By Andy Jenks
DELTAVILLE, VA (WWBT) Tuesday, the National Weather Service confirmed a separate, EF2 strength tornado (winds up to 135 miles per hour) was responsible for widespread damage in Deltaville, part of Middlesex County.
Deltaville is known for the water and the boats until Saturday, when it became known for something else.
"As you can see, all the trees are destroyed and splintered," said resident Lydia Strickland.
It seems as if the entire town is cleaning up now. And really, there isn't much choice. Lydia gave us a tour of the worst areas.
"It's just hard to believe that there were two people in that house," Lydia said pointing out a residence where the exterior walls were …
The Blue Shape is path observed on ground and in WAVY video by Strother Scott. Yellow lines are the edges of the path per Glenn Nix's map in the Southside Sentinel - Red Crosses are "approx" location of destroyed houses marked on the Glenn Nix map. It is very difficult to match up the houses on the map with the Glenn Nix destroyed houses - so please interpret a Red Cross as a "House near the cross was destroyed".
Facebook Notes written by two members - first Carrie Russell from early this morning - talking about dinner at Mayo's house:
After "Blessing of the Fleet" today, Deltaville was hit by a tornado. It really sounds like a train racing towards you. Having dinner at friend's on Moore's Point, I felt the wind velocity intensify and saw a "white hole" ...not a hole really but the tornado. We literally dove for cover in the basement and a split second later, the tornado touched down on my friend's home and blew the doors, windows out. Looks like a war zone. Much of the contents of the house were strewn across the front yard and huge tree tops twisted off …
Alex asked that those in Deltaville today dedicate their efforts to helping those in need in town and cleaning up the club. If you do drive around, please be careful about downed power lines.
A tornado went through Deltaville around 8pm this evening. Fishing Bay Rd is currently blocked between Powells Marina Rd and Deagles rd. Everyone at opening dinner/party is safe. There are reports of homes near 33 that were leveled. Stayed tuned to our facebook page and twitter feed for further updates.
Update 10:55 pm, based on various reports of damage, here is where *I think* the tornado went through from south west to north east
Update 11:35 pm: based on more recent reports the path would have been a smidge to the right as if the line were directly over the road name 'general' at the top of the image.
Racers, Cruisers, and Jrs, everyone is invited and encouraged to bless the fleet and enjoy this incredible event. Make Plans to attend!
Blessing of the Fleet 5:00 pm Dinner 6:00 pm-8:00 pm by White House Catering Music and Dancing 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
Delicious Cocktail Buffet Served Continuously from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Cajun Shrimp and Cheese Grits Beef Brisket Fresh Veggies, Cheese, Fruit and Dessert Cheddar Scallion Scalloped Potatoes Classic Garden Salad French Fries and Chips
Refreshments include: Soft Drinks, Beer and Wine
Back by popular demand from the 2010 July 4th bash is Out on a …
After suffering a mell of a hess last spring upon encountering
"an uncharted rock in the Baltimore Channel entrance of the Chesapeake Bay
Bridge-Tunnel. . . ", Flying Colors, Richard Payne's
J105, is home and racing. That's a good thing!
Try sailing - it's NOT easy! -
Bill Schanen, SAILING
CCV Spring Series opened
yesterday to near perfect breezes and tolerable temperatures.
Twenty-eight (28) race boats, crews, and skippers took to the course and got
in two races in Hampton Roads harbor. While all five (5)
Spring Series races are scored separately for final Series awards, there are
also daily awards for each of the three days of racing. Award winners
for …
SunTrust Bank, repeating Presenting Sponsor of this years Leukemia Cup, will host Tom & Mel Neale for the Cups kickoff event at the banks corporate office in downtown Richmond on Thursday evening, May 19. Mark your calendars now!
Tom and Mel Neale have lived and cruised aboard since 1979, averaging 3,000 to 5,000 miles per year, including 19 winters in the Bahamas. They raised and home schooled two daughters aboard. Tom has owned over 25 boats since the early 1950s, from 8 to 53 feet long. Mel has also boated and cruised since the early 1950s.
Tom and Mel write the Tom Neales Cruising for You section for BoatUS @ Tom is …
Having recently imposed new regulations for the commercial marine industry and boatyards, the Federal EPA is now focusing its attention on recreational boating. As we are learning, the members of the EPA panels responsible for these new regulations are not necessarily knowledgeable about sailors, sailboats, or the seamanship that we practice.
FBYC members have an opportunity for input. What follows is a communication from BOATUS listing links that will enable you to have a voice in this important debate of vital interest to FBYC sailors:
"The U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is developing future clean boating requirements for all recreational boats in the next few months, and they need to hear from you. During April, they are hosting weekly …
The Notice of Race for the Laser District 11 Championship & US Sailing Singlehanded Championship Area C Elimination has been posted and online registration is now open. The program will include starts for both Standard Rig boats and Radials. If 5 4.7s register, there will be a start for them too. The top finishing male entrant in the Standard Rig fleet and the top female from the Radial fleet will qualify for the US Sailing Singlehanded Championship in July. There's also 20 ILCA-NA Grand Prix points up for grabs in each of the fleets.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville, Virginia will be hosting the regatta on May 14-15 and has a fantastic program lined up. FBYC is …
Try sailing - it's NOT easy! -
Bill Schanen, SAILING
RACE. That is to say, if you are racing PHRF
Non-Spin, you must have a PHRF Non-Spin rating (a PHRF Spinnaker
rating will not do!) If you are racing in a PHRF Spin fleet, you must have
a PHRF Spin rating (a PHRF Non-Spin rating will not do!) PHRF is very
clear about this. If you do not have the rating you need, call PHRF at
(410) 414-3270. Don't be left at the dock - get this straight now, time is
a' wasting!
The Leukemia Society has an ad running on page 68 of the April edition of Sailing World Magazine featuring the crew of Wavelength during the 2010 Southern Bay Leukemia Cup at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Pictured: Anton Webre, Melanie Pelouze Schmidt, Chris Schmidt, Ed Walker, Steve Utley, Rob Whittet, Jon Deutsch, and John Watlington. The ad is also featured in Cruising World.
Get ready to FLY YOUR SCOT! The
Flying Scot Clinic is set for Saturday, April
9th (0900 'til mid-afternoon) at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. The
clinic will be conducted by Jerry Latell of Ullman Sails
Virginia & Latell Sailmakers and David Neff
from the Selby Bay Sailing Center. David is the FS Capitol District
Governor. Open to all, there is no charge for the clinic
itself. You may sign up for pizza and a drink for lunch for
$6, or you can pack and bring your lunch from home. For info
contact John Berry at (804) 769-2856. On-line sign up is
available at
At the suggestion of Lud Kimbrough, we've added links that enable you to add any FBYC event to your Google Calendar.
To find the tools, go to the top of any of the Events pages that list multiple events - pages like One Design Events. At the top of the page - you'll notice a new row of links, right under "Printable" that says "GoogleCal" - highlighted in RED in the image. Click on
and you will see the same list of events, and also a Google Calendar image - like the one pictured here - shows up on the same line as each event.
Click on the image on the event you wish to add to your calendar, and it will …
The Fishing Bay Challenge Bowl recipient each year is determined by the Commodore. Commodore David Hinckle has announced that the 2011 Fishing Bay Challenge Bowl will be awarded to the skipper of a FBYC enrolled Front Runner with the best combined scores from the CBYRA-sanctioned events.
The fun starts Saturday, April 9, with a Front Runner only race date. Although the FBYC website and Sailing Events Book have conflicting information, the regatta will be held on April 9th. In addition to great buoy racing, there will be an après-race social.
Registration: 1000 Skippers Meeting: 1100 First Warning Signal: 1200 Followed by subsequent races
Followed by social and daily awards
If you have a boat, please come sail it. If you are lacking in boat, skipper or crew, please contact Mark Stephens at Email Address and the aforementioned can likely be arranged. If you would like to crew on a Front Runner for this or other races, please …