Crew Training Registration Is Open!

Lauren DeSimone on

Team Racing

FBYC Fall Race-crew training


Rain or shine, life's better outside. Fishing Bay Yacht Club (FBYC) invites you to come sailing with us.

Learn to sail or improve your skills with our popular annual sailing course for anyone interested in a team sport that will challenge the most competitive and give a lifetime of enjoyment to anyone who loves outdoor sports and good fun.

WHO: Beginners and intermediate sailors/crew.

WHEN: Tuesdays 6:30 to 9:00 pm on March 20; March 27; April 3

WHERE: Richmond, VA (optional on-water practice sessions in Deltaville, VA)

To register or learn more about the sailing course, visit the FBYC website.


Offseason Update

Brian Ankrom on

Club News

Schedule of Upcoming Events

Tue, Mar 6 - Crew Training (Classroom Session 1)
Wed, Mar 7 - Winter Program (Jay Fleming on "Working the Water")
Tue, Mar 13 - Crew Training (Classroom Session 2)
Tue, Mar 20 - Crew Training (Classroom Session 3)
Sat, Mar 24 - Bermuda High Party
Sat, Apr 7 - Crew Training (On-Water Session 1) & Welcome Cruisers Party
Sat, Apr 14 - Crew Training (On-Water Session 2)
Sat, Apr 21 - Opening Day
Sun, Apr 22 - Spring Series 1


This week’s Offseason Update:

  • East Dock demolition & initial floating dock assembly is complete.  Contractors will begin driving piles next week.  Feel free to stop by the Club to see the progress but mind the muddy grounds and be careful to avoid the …

Leukemia Cup Regatta Kick Off Celebration

Rob Whittemore on

Club News

Please join us for the 20th Anniversary Southern Chesapeake

Leukemia Cup Regatta Kick Off Celebration

Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Triple Crossing Brewery - Fulton

5203 Hatcher Street, Richmond, VA 23231

We will be kicking off the 2018 Leukemia Cup Regatta fundraising season, sharing LLS updates, and offering incentives for registering your boat!

Attendance is free for all with complimentary dinner & a cash bar.

Please RSVP by February 27 to Katey Sanders at or 804.774.2257

Visit to register today!

Notice to Slipholders: Space Heater Update

Tracy Schwarzschild on

Club News

We have received some constructive feedback to the newly circulated lease provision banning the use of space heaters at the yacht club docks.  In light of that feedback, we have done some additional review and believe that the new lease restriction and related rules should be relaxed to address the concerns expressed by a number of slip holders.

Safety is our concern, but we recognize that each slip holder is ultimately responsible for the selection and proper use of equipment on board boats docked at the Club’s facilities. Accordingly, the Board has approved the adoption of a new Club Rule that will have the effect of nullifying the lease restriction on the use of space heaters and similar devices …

Offseason Update

Brian Ankrom on

Club News

This week’s update:

  • Demolition of the old east dock is complete & the new floating dock is being assembled.  Feel free to stop by the Club to see the progress but mind the muddy grounds and be careful to avoid the construction site, dock sections in slips, and the Dry Sail Lot staging area.
  • We will be replacing the bathhouse roof this Spring.  Stay tuned for updates on these projects.
  • I will be on site three days per week (usually Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) during the offseason.  I can also be here by appointment.  I will be monitoring my email & voicemail periodically when I’m not on site.  Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance …

2017 Financial Results

Rob Whittemore on

Clubhouse News

Dear members of FBYC: 

As part of a continuing effort to provide greater visibility into the finances of the club, we have prepared a summary overview of our 2017 financial results.

We have continued to offer a high level of service to our membership, which comes at increased costs. Your board is doing everything possible to manage our expenses in a prudent manner. Additionally, we are planning on several capital improvements including the new floating dock and facility maintenance work this year that requires significant cash outlays, and we are tightly adhering to our planned budget for the spending.

Our biggest challenge is increasing revenues to keep pace with the ever increasing level of expenses. The biggest thing you the …

Offseason Update

Brian Ankrom on

Club News

This week’s update:

  • Demolition of the old east dock continues this week.  Feel free to stop by the Club to see the progress but mind the muddy grounds and be careful to avoid the construction site, dock sections in slips, and the Dry Sail Lot staging area.
  • I will be on site three days per week (usually Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) during the offseason.  I can also be here by appointment.  I will be monitoring my email & voicemail periodically when I’m not on site.  Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance, notice a maintenance need, or have any questions.

Please stay posted for other offseason updates from FBYC,

- Brian James Ankrom, FBYC General Manager

Offseason Update

Brian Ankrom on

Club News

This week’s update:

  • The trees along the Jackson Creek bulkhead and in the drain field have been cut down.  Please be mind your footing around the ground stumps.
  • Demolition of the old east dock begins this week.  The main sections of the new dock have been launched and are tied in slips while the finger piers are still stacked in the Dry Sail Lot.   Feel free to stop by the Club to see the progress.  Please be careful and avoid the East Dock construction site, dock sections in slips, and the Dry Sail Lot staging area.
  • I will be on site three days per week (usually Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) during the offseason.  I can also be here by …

Follow Up Notice to Slip Holders

Rob Whittemore on

Clubhouse News

Following up on a previous notice where we announced the prohibition of the use of space heaters aboard boats at the club, a committee has been formed to re-examine this issue and the board will be reviewing their recommendation at the next board meeting in February. If a “safe” heater standard is approved, all slip holders we receive an addendum to their lease which will need to be signed and returned to the club. 

Please realize we are trying to address a potential safety concern at our docks. 

As always please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Rob Whittemore -- Commodore

Offseason Update

Brian Ankrom on

Club News

This week’s update:

  • The toilets have been replaced in the downstairs & upstairs bathrooms of the Clubhouse.  Please conserve energy by keeping the Clubhouse doors shut.
  • Sections of the floating dock arrived last week and are stacked in the Dry Sail Lot.   A set of nine trees encroaching on the bulkhead and drain field have been tagged with red ribbons will be cut in the next couple of weeks.  Please be careful and avoid the East Dock construction site, the Dry Sail Lot staging area, and the trees tagged for removal.
  • I will be on site three days per week (usually Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) during the offseason.  I can also be here by appointment.  I will be monitoring …

Notice to Jackson Creek Slip Holders

Rob Whittemore on

Club News

All Jackson Creek slip holders will soon be receiving (or have received) their 2018 slip lease agreement. In a continuing effort to improve the quality of our operations and member experience, we have made some changes to the lease agreement. 

  1. The new lease will auto-renew and not need to be signed every year. Annual proof of insurance will still have to be submitted to the club.
  2. You will also notice the use of space heaters on any boat is now prohibited.
  3. Finally, the club now reserves the right to charge for electricity usage above and beyond a reasonable level. This change only applies to boats on the new east dock, which will have metered slips.

Additionally, we will also be …

Offseason Update

Brian Ankrom on

Club News

This week’s update:

  • Winterization of the water system is complete.  Water has been shut off to the Jackson Creek docks, the Fishing Bay pier, and the Bathhouse.  The Bathhouse has been locked for the winter.
  • Sections of the floating dock are scheduled to arrive this week and will be unloaded by crane into Jackson Creek from the Dry Sail lot.  A set of nine trees encroaching on the bulkhead and drain field will be cut this winter.  These trees have red ribbons tied around them.  Please be careful and avoid the East Dock construction site, the Dry Sail Lot staging area, and the trees tagged for removal.
  • I will be on site three days per week (usually Monday, Wednesday …


Rob Whittemore on

Club News


Saturday, January 20, 2018 – hosted by Hampton Yacht Club

Deadline for Registration – January 15, 2018


This seminar gives an in-depth look at race management and why race committees do what they do., i.e. sailing instructions, people and equipment, setting good courses with proper lines and legs, good starting sequences (and recalls), changing and shortening courses, and finishing the race.  There is something here for everyone wanting to be a more knowledgeable member of the race committee, not just the PROs.


Also, the seminar meets the course requirements for folks wanting to certify (or re-certify) as a Club Race Officer.


All materials, deli-bar lunch, plus coffee, pastries, etc. throughout the day are included …

Offseason Update

Brian Ankrom on

Clubhouse News

This week’s update:

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday season so far and are looking forward to the new year!

The Club boats and docks are being winterized.  Please be advised, water is not available on the Jackson Creek docks, the Fishing Bay pier, exterior faucets, or the hydrants.  The Bathhouse has also been closed for the winter.

Please continue to be careful and avoid the East Dock construction site as well as the construction staging area in the Dry Sail lot.  Boats in the Dry sail lot will be moved to other areas of the facility to make room.  New dock materials will begin arriving in January.

Please stay posted for other offseason updates from FBYC.

Offseason Update

Brian Ankrom on

Clubhouse News

This week’s update:

  • We are winterizing the facility and water will not be available on the Jackson Creek docks, the Fishing Bay pier, exterior faucets, or the hydrants.
  • Please be careful and avoid the East Dock construction site as well as the construction staging area in the Dry Sail lot.
  • I will be on site three days per week (usually Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) during the offseason.  I can also be here by appointment.  I will be monitoring my email & voicemail periodically when I’m not on site.  Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance, notice a maintenance need, or have any questions.

Please stay posted for other offseason updates from FBYC.

Upcoming Event Schedule

Brian Ankrom on

Club News

Schedule of Upcoming Events
Sat, Dec 8 – Jackson Creek Cruise

Sat, Apr 21 – OPENING DAY 2018!



Weekend Update

The official Club calendar for 2017 has come to a close but stay posted to the FBYC News page for community events this Winter! 


The Deltaville Community Association’s annual Jackson Creek Cruise will be held THIS FRIDAY (rain date Saturday, December 9)!  The deadrises Bethpager and the Rob-Ann-Jay are scheduled for 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 pm. 


Please be advised, tickets for the cruises are currently SOLD OUT but cancellations may make additional tickets available at the door.


In addition, the Rappahannock River Railroad Club will again set up a display of model trains this year in …

Upcoming Event Schedule

Brian Ankrom on

Club News

Schedule of Upcoming Events
Sat, Dec 2 - Offshore Winter Series 3

Sat, Dec 2 - YAM Holiday Gathering



Weekend Update

Everyone will need to choose between two events being held on the final weekend of 2017! 


The final Offshore Winter Series race will be held at the Club.  Race Contact  -  Mike Karn; Social Contact  -  Sharon Bauer.


The Young Adult Members are gathering in Richmond on Saturday.  Everyone is invited to meet at 10am at Lombardy and Broad streets to watch the annual holiday parade.  Continued festivities will be held from 12pm to 3pm at the Durham's.  Social Contacts - Julia & Blake Kimbrough.


2018 Sailing Schedule Posted

Strother Scott on

Club News

The Sailing Events Committee has completed planning the sailing schedule for 2018 and all events are now posted on the website at  Some of the events are:

  • Opening Day and Blessing of the fleet - April 21
  • Open house Regatta - May 27
  • July 4 Long Distance Race and Cookout  - June 30
  • Opti Kids is scheduled for June 9-10 and June 16-17. 
  • Junior Week is planned for June 18-22
  • Leukemia Cup  - July 13-15
  • 79th Annual One Design Regatta  - August 11-22
  • Stingray Point Regatta - J70 Chesapeake Championships - August 31- September 2

Many events link to event webpages, but please understand most content on those page refer to the similar 2017 event. Over the next couple of …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters