4th Annual Smal Boat Festival and Instruction, June 1

Joe Roos on

Club News

Looking to move beyond racing? Need a low-pressure way to give someone (Grandchild, friend, etc) a Fishing Bay/Piankatank experience? Or just want to try your hand at sailing?

The Fishing Bay Yacht Club Annual Small Boat Festival is your answer! 



FB Scot 2.JPG


What :  Fun Sail with family/friends, followed by great food/social. Bring a boat or use a Club Boat. Limited spaces available for in boat coaching.

Who Should Come:  members and non-members, Sailor or Sailor wanabee's, their friends and family (Kids and Grandkids encouraged).

When:  June 1, 2024-- Arrive 10:00, wrap up with social around 16:00 

Where:  Meet in Main Club House, sail the Piankatank, return for food/more fun

To help planning and as a courtesy …

Sign up for the many Memorial Weekend Festivities--Don't miss out!

Elizabeth Staas on

Clubhouse News

Memorial Weekend Activities and links to register:


Open House Regatta and Party – Our famous Sunflower Raft-up! Sunday, May 26  Members are encouraged to bring friends and family!  Ships’ Store will be OPEN.

Regatta and Dinner Sign-ups Here:  https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/27899

Volunteer Opportunities Sign-Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080C4FA5AA2BA4FF2-49233246-2024#/


Questions about Sunflower Raft-up – David Hinckle is our Raft-Up Marshall david@bpsva.com  Cellular: (804) 370-7650 or reach out the afternoon of the event on Channel 71 to ensure your boat is directed to the best spot based on size/current configuration.


FBYC Family and Junior Alumnae Regatta - Saturday, May 25.  Upcoming Details can be found here: https://www.fbyc.net/events/2024/240525-onedesign-family-junior-alumni-regatta/


Annual Club Membership …

2024 One Design Spring Series #2 and ILCA Spring Regatta

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing

FBYC had a picture perfect day with plenty of wind for racing on Sunday. With winds in the 12-14 range out of the south 4 ILCA and 3 Melges 15 ventured out for 5 races over the course of the afternoon.




Thanks to David Clark for heading up the RC as well as all of the folks who helped.



One Design Spring Series Results

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing


LAST SUNDAY the Melges 15 fleet and the Flying Scot fleet kicked off the One Design sailing season with Spring Series #1. 4 races were sailed in 4-8 knots from the west before the wind did an about face and we had a sea breeze in April.


In the 8-boat Flying Scot fleet it was Len and Barb Guenther who won 3 out of 4 races for the overall win. Hal Starke & Rick Peterson had mostly top 3 finishes to finish in 2nd by 1 point. 3rd was a tie between Rick & Sharon Bauer and Tracy Schwarzschild with the tiebreaker going to the Bauers. Phill Web won the 4th race and finished in 5th.



Madeleine Garrett put on …

4th Annual Small Boat Festival and Instruction June 1 - Reserve your spot before they are gone

Elizabeth Staas on

Club News

Event Type: A small boat rendezvous with in boat coaching available for the those new to sailing or just wishing to up their skill levels. This family-oriented event is open to all small boat sailors and sponsored by FBYC Adult Sailing.  The event will feature small boat day sailing, destination cruising, critter ID and other fun on and off the water.  Sail your boat or take out a FBYC Flying Scot. Custom in boat coaching available for beginning sailors.

Enjoy a relaxed day on the water and ashore at the most beautiful club on the Chesapeake. Learn about our Adult Sailing School, Club Boats, sailing clinics, fun sails and other club opportunities.  Come out to sail & meet other sailors …

Memorial Weekend---so much to do!

Elizabeth Staas on

Club News

FBYC offers our Fantastic Race, Sunflower Raft-up and Party Sunday, May 26.  Here are the details---sign up to reserve a spot for you, family and friends---our membership is encouraged to bring friends to enjoy all that FBUC has to offer.


FBYC Family and Junior Alumnae Regatta - Saturday, May 25.  Upcoming Details can be found here: https://www.fbyc.net/events/2024/240525-onedesign-family-junior-alumni-regatta/

Annual Club Membership Update Monday, May 27 - Main Clubhouse Upstairs 9-10AM  Make sure you attend to hear all upcoming FBYC Planning as well as recent activities/successes.






FBYC offers Race Committee 101 Sessions---c'mon and join!

Elizabeth Staas on

One Design Racing

Race Committee 101 Workshop

Have you ever wanted to be part of the Race Committee but did not know how/where the on-ramp was to get involved?  As a racer, have you ever been puzzled by a Race Committee decision on the course and wondered why they did what they did?  Have you ever wondered how races were set up, executed, or what all those people on the Signal Boat and Mark boats were up to?

Now is your chance to find answers to these questions as the Race Management Team will offer a “Race Committee 101” Training workshop... twice!!... to maximize participation.

  • Monday, May 27, FBYC Clubhouse, 2nd Floor, 12-2 pm
  • Sunday, June 2, FBYC Clubhouse, 2nd Floor, 12-2 …


David Tabor on

Club News

Since two boats is one too many, DIANTHUS, our CS36M is for sale. I would love for someone from the club to buy her.  Currently on Middle Dock until we move the J42 down.

Successful racing career, Multiple class firsts and seconds. Raced Three times in the single/double handed Bermuda 1-2 Race

Listed with YAZU of Deltaville. $59,900   Or contact me, Dave Tabor for more details   703.203.6640


Mr. Roberts in Jackson Creek

Jon Deutsch on

Club News

See what it's like to drive Mr. Roberts out of the dock and through the Jackson Creek Channel with this 360 video in 8k.

If you are watching in the YouTube app with your phone you can swipe around to see different views or even swing your phone around. On the web you can use your cursor to pan or you could even use a VR headset.


Opening Day, Blessing of the Fleet and Dinner (register for dinner before 4/16)

Elizabeth Staas on

Clubhouse News

Opening Day is right around the corner----reserve your spot! 

Don’t miss out on joining your fellow sailors on and off the water in our time-honored Opening Day Regatta, Blessing of the Fleet and Social!

Register Here to Race and/or Buy Meal Tickets from the Storefront

*If registering just for Dinner and/or Drink Tickets click on above link and then 'View Online Storefront"

Please Note: Reservations for Dinner will close Tuesday, April 16.

Opening Day Schedule

Flag Raising & Skippers Meeting

Warning for the first start

Opening Day Social Events:

1630: Ric's Place Bar open

1730: Blessing of the Fleet (Bar will be closed during the Blessing of the Fleet)

1800 - 1930: Dinner catered by Morrisey's …

One Design Spring Series starts April 28

Elizabeth Staas on

One Design Racing

Make sure you register to RACE in the upcoming One Design Spring Series.  Spring Series 1 is April 28.


Register here:  https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/27825

FBYC encourages Racers & Cruisers to compete in SBRW

Elizabeth Staas on

Offshore Racing

Our friends in the Southern Bay are inviting FBYC Racers and Cruiser/Racers to head south for their Annual Southern Bay Race Week (SBRW) held May 31 - June 2.  Hosting clubs are Hampton Yacht Club, Cruising Club of Virginia and Old Point Comfort Yacht Club.  See below for their flyer and head south for a great event!  This is a PHRF and Cruising Spin/Non-Spin Event!

SBRW Flyer - HYC 2024_Page_1.png


SBRW Flyer - HYC 2024_Page_2.png

SBRW - CRU DIV GUIDE 2024 document.png









Opening Day is right around the corner--sign up now and reserve your spot!

Elizabeth Staas on

Offshore Racing

Make sure to register for Opening Day at Fishing Bay!  We start the day with an Offshore Race around Government markers----come shake out your sails---all PHRF, non-spin and Cruising Classes welcome.  Blessing of the Fleet, Social and Dinner open to all.


Register to Race here:  https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/27831

Register for just social/dinner here via  'View Online Storefront"  https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/27831

Event Schedule  https://www.fbyc.net/events/2024/240420-offshore-opening-day/


Pic for Opening Day




FBYC Yard Storage for Member Boats

Donna Mason on

Club News

The spring sailing season is right here.  If you've been to the club recently, you may have noticed that the yard is looking pretty full...and not all of our boats are on the yard yet.

If you are a leaseholder, your renewal included a 2024 sticker.  We need you to get that on your boat in the rear starboard corner.

By opening day, less than four weeks from now, we will have reconciled the stickered boats on the yard to the known leaseholders list.  Boats without leases, will be moved to the drysail area until leases and proof of insurance can be obtained.

The club policy requires trailers to be in roadworthy condition.  As part of the spring yard …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters