Annual Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta folks did their share in
contributions through entry fees for a special and significant event.
Plans were to race Saturday and Sunday, but, as so often happens, Mother nature
had a lot to say about that. There was a dearth of wind both days (other
than during the super thunder boomer on Saturday) in the Chesapeake
off Stingray Point. Sometimes, it just goes that way. On Saturday,
one very short race was completed on the Classic and Cruising Fleets
course. On Sunday, the same folks managed two more short races for a 3
race series. On the PHRF and One-Design Course, it …
At the Gala dinner at Stingray Point Marina on Saturday, Leukemia Cup Regatta Co-Chairs Judy Buis and Carolyn Schmalenberger announced that Rob Whittet and Wavelength was the top fund-raising boat! He has raised 89% on his web site, but with late donations at the event and Friday night auction, his total was over $11,000.
Congratulations to Rob, seen pictured in the back row in sunglasses and a blue shirt.
It may not be fair to promote one Leukemia Cup competitor fundraising efforts over another on the FBYC website, but life is also not always fair. Particularly to those close to us - like Rob Whittet, skipper of Wavelength. Please visit
his Leukemia Cup fundraising site where you can read his story, which includes the following quote:
This year, I registered as I always have, but things changed suddenly and drastically for me on June 9th following routine blood work. A life-threatening platelet level sent me straight to the hospital, where for over two weeks I underwent an escalating series of tests and treatments that finally culminated in surgery, biopsies, and confirmation of an earlier suspicion: Ive got lymphoma.
The Welcome Program has just been published and a hard copy will be included in the registration packet for each sailor. The Program contains vital information regarding the logistics of the site. Please peruse it carefully before you leave home or en route as it will substantially facilitate a smooth arrival. Additional copies will also be available for purchase at the regatta tent. The program features information about Fishing Bay Yacht Club and the regatta including the schedule, a site map, as well as advertisements from many of the Sponsors and Local Hosts who have made this event possible.
Download a PDF version of the Welcome Program here.
Ramp 3 of the Opti Nationals launch site at Deltaville Boatyard is almost complete, thanks to the efforts of Ric Bauer, site manager, and a large crew of able volunteers. This is the third of three temporary ramps built specifically for this event at substantial cost and effort. We should all be grateful to Deltaville Boatyard and its slip holders for allowing these projects to proceed. Twelve more days to liftoff!
Stingray Harbour Yacht Club and Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Two days of
racing, classes for PHRF A, B, C, and Non-Spin, a Classic division, and a
Cruising Class. There will be one-design racing for classes with at
least 5 boats. For information contact Laura Boone at (804)
627-0400, x-6707, OR Sue Willis at (804) 627-0400,
x-6711. And, remember, for Hampton Roads and York River area
racers, Fishing Bay is 6-7 hours closer to Solomons Island for Screwpile
the following week (July 18, 19, and 20). A perfect hop
Commonwealth of Virginia Junior Sailing
Championships …
Patrick J. Karn passed away on July 2, 1010 at St. Marys Hospital. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Peggy C. Karn; his sons, Patrick Jr., Michael, Jamie and Tim; his daughter, Julie Chapman; and his grandchildren, Mackenzie, Moriah, Sam, Kimber, Ian, Noah and Mason Jr.
Pat was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin where he lived until he joined the U.S. Army in 1951. He met Peggy while serving as a Lieutenant and engineer aboard a ship based near Richmond. He moved to Richmond to marry Peggy and this is where they made their home and raised their children. Pat was an entrepreneur, having …
From Lewis Toms comes the following: Rives
Potts, native Richmonder and longtime member of Fishing Bay Yacht Club
who grew up sailing on the Southern Chesapeake Bay, won [his class and
his division in] the prestigious Newport to Bermuda Yacht Race on
Carina. Included in his crew were FBYC members
Will Crump, his wife Marie Klok Crump and one
of his sisters, Cyane Crump. Marie's brother Thomas
Klok, who has frequently sailed at Fishing Bay, was also among the crew, along
with two of Rives' sons and others. Potts' McCurdy and Rhodes Custom 48
footer, commissioned in May of 1969 was …
did Carina do all that? A lot of people have
been asking this question at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club since Rives
Pottss 48-foot sloop finished the Bermuda Race on Tuesday morning
and, that evening, became the winner of the St. Davids Lighthouse
refers to two things. First theres Carinas domineering
victory margin of more than three and a half hours. To put this in
in Class 4 the top 10 places fit under a tent of only three hours, with
first-place Windborns margin over second-place Lapin
exactly 11 seconds. Then theres this: Carina had all …
Note from Strother - among the crew blending four families - were FBYC Members Rives Potts and his two sons, Allen and Walker, Will Crump and his wife Marie Klok Crump and his sister Cyane Crump (all three FBYC members) and Marie's brother Thomas Klok, who has frequently sailed at FBYC.
Just rec'd the following from Cyane --- "Strother - thanks so much for cheering us on. Yesterday was a stressful day as we sweated out the other boat's finishes. This was really a great experience and I am so excited for Rives. Cyane"
Carina has won the St. Davids Lighthouse Division in the 2010 Newport Bermuda …
There will be a $5 dinner served at the club at 5:30 p.m. before the Moonlight Regatta on Saturday, June 26. Freda Cross plans to serve bratwurst, German potato salad and beans. Please sign up at www.fbyc.net for the race. Theres no way to sign up for the dinner; however, it would be helpful if you could send a headcount for your boat of those likely to be at the dinner to Freda Cross at fjcross@ymail.com or give her a call at 804-749-8502 (local call from Richmond).
Charles A. Lytton of 13610 Hailsham Circle, Midlothian, VA 23113, died on June 20, 2010. He is survived by his wife of 31 years, Carol L. Lytton. Charles received his BS from Virginia Tech and was President and CEO of Woolfolk Properties, Inc. at the time of his death.
As avid sailors, Charles and Carol were the owners of Song of Joy, a Tatoosh 42. In 1992, the Lyttons joined Yankee Point Yacht Club where they were the recipients of cruising awards in 1999 and 2001. In 2000, YPYC awarded them the much coveted Commodores Trophy. Charles served as Commodore of YPYC in 2006 and 2007 where he …
"While the focus of attention has been on the big, Open Division boats,
Carina, a Class 3 McCurdy & Rhodes 48 skippered by Rives Potts, appears to
have made the most of the Gulf Stream. At 15:00 EDT today, Carina was an
incredible 60 miles ahead of Triple Lindy, the next boat in her class, and
is now within 300 nautical miles of Bermuda. This is the biggest lead in any
class at this time."
3:00 PM 6:00 PM at FBYC
Music Provided by Chris Stanley and Out on A Limb
Club Members $8 plus your favorite side dish (bring enough to share)
Non Members $10
Children 12 and under $3 plus your favorite dessert (bring enough to share)
Hamburgers, Hotdogs, and Drinks will be provided by FBYC
Register and pay online at http://www.fbyc.net or
Mail checks and reservations to Brownie Watkins
405 Glenwood Lane
P.O. Box 54
Irvington VA 22480
The FBYC Laser Fleet would like to invite junior parents and any other sailors out for some evening racing Wednesday, June 23. Well get a lot of fun, informal races in with the first start just off the dock at 6pm. If you don't have a boat, come anyway and we'll find everyone a club or loaner boats to get everyone out on the water.
Well have an informal skippers meeting at 5:00. And the first warning will be at 6. Well race until we run out of light or wind.
A number of Laser Fleet regulars will be joining us and this is a great opportunity to get on the water for …
This summer Fishing Bay Yacht Club Teams are going green! We encourage the sailors to bring one or two reusable water bottles to practice each day. There will be a container provided for refilling with ice water. If anyone has extra water bottles, please bring them for anyone who needs or forgets them. Practicing this will reduce the amount of plastic used throughout the summer and the amount of litter we put in the water and on land. After all, the Chesapeake Bay is our bay and we need to take care of it! Thank You.
Whose house this is I do not know
His house right on the interstate
From Rochester to Fishing Bay
And trucks are whizzing by my ear.
My little boat must think it weird
To stop along the road like this
Without a drop of water near
But I have memories to take.
She gives her shrouds a tinkling shake
As semis zoom around her wake
The only other sounds the sweep
Of mountain wind in twinkling sun.
This porch is lovely and shade is deep
But I have miles to go before I sleep.
On Monday and Tuesday, your FBYC/NYYC Campaign representative drove 1000 miles to Rochester, NY and back along the stunning route of proposed Interstate 99 …
We are currently recruiting dedicated, experienced sailors for our 2010-2011 Race Team. In the past year, Junior John Mellnik (finalist in the 2008 US Men's Championship and the 2006 Jr. Singlehanded Championship), has completely overhauled our team structure--organizing bi-weekly practices, acquiring new sails, designing team pennies, and providing experienced tactical instruction on & off the water.
We are hoping to build a program that attracts enthusiastic, knowledgeable athletes who are interested in improving as racing sailors and becoming part of a team that is competitive in the ACC and greater Southeastern conferences. If any of your Junior sailors are attending (or considering attending) UNC-Chapel Hill, please have them contact me.
PRIVATE SAILING LESSONSCori Radtke, our Opti Development Coach, will offer private sailing lessons this summer.
Coris coaching duties will have her busy for about four hours each day on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and a series of away Regattas. She will be available during non-coaching and traveling time for Private Sailing Lessons.
Cost is $30.00 per hour.
How do I sign up?
· Sign Up beginning June 12th
· Contact Cori: email Cradthesailor@gmail.com or cell phone (804) 586-6414
About Cori Radtke
Cori started sailing when she was 6 and is inseparable from the water. She first trained in Optis on Cape Cod and progressed to 420s, Flying Scotts, and Lasers at age 13 upon joining FBYC …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club and Stingray Harbour Yacht Club, co-hosts of the Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta, are preparing for the grand finale of the 2010 Leukemia Cup series of events which takes place over the weekend of July 9-11.
Dont forget to register online by June 15 for the generously discounted early-bird entry fee of only $100 and to have your boats name emblazoned on the ever-popular official Regatta T-shirt. After June 15, the fee increases to $125, and, in addition, youll be forced to employ your calligraphic skills with a marking pen to list your vessel on the shirt.The Leukemia Cup Auction is scheduled for Friday evening, July 9, at the Stingray Harbour Yacht …