2022 Oyster Roast - October 29th

Brian Ankrom on

Social Events

Join us on October 29 for Off Shore Racing and the Oyster Roast


Cost for the Social is $5.00/person and a share dish for your group.  The share dish can be chili, a savory dish or a dessert. Those present will vote for the best in each category.


Prior Registration is required for both  the race and the social.  Last sign up day for the Oyster Roast is Monday October 25th


To register for the Oyster Roast:

     Go to FBYC Event page - Closing day

      In Regatta Network

          Choose View Store Front

          Enter number of tickets

           Add to cart


Follow Direction on FBYC site for the form to enter your share dish.


Racers: volunteers will be available pre-race …

2022 Chesapeake Bay ILCA Masters Postponed

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

Due to the anticipated effects of Hurricane Ian, we are postponing the 2022 Chesapeake Bay ILCA Masters Championship and will not be sailing it this weekend. Given the forecasted track of the storm - it doesn't look like are going to have conditions that would support having the event this weekend.

I want to thank everyone who was ready to come this weekend and all of the volunteers who had set aside their weekend to help put on a great event.  We are going to try and plan a make up date later this year and there is more information for competitors on the event page.

It's Time to Think Oysters

Karen Soule on

Club News

Mark your calendars for our end-of season celebration regatta and oyster roast, Saturday, October 29, 2022.  Here's the skinny:

  • Oysters:  roasted, steamed dumped on tables.  
  • Bring your favorite dish.  It can be either chili, a shared dish or dessert,  It should be enough to feed 6-8 people.  Claim your bragging rights!
  • Start time will be when Mr. Roberts returns to the dock following the race (hopefully between 15:00 -16:00 hours)
  • Club will provide oysters, beer, wine and non-alcoholic drinks
  • Cost:  $5.00/person. 

You need to register for both the race and the roast by October 20.

Learn more at: https://www.fbyc.net/events/2022/221029-offshore-closing-day-regatta-winter-1/


Water Restrictions in Place

Brian Ankrom on

Clubhouse News

Our water supply is low.

Water has been shut off to the Jackson Creek Docks, Dry Sail Lot, One-Design Lot, Junior Field, & Fishing Bay Ramp until further notice in order to conserve the limited water we have in the tank.  The Jackson Creek Pump Out is also unavailable.  I anticipate enough water in storage to restore full service by Friday, September 9th.

Deadline: This Friday for Stingray Point Regatta Meal Sign-Ups

Karen Soule on

Social Events


Don't delay!

The starting gun for our Labor Day Stingray Point Regatta will sound in ten days, but the deadline to sign-up for a great meal, music and fun is THIS FRIDAY.  You won't be able to register for the dinner on race day so purchase your tickets now at:  


New Weather Station Installed

Jon Deutsch on

Club News


A small group of members installed a weather station on the Fishing Bay side of the club Saturday morning. The station will record local conditions and beam them back to an internet page enabling members and guests to see real time wind, temperature, and other atmospheric conditions. It also show recent trends and historical data.


The installation was the culmination of a couple months of planning, modeling, and researching the optimum position and method of installation. The station is now mounted about 20’ above the Fishing Bay dock on the yard arm of the flagpole where it’ll have an unobstructed view of the wind and other conditions.


For more on how to access the weather data and save it …

Accessing the Fishing Bay Weather Station

Jon Deutsch on

Club News

Fishing Bay Yacht Club’s weather station displays the latest wind, temperature, rainfall, lightning, and other measurements from its perch on the flagpole on the Fishing Bay dock. There’s a great mobile website that can be easily added as an (web) app on any phone to see the data as well as the historical trends.

To access the site visit this URL:
OR point your phone’s camera at this QR Code:

Clicking on any of the metrics will show the history and you can zoom in or out to see it on different time scales.


Use the button in the top right to toggle between the forecast and the data modes.


For …


Mark Hayes on

Junior Activities

The team wrapped up a fantastic summer season with five top three finishes at the final CBYRA High Point Regatta of the summer, held this past weekend in Oxford, Maryland. The last week was amazing, with most of the kids racing all week on the Bay at the Maryland State Championships, the Miles River Yacht Club Annual Junior Regatta and at the Oxford Regatta. Three of our sailors, Walker Angus, Sofia Forsberg and Logan Hayes arrived at Oxford at 3:30am on Saturday after racing all week in Michigan at the US Sailing Chubb Youth Nationals! They had outstanding finishes at the Youth Nationals-with Walker and Sofia finishing 8th in the double handed division, and Logan finishing 13th in the …

Chesapeake Bay ILCA Masters - Registration Open

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

2021 ILCA Masters - photo by Paul Almany

Registration is now open for the 41st Chesapeake Bay ILCA Masters on October 1-2 - get all of the details and sign up online here.

We’re planning another great year of racing food and camaraderie and would love to have you join us! Entry includes racing, a world class dinner Saturday night (including alcohol), breakfast Saturday and Sunday, awards, drinks and snacks on the water and a regatta keepsake.

