FBYC Juniors Stud Top Slots at State Champs

Eric Powers on

Junior Activities
Since FBYC Junior Week wrapped up on June 23rd Fishing Bay Junior Race Team sailors grabbed many of the top slots in both Virginia and Maryland State Championship Regattas. With spring practices and no less than a week of expert coaching from FBYC coaches Diego Ravecca and Luis Canuto, the extended race team much to be proud of in the standings at both of these very important events.

In the top five overall slots in the Optimist class at both events were Alex Jacob (1st in both), Ben Buhl (2nd and 3rd respectively) and Austin Powers (4th and 5th respectively). However, the FBYC team showed its real depth by having Graeme Alderman and Erin Jacob join the top ten overall …

Lights were inoperative on 2 Government Marks for Moonlight Race

catesby jones on

Offshore Racing
I was quite surprised to see that two primary marks were not operative Saturday night. FBYC Mark G - which is G "1R" Fl G 6s and Stingray light were both out. We had one boat actually hit G since the spinnaker was up and they were headed sraight for it.

Enjoyed the race but missed seeing some of regular competitors.



Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
INDEPENDENCE DAY is Wednesday,  JULY 4TH!     Maintain your personal independence - go sailing!
SCREWPILE  LIGHTHOUSE  CHALLENGE  REGATTA  is just around the corner - racing July 22-23-24.  Go to the website to checkout slip and hotel accommodations - both are available, but you better get a move on.  Get your entry in now and save $50 late fee.  For info go   www.screwpile.net   or  www.screwpile.com   or  www.splc.us   or contact  Event Chairman LG Raley at (301) 862-3100. 
FLYING SCOTS FLY HIGH IN NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS AT FISHING BAY:      There were 121 Flying Scots at their NAC this past week  hosted by Fishing Bay Yacht Club.  It was the largest gathering …

Big Storm!!! at FBYC, USA, / 420 Voladores!!!

catesby jones on

Junior Activities
Please take a look at my Blog - http://dingosailing.blogspot.com

Last Night we haved a big storm in Deltaville Virginia. Maybe 40knots and raining. When the storm finish, Daniel come to our house and told me, "we need some help with boats". We going to the club and ....... 420 are moved!!! When i saw that 420, UOUOUOUOOOOOO!!!
Look some pictures of this morning !!!
Amazing!! Just Wind!!!
420 at FBYC After Big Storm

Times Dispatch Article - Preparing to set sail once again

Strother Scott on

Flying Scots

FSNACs Publicity and Press Coverage

catesby jones on

Flying Scots
A couple of short articles in the Daily Press at Newspaper Link and we also have them on FBYC Publicity Page

and Scuttlebutt had a nice "Sailing Shorts" article about the event:

* (June 27, 2007) A year after a microburst tornado storm damaged or destroyed much of the fleet at the 2006 Flying Scot North American Championship (NAC) in Marblehead, Massachusetts, local and national sailors gathered at Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville VA for the 2007 NAC, the largest in history on the 50th anniversary of the class. From Sunday through Wednesday, 119 Flying Scots competed in the Piankatank River mouth and Chesapeake Bay just off Middlesex County, Virginia. Winning the Championship Division was Jeff Linton/Amy Linton of …


Noel Clinard on

Flying Scots
Event turnout made championship the largest of its class in the country

Deltaville, VA -- June 28, 2007 -- Local and national sailors completed the largest Flying Scot North American Championship (NAC) in history on the 50th anniversary of that one-design sailboat yesterday at Fishing Bay Yacht Club (FBYC) in Deltaville VA.

From Sunday through Thursday, 119 Flying Scots competed for continental championship honors in 18 races in the Championship, Challenger, Women and Junior Divisions in the Piankatank River mouth and Chesapeake Bay just off Middlesex County, Virginia. Their success stood in marked contrast to the disastrous 2006 NAC in Marblehead, Massachusetts, struck by as microburst tornadic storm that damaged or destroyed much of the fleet.

According to participants, record attendance at …

Flying Scots off Stingray Point

Strother Scott on

Flying Scots
May 13, 2007
By Larry Chowning
"Copyright Southside Sentinel, used with permission."

The Flying Scot North American Championship began Sunday and was due to be completed on Wednesday, June 27, on the Chesapeake Bay and the Rappahannock and Piankatank rivers near Deltaville. Fishing Bay Yacht Club hosted the prestigious event that attracted over 100 boats from yacht clubs across the country. Above, many of the Flying Scots can be seen in the distance from Stingray Point - the eastern tip of Middlesex County in Deltaville.

2007 Junior Week a Success

Eric Powers on

Junior Activities
Its hard to believe another Junior Week has come and gone but hopefully 2007's edition will provide many fond memories for parents and kids to take home with them. This season saw 92 juniors at Junior Week and 23 at Oti Kids. These lucky sailors had lots to choose from, ranging from beginning Optimist to Racing Optimist, Laser and 420 classes. However, non-racers had their time on the water as well with our group sailing classes held on Mobjacks and Flying Scots. Added to this we had great weather and fair winds. This year's event came with all the trappings including some evening revelry with the Ice Man, a very fine dinner, the Leukemia Sail-a-thon and the Tuesday …


A.L. Braun on

Club News


1) Cocktail party foods for 50 guests—retail value $1,500 (donated by Cateraide Fantaste Inc.)

2) Sunset cocktail/hors d’oeuvres cruise for 6 aboard a restored Chesapeake deadrise oyster boat—suggested value $300 (donated by Farinholt and Rogers)

3) DeWalt Heavy-Duty XRP ½” 18-volt cordless hammerdrill/drill/driver kit—retail value $299 (donated by Rapuano family) (see http://www.dewalt.com/us/products/tool_detail.asp?productID=15127 for details)

4) DeWalt Heavy-Duty XRP ½” 18-volt cordless hammerdrill/drill/driver kit—retail value $299 (donated by Rapuano family)

5) iPOD nano (2GB)—retail value $149.95 (donated by Oliver Creative)

6) Gourmet dinner for 8 …

Sailathon update

Sue Willis on

Leukemia Cup
Just wanted to give you a recap of the Sailathon yesterday.  We had GREAT weather and the kids really had a lot of fun.They are all excellent sailors.  The day went along very smoothly.


We collected a total of $2236.00 


We know that there will be additional donations mailed into the office, so we're not done counting yet! Here is a list of awards:


Top Fundraiser: Harrison Burton - $1350 (his money still to be turned in) 

2nd Highest Fundraiser: Ben Shelton

3rd Highest Fundraiser: Drue Bagnal

Youngest Sailor: Nicholas Lennarz age 6

Most Laps: 36 - done by: Austin Powers, Alex Jacob and Jackson Berling


Thanks to Judy, Bob, Arleen and …

Welcome Brochure published for FS North Americans

Strother Scott on

Flying Scots
1.  Noel and his team have published a 20 page Welcome Brochure which we will give you upon arrival - but it might be more fun to have a copy in your car as you drive towards Fishing Bay. It has all the logistical info you need, plus beautiful ads from many of our event sponsors.  You may get a copy - 6 MB download - at the bottom of the list at the top of the NAC event web page - http://www.fbyc.net/fsnacs  specifically at http://www.fbyc.net/Events/2007/06.24.onedesign/Welcome%20Brochure%206MB   Enjoy.
2. Directions to FBYC are available at http://www.fbyc.net/Club/Directions  - maybe you should …

Great Video from Scuttlebutt

Strother Scott on

(June 11-15, 2007) There is something very “Je ne sais quoi” about the French and sailing. Maybe it is their “Laisser-faire” approach, or their sense of “Joie de vivre.” Whatever it is, they seem to have “Carte blanche” in the types of boats they sail and design. Simply said, everything seems very edgy, and this video (3:42 minutes) is a reflection of this. Watching the high-speed ocean-going monohulls, catamarans, and trimarans, plus windsurfing and kiteboarding, mixed with the song ‘Absolutely Everybody’ by Vanessa Amorosi, will leave you feeling very… French.


catesby jones on

Flying Scots
Hull Number 1, built 50 years ago, to compete during 50th Anniversary of Flying Scot June 24-27, 2007

Deltaville, VA – Harry Carpenter, president of Flying Scot, Inc, has registered the first Flying Scot built, Hull number 1, named First “One,” to compete at the 2007 Flying Scot North Americans scheduled for June 24-27 at Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville, VA. In another first, First “One,” at 50 years old, has never competed in a North American event.

The event, held in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the Flying Scot, has set an unprecedented number of registrants making this one of the largest national regattas in its class. More than 100 boats are expected to vie for over 30 …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Every day on the water is a good day.  Yesterday was a  g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s  day - perfect for all the dads on Dads Day!
On this coming Sunday, June 24, more than 100 Flying Scots will begin competition for their North American Championship at Fishing Bay Yacht Club.  The Women's and Juniors'  titles will be determined on Sunday, and racing for the overall championship will go from Monday thru Wednesday.  The Flying Scot Class celebrates the 50th Anniversary this summer.
Two Races for Good Causes in the Southern Bay: 
  • YORK RIVER CUP:  Mike Austin, Movin' On (Beneteau FC8)  won the York River Cup and PHRF Spinnaker (A, B, C combined), but the big winner …

Cruising to Jamestown

George Burke on

Cruising News
Logging 198 miles round trip, 7 FBYC boats (Nugget, Reveille, Celebration, The Stray, Anneleise, American Pie, and Wings) participated in the cruise to Jamestown. Besides their days of touring outstanding exhibits (e.g. the new Jamestown Archerarium, an opportunity for dialogue with archeologist William Kelso, a visit to the magnificent new Monitor exhibit at the Mariner’s Museum in Newport News, flight simulator rides at the Hampton Air and Space Museum), the cruisers enjoyed the reciprocating hospitality of the Warwick Yacht Club, the Hampton Yacht Club, and also “enjoyed” the wind tunnel simulator created by Mother Nature when she dropped a 50 knot microburst, accompanied by its own light show, while the fleet lay at anchor near the mouth of …

North Carolina Barbecue at Yankee Point

George Burke on

Cruising News
On May 27th 2007, 40 FBYC cruisers representing 14 boats joined 35 members of the Yankee Point Yacht Club at the Yankee Point facility for an after Rosegill cruise and dinner. Organized by Charlie and Stella Jones and hosted by YPYC Commodore and FBYC member Charles Lytton and wife Carol, the cruise brought together 2 vibrant groups for one of our cruising division’s largest turnouts of the season. Some attributed this to the charm of Meyers Creek and the YPYC facility, others to the well marketed lure of North Carolina Barbecue obtained by Charlie Jones. Whatever the reason, FBYC sailors once again proved that conviviality is contagious among sailors. Participating boats were Java Jibe, Reveille, Obsession, American Pie, Pharos …

Sailing This Tuesday Evening

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing
The FBYC Laser Fleet would like to invite junior parents and any other sailors out for some evening racing on Lasers and 420’s Tuesday, June 19. We’ll get a lot of fun, informal races in with the first start just off the dock at 6pm. We’ll have an informal skipper’s meeting at 5:00 to review rabbit starts or whistle starts. We’ll race until we run out of light or wind.

This event was a big success last year and we hope with all of the parents in town for junior week that this year will be just as good. If you don’t have a laser, try to beg/borrow one of you can …

History of the America's Cup Races 1851 - 2007

Strother Scott on

From Gary Jobson and Jobson Sailing Inc. For more info - please visit our website www.jobsonsailing.com

This one hour program will air on ESPN Classic on Saturday, June 16 at 11:00am and again on Friday, June 22 at 11:00pm et.

This special features interviews with many of the top names in sailing including Alinghi owner Ernesto Bertarelli, BMW Oracle Racing Chairman Larry Ellison, past America's Cup champions Ted Turner, Dennis Conner, Russell Coutts, Bill Koch, Halsey Herreshoff, Gary Jobson, Tom Whidden, David Elwell, designer Olin Stephens, journalists John Rousmaniere and Peter Montgomery and painter John Mecray

The program is narrated by America's most esteemed television journalist Walter Cronkite. Newly discovered footage, and photographs highlight the …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters