This year's first Nor'easter - October 15, 2002

Thank you.
Connie & Tom Swanson, Tropical Trolley
PS I did mention to one member - dock boards were floating, probably need to nail down a few.
Thank you.
Connie & Tom Swanson, Tropical Trolley
PS I did mention to one member - dock boards were floating, probably need to nail down a few.
The Closing Day Regatta was started in a brisk cool breeze under clear skies, a typical fall day on the Chesapeake! Eleven boats started and raced in pursuit format (staggered starts) and raced two laps out in the bay with lots of reaching (great for the non-spinnaker and J-105s) and sailed up into Fishing Bay to finish off the club dock.
There were six spinnaker boats and five non-spinnaker. Shamrock took the honors followed by Eagerness, Wavelength and Loose Cannon. Pictures of the starts, a windward mark rounding and some finishes are posted at
Thanks to Waddy Garret for organizing the 12.9 Mile race course …
Forms should go back to Willard Strickland 218 Ross Road Richmond, VA, 23229 home 804-288-4036 Home fax 804-288-4626 - or you can e-mail Willard .
Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet
Friday October 25, 2002
Country Club of Virginia
6031 Saint Andrews Lane
Annual Meeting & Cocktails begin at 6:30
Dinner 7:00
Awards 8:00 9:00
Coat and Tie Cash Bar
All reservations & payments must be received by Friday, October 18, 2002.
Name: _________________________________Phone:_________________
Adult @ $40 _______________
Childrens Meal (Children under 12) @ $15 ______________
Total Enclosed: $________________ …
In 1976 he purchased RUGOSA (shown at left), winner of the 1928 Bermuda Race, and began a long restoration. In 2001 he sailed her to Cowes to race in the 150th Americas Cup Jubilee, where RUGOSA won first place in the Vintage Yacht Class. His slide presentation will cover the Herreshoff story, the transatlantic trip, and the Americas Cup Jubilee.
The event will be co-sponsored by SunTrust. There will be no specific entry fee, other than a requested voluntary tax-free donation to …
For more information please contact E-mail to James Wroth, Commodore Indian Creek Yachting Association or by phone at 804-435-0376
PIANKATANK TROPHY - recognizes the FBYC skipper who has consistently been …
Thanks to Randy Alley for pointing this out.
You can also check the progress of Alain Vincey in the Master Class at Hyannis at the The Laser Masters 2002 Worlds. He called in to say it is tough going, he capsized 3 times yesterday in a race in 20 knot winds - plus the course is about 8 miles from the beach - so some exhaustion is setting in.
The Wildmans - Art and Jo - on Wild Wind
Saturday featured lots of good racing, lots of wind, and lots of RAIN. We all need the rain so there were no complaints. The committee had divided the entries into 2 fleets. Lud Kimbrough ran the smaller boats - 6 J-24s, 6 MORC and 5 …
On the day prior to the Regatta, Harry Carpenter was invited by John Beery and our Flying Scot fleet to conduct a clinic on Flying Scots. The Flying Scot Fleet must be applauded for getting 25 boats on the line. Harry stayed over for the racing, and after a slow start (5th), he went on to get 5 First Places to win the Flying Scot Fleet for the regatta. David Lee, on Floozies Little …
We look forward to seeing you all.
Case Whittemore, Bob Wardwell and Ron Buchanan traveled to North American Championships in August
From Rochester, the J/29 Fleet Fishing Bays Case Whittemore placed 2nd in the J/29 North Americans, Bob Wardwell finished 4th.
Top 5 finishers were 5th Bruce Lockwoods Tomahawk, 4th Bob Wardwells Killshot, 3rd John Lavins Dirty Harry, 2nd Case Whittemores Patriot and 1st John Espositos Hustler.
In the Lighting Fleet Ron Buchanan and Bob Wardwell traveled to North Cape, Michigan to sail the Lightning North Americans. 116 boats registered for the fierce competition. Bob Wardwell sneaked in to the top flight (North Americans) and Ron Buchanan qualified for the 2nd flight (Presidents Cup …
Patriot will soon be on its way soon to the J-29 North Americans to be held in Rochester, NY on August 16-18. Good Luck!