Whittemore Shines In The Nood

catesby jones on

Offshore Racing
Whittemore and PatrioCase Whittemore, racing his J29, Patriot, earned second place honors in the J29 Class Series at the NOOD Annual Regatta in St. Petersburg this weekend, narrowly missing first place by 3 points in the six race series. Paul Anderson, racing Titillation, also did well, bringing home a fourth place win, followed by Jay McArdle, racing Fast Lane, in 6th place. Thanks to Clark Dennison (see comments below) for pointing out that new member Dr. Skipper Hope also competed in the J24 Class in Thin Ice, assisted by Mark Wensell and Wes Marshall. Click Read More for more details.

NoodLogo Now in its 16th year, the Sailing World NOOD series is a nine-event racing circuit organized by Sailing World magazine of Newport …

FBYC Board Supports Private Clubhouse Use

catesby jones on

Clubhouse News
FBYC Handbook IconOn Tuesday, February 11 the FBYC Board approved a Clubhouse Use policy supporting private use of the clubhouse. Click Read More... for the complete text of the resolution.


"Our Rules state that the club is open until 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and on Friday and Saturday until 12:00 a.m., until the end of the Frostbite Series. The intent is that the club will be open for use to all members during these times. Also, we should expect the club to be open from mid-April until the end of October.

It is our plan, however, to make the club available to members for private functions, provided these do not unreasonably interfere with members …

Bermuda High A High

catesby jones on

Social Events
Bermuda High Collage As with the mythical diamond in Field of Dreams, they came to the new clubhouse in Deltaville for the annual FBYC Bermuda High party in large numbers. Last Sunday, February 9th, over 100 members and guests attended what all agreed was a "world" class brunch prepared and served by Alain and Nancy Vincey. With a sunlit Fishing Bay sparkling in the background, festivities began upstairs with Bloody Marys and Mimosa Champagne. An excellent video of single-handled round the world sailing was there for entertainment, but many just enjoyed the chance to catch up with old friends. Eggs benedict, sliced tenderloin, and salmon preceded the coup de grace—Alain's French silk pie. Everyone agreed they knew Alain was good, but …

ESPN2 America's Cup 2003 programs

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
Americas CupFollowing is the schedule for ESPN2's America's Cup 2003 programs.
Race 1 - Friday, February 14 at 7:00pm ET (Unofficial FBYC gathering at Bailey's)
Race 2 - Saturday, February 15 at 7:00pm ET (Official FBYC gathering at Bailey's beginning at 6PM)
Race 3 - Monday, February 17 at 7:00pm ET
Race 4 - Wednesday, February 19 at 7:00pm ET
Race 5 - Friday, February 21 at 7:00pm ET
Race 6 - Saturday, February 22 at 7:00pm ET
Race 7 - Monday, February 24 at 7:00pm ET
Race 8 - Wednesday, February 26 at 7:00pm ET
Race 9 - Friday, February 28 at 7:00pm ET


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Friday, February 14th, America's Cup Preview (5 pm) and America's Cup Race #1 (7 pm).  Saturday, February 15th, America's Cup Race #2, (7 pm) (Fishing Bay Yacht Club enthusiasts are convening at Baileys in Richmond.).  Remember, for the Cup coverage, it's Gary Jobson on "The Deuce"!

PHRF FlagsPHRF Spinnaker Fleets splits for 2003 for Region 4 (southern Bay):  PHRF A: Up to 109;  PHRF B: 110 to 160; PHRF C: 161 and above.   These are different from 2002.  And, remember to get your PHRF valid rating for 2003 early.  Most clubs now require a copy …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
NORTH U cometh this Saturday and Sunday - February 8th the North Sails course on "Racing Trim" will be held at the Old Dominion University Sailing Center (Norfolk, VA).  The next day, Sunday, February 9th, the North U. "Cruising Course" will take center stage. For info and registration call 800-347-2457 or check the web site at  www.northu.com   Better do it now, time's growing short!

Miller on Trapeze HUNT-MILLER TAKE 2nd AT ROLEX MIAMI OCR - Four days on the water and 10 races later, southern Chesapeake Bay homies Steve Hunt and Michael Miller took Olympic silver medalist Paul Foerster and Kevin Burnham to the wire, finishing one scant point (24, 25) behind the old dogs.   All this leads up to …

Richmond Winter Rendezvous — Saturday, Feb 15 At Baileys

catesby jones on

Social Events
Baileys-blinkboatmarqueeCome to Bailey's Smokehouse and Tavern, 7502 West Broad next Saturday, February 15 between 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM. Watch the America's Cup Races on Wide Screen TVs, and enjoy FBYC & sailing fellowship. The racing starts at 7:00 PM. As we all know, much of the America's Cup excitement occurs at the start where most of the races are won or lost; so you want to be there early. Club members will be responsible for buying their own beverages and food.

Here's To the Heroes

Randy Alley on

Leukemia Cup
Schmalenbergeredit A full page tribute to the 2002 Volvo Leukemia Cup, top individual fundraisers is featured in the current, February issue of Sailing World. Congrats, and thank you, to FBYC member Carolyn Norton Schmalenberger, who finished tied for 5th in the country with $30,000 raised. Way to go Carolyn!!

CCV & HYC To Hold Free Race Management Seminar March 15

catesby jones on

Offshore Racing
The Cruising Club of Virginia and the Hampton Yacht Club will hold a Race Management Seminar on Saturday, March 15 from 9:30 am—1:30 pm at the Hampton Public Library, Main Branch, Victoria Boulevard, Hampton, Virginia. Click Read More... for more details and to download the PDF flyer with this article. For additional information and to pre-register, contact John McCarthy at (757) 850-4225, or email to mcbear@earthlink.net.

Topics covered will include: Signal Boat Operations, Course Selection and Considerations, Mark Boat Operations, Flags and Signals, Starting Situations, RC Options During the Race, Finishing, Scoring, Paperwork, Publicity, Handling Protests, Grand Finale – Flag and Signal Demo. Each participant will receive a 2003 Race Committee Manual. This seminar is open …

Spring Clean-Up Day - March 29th

Bob Kates on

Club News
Mark your calendar! On March 29th at 9:00 am will be our grounds Spring Clean-Up. Plans are to clean up leaves and other debris from the grounds, plant grass seed, prune shrubs, clean up the porches and outside furniture. So bring your shovels, rakes, chainsaws and hammers to get your club ready for the 2003 season. If anyone would like to donate perennials, such as daylilies or other ground covers, please bring them. Jay Buhl and David Hazlehurst will provide the volunteers with a light breakfast and lunch. Please email Bob Kates at scam97109@yahoo.com or call 804-776-6950 (day or evening) if you will be able to come. If you have …

The 2003 Junior Program Has A Strong Start

catesby jones on

Junior Activities

Ruthanna Jenkins and the Junior Program Staff put on an entertaining and informative program Sunday, February 2 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at the Scott home on St. Andrews Lane for a strong turnout. Juniors and their parents met this year's Club Volunteer Staff—Melanie Crittenden-Race Chairperson, Kelly O'Toole-Social Chairperson, and Noel Clinard- Information Officer.

Ruthanna also introduced this year's two outstanding coaches—Melanie Clore, Head Coach in charge of the 2003 program and Dan Herlihy, 420 Race Coach.

Melanie, who graduates this year with a Masters in English from UR has taught sailing at the Southern Yacht Club in New Orleans, in Marblehead, MA, Mission Bay Yacht Club in San Diego, and at Sail …

The America's Cup at the Leukemia Cup Wine Reception with Gary Jobson, Friday, March 21st, the Mariner's Museum

catesby jones on

Leukemia Cup

Sailing doesn’t get much better than the America’s Cup competition currently being waged in the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. After months of competition among several teams, New Zealand will begin defending the America’s Cup in mid-February, accompanied by lots of thrilling racing action and on-the-water excitement. A winner will be known by the end of February and the highlights of the racing action will have been captured on video to be shared with sailing fans and landlubbers alike.

At the forefront of the America’s Cup action again this year is Gary Jobson, a prominent author, racing sailor, and ESPN analyst. And,after covering the America’s Cup for ESPN, Gary will be coming to Tidewater …

Riddle of the Month

Strother Scott on

arleigh2 arleigh3 Shown at left is the USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) In the February Log is a FBYC Riddle - What is the relationship between the Fishing Bay Yacht Club pool which was christened in 1969 and the USS Arleigh Burke? You are invited to hit Read More below, and then post your answer/guess by clicking Reply at the bottom of the page.

The correct answer, when submitted, will be noted on the web site, or if not sooner, in the March Log.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Key West Race Week Wrap Up:  It seemed fewer than usual southern Bay racers (boats and crew) headed to Key West this year, but those who did had the expected super good time!  In the J/29 one design fleet of 10 boats, Case Whittemore and the Patriot gang finished 4th overall scoring 27 points in their best 7 races (the worst of 8 races being tossed under the throw out provision).  Right behind Case was Paul Andersen and the Titillation bunch, having made a comeback after a day 1 collision with old [now friendly] rival HustlerHustler finished second overall with 14.1 points behind overall winner Rhumb Punch (John Edwards), Bay brethren from Solomon …

MORC Station 70 and FBYC To Sponsor Crew Training

catesby jones on

Club News
TONS OF FUN WITH SAILING! This program is designed to get more active people involved in the wonderful sport of sailing. Classroom sessions review basics of sailboats, sailing and racing. On the water sessions are an opportunity to practice what has been learned in the classroom. Click "Read More" for details of the program and to download the application.

Upon completion of the program, we will assist in placing you (if you wish) as crew on an available boat racing out of Fishing Bay Yacht Club. All types of boats are used for racing; large custom yachts, cruising/racing yachts and smaller one-design yachts. It is preferred that you have some sailing experience and are comfortable with the open water …

FBYC Hosts Bermuda High Party on February 9

catesby jones on

Social Events
Fishing Bay Yacht Club will host the Bermuda High Party on Sunday, February 9 from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM at the clubhouse in Deltaville. FBYC Chef Alain Vincey is preparing a world class buffet brunch. The cost will be adults $20 and children $10. Non-members and guests are welcome. Dress is casual and Champagne and Bloody Marys are included. For other spirits, bring your own. Please RSVP to Alain Vincey by February 6 at anvincey@attbi.com or 804-512-3307.

Tired Lines not Humerous

Gil Miles on

Club News
Just a seasonal reminder to check your mooring lines (as Chapman's refers to them) or dock lines (as most of us refer to them) whether your boat is in a slip or on the beach, winter winds and tides put heavy strain on lines. Especially, when most of us are not thinking of sailing in the least. A simple check might save damage. At a minimum, please inspect your bow, stern and spring lines. The single purpose for this inspection is potential "line failure", whether it is for now or in the future. All owners should know the proper type and size line for their particular situation.

Take special care to check for line fatigue, chaffing and rot. Many …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Saturday night Fishing Bay Yacht Club wined and dined in fine fashion 60+ CBYRA High Point award winners, friends, and families in their new clubhouse.  The snow outside made the event even more memorable and the blazing fire in the fireplace even more comforting.  Special kudos to FBYC Commodore Dick Cole and event honcho Tom Roberts.  The thermometer near the Little Sue Exxon on Fishing Bay Road read 13 degrees when the party broke up.

Congratulations! CBYRA Region 4 High Point Winners John Hanna, Leroi Lissenden, Rusty Burshell, Dave McConaughy, Bill Peach, Meg Roberts, and Mark Wheeler.  REGION 4 AWARD RECIPIENTS:   North Division - PHRF Spinnaker:  1. Leroi Lissenden (RSA), Voodoo Chile; 2. Waddy Garrett …

West Marine to Acquire Boat U.S. Retail, Catalog & Wholesale Operations

Strother Scott on

This will be interesting to see how it develops in DeltavilleWATSONVILLE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 14, 2003--West Marine, Inc. (Nasdaq:WMAR - News) announced today that the Company will acquire BoatU.S. retail stores, catalog sales and wholesale operations for $72 million in cash and the assumption of certain liabilities. Boat Owners Association of the United States (BoatU.S.) will continue to operate its Association which represents the interests of, and offers numerous services to, boaters across the country. In making the announcement, John Edmondson, CEO of West Marine, said, "This acquisition marks a major milestone in the evolution of the boating products industry."

Edmondson characterized the deal as "a long-term strategic alliance that will enable both West Marine and …


Alain Vincey on

Social Events
SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 3 P.M. Winter Program at the clubhouse in Deltaville will feature heavy hors d-oeuvres by Alain Vincey (BYOB) and a presentation of first-class European sailing action. Film features include Trimaran Open Class 60 and America's Cup Jubilee in England 2001. This should be a fun time and I hope to see you there.

Alain Vincey, Winter Program Chairman

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters