@gmail.com) with the names and email addresses of the people you'd like to invite.
Any member can invite up to two people. The first FBYC members to email …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Feb 23 - One Day Club Race Management Seminar (Training) Wed, Feb 27 - Presenting Charlie Enright, Volvo Ocean Racer (Social) Sat, Mar 30 - Bermuda High Party (Social) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - Registration is open for all Cruising events and Junior programs. Also, Winter programs are coming up. Sign up now to for an Evening with Charlie Enright (registration deadline is Feb 22) and the Bermuda High Party. You can see all events on the Club Event Page by clicking here. - The Clubhouse Foyer and Loft will be unavailable throughout February. The stairwells and second floor Loft will be closed until March 1 for floor …
Come join us as Charlie Enright shares his amazing journey--from "movie star" in Disney's Morning Light to skipper in the Volvo Ocean Race - the longest and toughest professional sporting event in the world. This program has something for everyone, including racers, juniors, cruisers, parents, grandparents, and fans of sailing.
As a part of a special effort to attract new members, you can invite prospective members for free! We have allocated ten tickets that you can offer to friends you would like to join the club. Simply email Karen Soule (karen.soule@gmail.com) with the names and email addresses of the people you'd like to invite.
Any member can invite up to two people. The first FBYC members to email …
We were able to update the web server on Monday, February 11, 2019. It has resulted in a few inevitable glitches, and we are fixing them as fast as they are being discovered. Most functions, including the important online Event Registration processes, are working fine. Please let Strother know if you run across any issues.
I thought the following would be of interest to our members. The Deltaville Maritime Museum is having a lecture series known as the Turner Lecture Series.
The first program will be Sunday March 10th at 2 PM. The speakers will be our own Rick and Julie Palm. In 1990 they began their 2 year voyage around the world on "Sojourner" their 52 foot Tayana sailboat. their sailing resume includes Atlantic crossings, dozens of passages to ther caribbean and decades of coastal cruising from Nova Scotia to Florida.
Our next program will be on Sunday April 14th at 2 PM. The speaker will be Jack Yunker who will present a program on the Liberty Ships that played a major role in …