New for this year:
Now the Chesapeake Bay ILCA Masters Championship

The ILCA class has dropped the age limit for who qualifies as a master - so if you were 1-5 years away from being a master - you can join our Apprentice group THIS YEAR if you’ve reached your 30th …

A Fabulous Day Honoring Jere Dennison's Legacy!

Donna Mason on

Club News

Jere Dennison Legacy Regatta Pic


Jere Dennison Legacy Regatta 2022

On Saturday, August 6, we hosted the Jere Dennison Legacy Regatta to honor a man who served in FBYC leadership roles for over 40 years.  It was a beautiful day on the water full of laughter and camaraderie.  A huge thank you goes out to all those who made this event possible!

83rd Annual One Design Regatta and Racing Rules Clinic

Mary Kate Skeppstrom on

Club News

The Annual One Design Regatta is taking place on August 13th and 14th! It is two days of racing and fun with multiple courses for one-design classes. This event is also host to Flying Scot Atlantic Coast Championship and Capital District Championship. There will also be a Portsmouth Yardstick handicap offered to those without enough boats to qualify for the one-design class. We're looking forward to a great weekend of all kinds of sailing! 

Register here for the AOD!  Volunteers are greatly appreciated and needed! Please sign up to volunteer here!

For those who are looking to grow their knowledge of racing rules for the AOD, there will be a Racing Rules Clinic with Jerry Thompson the evening of August …

Check out this SpinSheet Article on our Juniors!

Mary Kate Skeppstrom on

Club News

I had the pleasure of writing a piece focused on our Junior Program for the August issue of SpinSheet Magazine. Thank you to Mae and Walker Angus for sharing their experiences with me, and Paul Almany for the fantastic pictures! 

Find the story here on page 63!

Successful Women's Sailing Clinic

Jessica Deutsch on

Club News

WC group 2022

FBYC welcomed a lovely group of about 20 ladies to the club this weekend for the Women’s Sailing Clinic. Beginners and more experienced sailors, members and non-members alike gathered for two gorgeous days on the water. Coaches Holly Sears and Caroline Patrick lead the morning classroom sessions for the Racing Fundamentals class and the Sailing Basics class respectively, and then everyone set sail in a combination of club-owned and personal Flying Scots, as well as a couple of Melges 15s, a Front Runner and a Laser.

WC on the water

The wind Saturday was light initially but built mid-morning as both groups headed out on the water. The beginners took off two to a boat, each with an on-the-water instructor and a student …

2022 AOD and Stingray Registration Open!

Mark Wensell on

One Design Racing


Registration is now open for our two biggest regattas of the year!   Go to our event pages on Regatta Network to register for:

83rd Annual One Design and Flying Scot ACC/CDC Champs


28th Annual Stingray Point Regatta


We especially need volunteers this year to help make these events a success!   For the upcoming AOD in two weeks, please visit our SignUpGenius at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080c4fa5aa2ba4ff2-20225




West Dock Electrical & Water Restricted for System Repairs

Brian Ankrom on

Clubhouse News

Our water production plant is currently offline for emergency repairs.

Water has been shut off to the Jackson Creek Docks, Dry Sail Lot, One-Design Lot, Junior Field, & Fishing Bay Ramp until further notice in order to conserve the limited water we have in the tank.  I anticipate the water to be restored by July 27th.

We are also having power problems on the West Dock.  The dock is not receiving adequate power from the transformer.  I have contacted the utility company & will provide an update when I have more information.


Donna Mason on

Club News


Saturday Aug 5, 2023

This event is held to honor Jere Dennison who served in FBYC leadership roles for over 40 years. While his achievements with the Club are too numerous to mention, he was the Club's youngest Commodore, created the Club's comprehensive Austin Memorial Library, and was Club Historian for over 15 years. Jere was an avid one-design sailor who completely understood that sailing is a lifelong adventure - an ancient legacy to be passed on from generation to generation!
Event info here: https://www.fbyc.net/events/2023/230805-onedesign-jere-dennison-legacy-regatta/ 

Long Distance Race Recap!

Mark Wensell on

One Design Racing

FBYC celebrated Independence Day with an exciting One Design Long Distance race in building conditions!

Congratulations go to Walker Angus for winning the day and the Hicks Trophy, which is FBYC's perpetual trophy for this unique event.   Walker skippered one of the club's new Melges 15's as well - great to see this new class taking off at the club (in more ways than one!).

Women's Sailing Clinic July 30-31

Mary Kate Skeppstrom on

Club News

Calling all women sailors, members and nonmembers alike!

There will be another two day Women's Sailing/Racing Clinic on July 30th and 31st. The Sailing Basics Class is for beginners or those who are looking to refresh their nautical skills. Each woman will get hands on experience without the stress of racing as either skipper or crew. The Racing Fundamentals Class is, as the name suggests, race centered, allowing for the sailors to better their boat maneuvering skills in a racecourse setting. You will choose your preferred class when you register! 

Advanced registration is required! Please do so here

This is for women of all ages and all experience levels! Click here for more information on the event including fees …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters